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Everything posted by MzTori77

  1. Exactly! Most of host-chat is the two of them talking about stuff that they have little or no experience with. Give us all a break.
  2. I do think Michael is taking a huge risk. I guess the big raise negates any doubts he may have, but he had it made on Live. The audience seemed to love him - and, according to the article, his popularity was soaring. And now he'll be sharing the stage (sofa) with at least 4 other people vying for air time. Michael's appeal is his charm and humor, and I don't know if GMA is the right place to showcase that. I hope he is successful there, but I have my doubts. The article definitely confirms the idea that Kelly is jealous of his rising star, which seems to be the root of the discord between them.
  3. I get what you're saying, they have jokingly talked about Michael's divorces in the past. I think, for me, the difference was how many times in that one little exchange Kelly mentioned him being divorced and her having no take on it. She just kept pressing the point that he has marriage failures, while she has a successful 20 year marriage. I noticed a cattiness in her tone that I'd not seen before with Michael.
  4. In my best Sheldon voice...... "Sarcasm??" ok, never mind, I saw your next post LOL! I thought you were just goofing, ala "I never knew Kelly likes to dance!" I hear her talk about her religion a good bit. Not in the theological sense, but their church-going practice. I never thought about their marriage not being recognized by the church! Maybe they've had it blessed, which I know some couples do.
  5. I don't think it was the weekend apart. I think it had more to do with the backlash Kelly has received over her little "So you've been divorced..." stunt. It was all over the news this weekend, on both entertainment and hard news networks, and she was not made to sound good in any of the reports. I went to the Live Facebook page, and she was criticized pretty harshly by many people on there. (I was actually surprised that the negative comments didn't magically disappear!) I'm sure Kelly is aware that her image has taken a hit over the past week, and she is in damage control mode now. So I believe the return of their good chemistry is just more of the acting job they have apparently been good at for quite some time.
  6. I don't usually quote myself LOL, but I thought about a comment I had made a while back and had to find it. I remembered Kelly being visibly pissed about something and thinking that she had a temper below that bubbly facade. Looks like I was right! Michael is the one on her bad side.
  7. She was told before the public found out. And if what I read is true, the info was leaked to the public shortly after. It was not supposed to have been made public until later. I don't know who is to blame for that, but I doubt it is Michael. If the scene that went down was as explosive as we're hearing, then I doubt it was going to stay hush-hush for long. I dont know what Michael has done in the past, but the key word is PAST. I'm glad this is a world where people are given the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and change. I have not heard Michael's name mentioned in any bad actions or scandal in years. Not saying he's perfect, but until I hear otherwise, I think he is a good person. I don't know anything about his current girlfriend (if dating a younger woman is a crime, then the jails would be even more overcrowded!) or if she is a criminal. That's something I'll have to look up!
  8. I noticed his name is in the spoken opening credits ("with Robin, George, etc.) I don't know when they added Michael's name, but it wasn't included before, and now it is.
  9. The book was ridiculous. And on Tuesday, when she knew the paparazzi would be waiting for her again, she was carrying another book. This time it was Anderson Cooper's book (which you know she has already read). Maybe she got wind of the negative reaction to her book toting stunt a few days earlier, and this was her way of saying to the public, "Guys! Guys! I always carry a book around! There was no ulterior motive or hidden message." I guess I should give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she likes to read a page or 2 while she is being driven those 10 blocks to the studio.
  10. I haven't watched every guest since Kelly came back on Tuesday, but I haven't seen anyone congratulate Michael on his new gig. Normally, I think that is something they would do. Who knows, maybe they are being told in advance not to utter a word about the whole situation - not "Congratulations, Michael!" or even "Welcome back, Kelly!"
  11. I certainly don't think Kelly's statement thanking ABC means that she didn't ask for time off. That really doesn't say anything. Personally, I think she said, in so many words, that she would not be in the next day, or until she felt like coming back. That's how mad I think she was. What choice did ABC have but to "give" her the days off? If ABC gave her time off without her asking, then I agree with goldenpuppy above. She had a reaction so bad that they didn't want to chance how she would act on air the next day.
