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Everything posted by MzTori77

  1. I agree. She was told after Tuesday's show, in a meeting with all parties. (Not right before going on-air, as in some reports). What would have been acceptable? A week before the news went public? A month? I don't understand the importance of the time frame. She was informed, then the news went public (or was leaked). And the term "blind-sided" is also a bit dramatic. When you hear news for the first time, does that automatically constitute being blind-sided? Maybe shocked or surprised would have been a better choice of words. Blind-sided sounds like it was deceitful and nefarious.
  2. Anderson Cooper is great with Kelly as a guest host, but I cannot see him as a permanent host. Can you see him doing the crazy Halloween skits?? Anderson is a serious news guy. I can't see him in a wig and a dress as Lady Gaga or Hillary Clinton LOL
  3. Saying nothing would have been a better move than that asinine statement. It makes ABC look worse than they already did.
  4. "An ABC spokesperson called Ripa's absence 'a previously scheduled vacation'". Don't insult the viewers' intelligence with that bullcrap. People who watch the show know that Kelly just got back from vacation a couple of weeks ago. ABC is handling this about as well as NBC handled the Ann Curry fiasco.
  5. Just last week, Kelly was saying how she has only taken (I believe) 1 sick day since starting the show. Not that she's never sick, but being the professional that she is, she sucks it up for an hour and goes on, no matter how bad she feels. So I don't think she'll be playing the sick card when she returns! It's not like she would have had to act all happy this morning. She could have come out and shown how devastated and sad she was that Michael was leaving - exactly how everyone would expect her to feel! She must be truly pissed and in a rage to be pulling this stunt!
  6. I agree with you, Topanga. I think Kelly is (was?) crazy about Michael. If not, then she should consider focusing on her acting career, because it was an Academy Award acting job! Michael leaving means that apparently he wasn't as devoted to their partnership as she was. I believe that Kelly considered their relationship as an "on-air marriage" - and this divorce could get bitter. It probably stings that Live turned out to be just a stepping stone to bigger things for Michael, whereas it's the top of the mountain for Kelly. Add in the fact that she was blindsided by the news, and I'm not at all surprised that Kelly was MIA today. As someone earlier said, I'd love to be a fly on the wall in Casa Consuelos today!
  7. I agree, but in this case the baby wasn't just fussy, he was clearly frightened. There was too much going on, and he is too young to be there IMO. If Ginger couldn't take care of him at that moment, she should have kissed his head and handed him right back to Daddy - who should then have gotten him the heck out of there!
  8. Ginger looked so awkward with her crying baby. Like it was someone else's crying baby that was just handed to her, not her own. She made no real effort to soothe him. I don't know if she didn't want her fake tan rubbing off on him or what. But she didn't snuggle him close to her, just kind of held him out and let him cry.
  9. The temp wasn't that low, but boy, was it windy today! That made it feel colder than it actually was. March weather in NOLA can run the gamut! They were lucky it was just a little chilly/windy.
  10. I know, right! I was semi-watching, and thought I noticed that her hair had changed over the commercial break. (I backed it up to make sure) I know it was a "previously recorded" show, and sometimes it's a taped host chat and reruns of interviews. They'll be wearing different clothing during each segment. But today she had the same dress on but a different hairstyle after host chat. Not sure what that was about!
  11. Finnzup, I believe Medicine Crow is referring to Alison Williams, not Kelly. (Regarding her dad and also the Core Four)
  12. The 3 very's piqued my interest. I'm not sure what it means, but I'm wondering if David Muir is gay?
  13. I know who David Muir is......I just didn't think he had the long-standing connection with Kelly that Anderson, Josh, Andy, and NPH do. I stand corrected if he does!I'd like to look the way Kelly COULD look, but not the way she DOES look. Not saying she isn't pretty, but I would not give up the pleasures of life to look like a stick. Just my opinion.
  14. I'm sorry, the absence of any appearance, call, or even mention of Regis today indicates that there is something going on. If it's not with Kelly, then it's with someone else connected with the show. Or maybe it's no one in particular, but he doesn't have fond feelings about his departure. "He who must not be mentioned" has taken on a new meaning! I certainly never felt Kelly owed it to Regis to thank him every day, much less 5 times a day. But on a show like today, a trip down memory lane, a mention of his name at the very least would seem appropriate. It was just strange IMO.
