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43 Excellent-
That Evil Lives Here episode was awful. The one thing that really struck me was that the dad, evil as he was, was a total coward. Everyone he wanted dead he expected his sons to kill them for him. Thank goodness the oldest brother didn't answer the door when they went to kill him and steal his son to "replace" the dead baby. I was also surprised the one brother got 25 years in prison for killing the sister's boyfriend when the dad was literally holding a gun to his head, forcing him to kill him. I feel so badly for Charles and his siblings and I hope they've all been able to recover and move on after the horror they went through.
Ha! And probably his Converse sneakers as well.
My streaming service shows this picture while loading up Dateline. It makes me laugh and I had to share. https://imgur.com/WkVoWUb The white background makes me think they must have just photoshopped everyone in but who knows, it's just so goofy.
This one really baffled me at first. The way the wife seemed to be defending him in the beginning made me wonder if things were going to twist around to show him innocent. When it didn't I wanted to know more so did a quick google search and this is what I came up with. *I'm terrible at remembering names, sorry* After the victim identified her attacker police searched his truck and found a gun, a hat that matched the victim's initial description, materials that matched materials that had been used to restrain her, and a newspaper clipping about the attack. At some point (not sure whether it was during the trial or later) the guy claimed that the fishing video was made not to serve as an alibi for the murder, but for his wife to believe he was out all day fishing when he was actually at a strip club. I also found a facebook page "Free Kevin Dowling" which claimed that all his lawyers had been incompetent, members of the police force and prosecutors' office had been corrupt, etc. The thing that bugged me watching the show was that there was never any reason given, no motive. Had this guy raped or murdered before? Was this his first time? It all just strikes me as so bizarre.
Oh it aired already? I'm so glad, the last two weeks I've been waiting for it to finally run so I don't have to hear that lady in the promo for it say "lit-e-r-ally" anymore. Shattered has been really well done and heartbreaking. Grave Mysteries, on the other hand, didn't impress me. The voiceover stuff they were doing for the online chat logs just really bugged me and even though I was listening more than watching, it seemed like they were flashing words from the chat logs onscreen for super dramatic effect. I just found it offputting.
This bugs me too. I think Chris Hansen says he wants to find out "Why" also but he doesn't seem to get into that. Guess he's too busy constantly clasping his hands in front of his chest or stroking his chin thoughtfully. I just watched this episode earlier today and wondered what would've happened if "creepier murderer" hadn't shown up. Creepy stalker was apparently so relieved that the real murderer had been caught but what was he planning to do that night? He was at the house of a woman who wanted nothing to do with him and had a woman staying with her who'd relocated, at least in part, to get away from him! So weird. Also wanted to say I think Nightmare Next Door is a much better show now that they've quit with the jaunty music and lame puns. I always appreciated that they seem to cover cases that haven't been done a million times on other shows but it was always so jarring and sometimes inappropriate how they'd go from talking about the grisly details of a murder to , "Hey, in his spare time, Officer Smith loves riding motorcycles!" Blood Relatives is my guilty pleasure show. Pretty trashy and silly in the presentation but I do like it. There was an episode a few weeks back where a kid's girlfriend turned out to be sleeping with his dad and got his name tattooed on her body! I don't even understand how that happens or who does that but I can't stop watching it. *edit- Sorry my quote boxes aren't crediting the original posters, I must've screwed something up
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Akhna replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
I was so irked by Abigail this episode. When talking to Chad at his bedside about whether or not he was a murderer I think she actually said, "Is this all because of me?" Yes, Abby, it's all about you, why wouldn't it be? Sigh.... Even though I don't like Clyde I thought James Read was fantastic in his scenes with Ben confessing to the murders. I will miss him even though they made his character pretty much irredeemable. He could've potentially been a great villain to have hanging around for awhile. -
Thanks for replying, I appreciate it. I was afraid it would end in a cliffhanger, glad to know.
Darn it. I'm so bummed it's been cancelled. I'm way behind, only about 5 episodes into the second season. Is it worth finishing or should I just give it up since it isn't coming back?
Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode
Akhna replied to CatLady's topic in Days Of Our Lives
Do Abigail and Ben go to bed at like 6 p.m. or something? I swear they're always sleeping while everyone else is running around town. I'm also really annoyed by this cable guy thing. Clyde just bought them a house, shouldn't they be getting ready to move in there rather than have the cable guy come to the apartment they're about to leave? I don't get it. I really want to know what light bulb went off in Chad's head to make him suspect Ben of being the killer. Hope we get to see that tomorrow. I'd watched Days off and on for most of my life but I quit many years ago during a time where it seemed like the show was non-stop Chloe/Brady(Kyle Lowder Brady) drama and since I could never stand Chloe/NB I gave it up. I only came back to see AS' exit because I felt like I grew up with Sami and then I got hooked again. Point being, I never really knew Will as a character until recently and I didn't really care for him/the actor, but his last few appearances I was starting to warm up to him. I'm sad they killed him off and Lucas' and Sonny's reactions just wrecked me. I didn't expect to cry about Will dying but I did. And Sami looks like she's ready for war, I'm interested to see what she does and how she reacts. -
Not sure if this is the best place to ask but since TVLine recently posted that the show is most definitely not coming back, I'm wondering if I should bother watching the last two episodes that are still sitting in my DVR. Will I enjoy them or just get frustrated by the cancellation (or both)?
Can someone refresh my memory? ID aired a few episodes of a show that I can't recall the name of and seemingly yanked it from the schedule awhile back. The premise of the show was that in each case the murder victim had just recently moved to a new city. Kind of a weak premise but I thought it was actually a decent show and featured stories I hadn't seen a million times on Dateline/48 Hours, etc. I've DVR'ed a few episodes of Fear Thy Neighbor, Mansions and Murders, Most Infamous and The Perfect Murder. Any of those any good? It seems like Fear Thy Neighbor is popular here but I've just been skimming the posts about it so I don't spoil myself. Sad to see that Bloodlands, Nightmare Next Door and Nowhere to Hide don't seem to be on the schedule anytime soon (if ever). I really enjoyed those, especially when the last batch of Nightmare Next Door episodes cut down on the stupid puns which I thought really improved the show. And Nowhere to Hide was awesome, basically the private detective version of Homicide Hunter which is my favorite ID show.
Ha! Didn't Days have an actor get into the shower and come out a different actor? Or am I thinking of another soap? I want to say the actor was Mark Valley but I could be wrong. I hadn't watched Days for years (quit around the time it seemed to be all Chloe/Brady drama (Kyle Lowder Brady)all the time) but started watching again to see Sami's exit (I remember her working as a candy striper at the hospital and switching paternity test results-man I'm old) and got into it again and Sonny has been one of the bright spots of the show for me. I'll be sad to see him go.