  12. I think she will address it. I mean, she HAS to! If not, there won't be an elephant in the room, there'll be a herd of elephants in the room! I hold to my guess that she'll address it first thing, show sadness but play nice, and then it'll be back to business as usual after host-chat. Business as usual on the surface, that is. But it can't possibly ever be like it was before.
  13. I agree with you. And if reports of what Kelly said in the meeting - something along the lines of, "I TOLD you this would happen! I told you 2 years ago!" - are true, then she wasn't totally blindsided, right? She may not have known WHEN it would happen, but apparently she knew it would happen sometime LOL!
  14. I think so, too. But how will it ever be the same for viewers, who believed, whether it was true or not, that Kelly and Michael had great chemistry and truly liked each other? We can't unsee and unhear everything that went down last week. No matter how good she is as an actress, I think most people will wonder how Kelly really feels about Michael and how much tension there is on set. Four months is a long time to fake it!
  15. The half dozen or so of us trolls on previouslytv.com plus the hundreds of posters on sites such as People, Us Magazine, The Daily Mail, and every other website with stories on Michael's departure. The comments are overwhelmingly critical of Kelly and her walk-out. Some will throw in ABC's role in the mess, but that it doesn't excuse Kelly's unprofessional behavior.Public opinion can play a big part in what happens in TV land. And I have read and seen some criticism of Kelly's walk-out by legitimate news sources. The situation was bungled by most everyone involved. On a positive note, how adorable is Prince George in his little bathrobe?! ;-)
  16. I don't think that's how Kelly will act. I think they'll walk out together, hand in hand as usual, but not dancing. She'll look kind of meek and sweet. Then she'll talk about how upset she was at the news, to be losing her partner, blah, blah, and she needed a few days to gather herself and process (I always hate when people use that term) the information. She'll thank all the people who sent supportive messages, the staff and thousands of viewers. Then she'll say how she is so happy for Michael, even though she is sad to see him go. Then after host chat, she'll put on a happy face and try to make the rest of the show business as usual. My theory is pretty much what she should have done in the first place. Time will tell!
  17. Yeah, I don't buy everything I read in the Mail. I don't really ever read it, unless I see a link like I did on here and click on it. One thing's for sure, they have tons of pics LOL! I don't buy the temper tantrum story either. Not saying Michael's never had a moment, but I doubt if he has a pattern of ranting behavior.
  18. The shots at Michael have already started. In a Daily Mail article, sources say that Michael has been throwing temper tantrums over his crazy work schedule, yelling at Kelly and Gelman. (Sorry, I don't know how to post the link)
  19. Well, that's interesting! I wonder if she got wind of the negative feelings about her walk-out.
  20. Haha! Ok, maybe she is more of a reader than I gave her credit for! But I doubt she was ever photographed on the streets of New York toting around one of her books of the month LOL!
  21. But Kelly didn't find out about it in the papers! She was told in a staff meeting after Tuesday's show. The news was made public shortly after. From what I gather, it may have been leaked earlier than was intended. But unless Michael leaked the news himself, he is not to blame for that.
  22. Are you referring to Michael leaving for GMA, or Kelly not showing up? I don't think Michael is up and leaving - he was at Live for 4 years, got what must be a great offer to go over to GMA, and gave 4 months notice. To me that's not rude. What should he have done? Pass up a good offer to do something he would rather do, or stay at a job simply because of a TV partnership? People change jobs all the time. On the other hand, I do think Kelly is wrong for the way she is reacting. I'm not saying she has no reason to be sad and upset. But to stage a walk-out is so unprofessional, especially with the kind of money she makes.
  23. That book was beyond laughable! Where the heck was she going that she would be CARRYING a book?? For a minute I thought they might be on their way to the airport (for the previously scheduled vacation - we get it, ABC!) and she was bringing reading material for the plane. But since that previously scheduled vacation was cancelled, I think the book-toting was totally staged. Has Kelly ever been photographed carrying a book??? Poor little Kelly/David, such an underdog.
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