  15. I watched his morning, too. There has to be something to the stories of bad blood between Regis and Kelly/the show. Even if he couldn't show up in person, you would think he would have at least called in. I really kept thinking he was going to pop in as one of the surprise guests. David Muir?? I did enjoy going down memory lane with the show and especially seeing Kelly's kids grow up on TV. Kelly seemed to be genuinely touched and humbled. Having said all that, it is evident that Kelly has not aged as well as she could have. She was adorable - of course it's been 15 years - but if she hadn't gone down the excessive exercise and diet path I think she would look 10 years younger. That whole aspect of her persona - the obvious issues she has with weight and body image and the constant need to portray herself as the life of every party - is the one thing that I dislike about her as a host. I like that she is funny and very quick, but her fixation on being the thinnest and fittest is a big turn-off.
  16. Kelly is not stupid. She has to know it is not the norm for a pre-teen boy to sleep in his Mommy's bed. Of course, they are free to do whatever works in their own home, but I cannot understand why she would share that with the world.
  17. I have thought the same thing for a long time, and I agree with everyone else. She has mentioned Joaquin sleeping in her bed many times, but not as much with Lola. In any case, I would not be telling the world that my almost 13 year old SON sleeps in my bed, EVER!! Can you imagine if his friends got wind of that?? As sweet and innocent as I'm sure it is, there comes a time when a parent must draw the line and realize their children are too old for such things. You can tell that Kelly wants to hang on to her "baby", but she's going to give the poor kid Mommy issues!! I noticed the look on Michael's face, too! You know he was thinking WTF, my lady?!?!??
  18. I left right after it happened, so I didn't know she had to change clothes haha! I thought it got on the bottom of her dress, and she said something about having coffee in her shoes. Didn't think it was bad enough that she had to change.
  19. Ms. Ripa was not amused when the flying balls (you know how she loves to say balls) knocked her mug and coffee spilled on her! Don't think I'd want to be on her bad side!
  20. I thought G Rancic had quit after Zendaya-gate. Was it just K Osborne and K Griffin?
  21. I almost felt bad for Kelly today (well, not really) when they had the fitness guy on today's show. He, Kelly, and Michael were all decked out in their exercise gear and he was showing them ways to get in exercise, by dancing while doing things in their daily routine. In case you weren't aware, Kelly loves to dance! So this was right up her alley - a chance to show off her best moves. But during the whole session, the exercise guy pretty much ignored Kelly as she busted her moves and instead acted pretty much like Michael was the only one there. Stuff like, "That's it, Michael!" and "You've got it, Michael!" Not those exact words, but everything was directed at Michael. I found it amusing that Kelly, who loves to show off her athletic prowess and her dancing ability, was basically ignored.
  22. I have never liked Barrett - he's a good enough singer but he is so smug and full of himself. Someone mentioned his "smarminess" and that is a perfect description! He also reminds me of someone.......I think maybe it's the principal from Ferris Buehler's Day Off?? (Speaking of creepy and smarmy!) But tonight he reached greater heights of douchery with the choking up and fighting off the fake tears after his song. That was about as bogus as you can get. Mr. Drama Teacher would gave given himself an F fir that performance.
  23. How in the hell is Bindi Irwin mentioned in the same sentence as Paula Deen and Andy Dick?? I didn't think she needed image rehabilitation. Has she made racist statements that I'm not aware of? Did she urinate in public and I somehow missed that story? Is she really a polarizing figure where there are pro-Bindi and anti-Bindi factions? I guess I'm one of those old people in middle America and I'm just not in the know LOL. Actually, although I am middle-aged, I think my opinions are far from regressive. Heck, I even voted Democrat in our gubernatorial election last week haha! I enjoy seeing many types of people on DWTS - former athletes, young stars who I've never heard of but come to enjoy on the show, blasts from the past, some of whom I thought were already dead, etc., etc. I love how the season unfolds, and I just love watching people dance!! Good and bad! It's crazy that this show has people up in arms over who is cast and who wins. I can understand why some people on these boards say they have to take a break from time to time.
  24. She 100% did not know beforehand about the picture of her with "her dead father". (As opposed to her living father?) Wow.
  25. That was really odd. I wonder if she is still that ill, or was there some other reason that she didn't want to return. It would have been interesting to see how far she could have gone if she was healthy. She had ability, but probably not enough fan support.
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