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Posts posted by magnolia11

  1. Carly: Exactly. We have to seriously consider the fact that he may be stupid. Think - are there any times when he's acted very stupid, or extra stupid, or super stupid? Something, you know, that just seemed extraordinarily dumb.


    Michael: Well, the other day he was trying to sell me this face cream stuff and he swore up and down that it was a skin care miracle.  Problem was, he was totally broken out in pustules as he was telling me this.

    • Love 7
  2. The way that usually goes is, it's a short visit and then Frank shackles them to a banister and the next thing you know, Lexi's Kristina will be befriending Nina and sparring with Nathan West.


    And regularly rah-rah-ing the wonders of Franco (yes, even though he had her brother raped -- because lovable gentle farmer and all that).

    • Love 1
  3. How convenient that RC never penned Rosalie to previously have interacted with Brad, so when the time came and he had to cover his ass he could also use the fact that he most likely forgot that he also never revealed Rosalie's "secret" after a year of her being on canvas, and have her be Brad's wife. 


    Is this her big secret?  The one that she lived in fear of everyone from Nina to Helena exposing?  "Oh noes I'm married to a gay man!"  For crying out loud, being married to Brad isn't THAT embarrassing.

    • Love 10
  4.  I just watched that video and honestly can't tell if he's being serious. At first it sounded like a joke, almost like he was in character. Not that it makes sense that way either, but then I watched the rest of it and I just don't know. Clearly Bryan tried to make light of it but Mo? Sounds like he's got a huge ego problem, and I've never seen that side of him before.


    What bothers me is his 'I've never been more excited to go to work' and 'we've got some great stuff coming up.' Makes me dread what this 'great stuff' is because clearly it's going to be mob focused. :(


    He was raving about how great last week's Five Families crap (including his pirouette, I presume) was.  That tells me everything I need to know about his taste (or lack thereof).

    • Love 5
  5. The fact that interviews have been given and there's been no "we get it, making a serial killer a romantic lead was tone deaf, ill-advised, etc." shows me they do not understand or appreciate the gravity of the situation.


    They really should have made the big month-long whodunnit "Who Killed Franco" rather than seldom-seen Silas -- they would have generated a lot more interest that way, and let it be known that they were really and truly planning on changing things up.  I won't believe they are at all serious about trying to improve/revamp the show unless/until they announce that Howarth is gone.

    • Love 10
  6. It is too much effort to get worked up over any one of them. Only Dante was tolerable.


    I want this limited edition T-shirt (be sure to print one for ulkis too):  "General Hospital: Only Dante Is Tolerable."

    • Love 13
  7. Did Kiki really get all outraged that Franco lied to her?  She's known he's a lying SERIAL KILLER since day one!


    But that was back when she had played his daughter on a different show!  They had a special bond back then!

    • Love 2
  8. Bryan Craig :

    This EHT stuff works damn good , found my trick for long work days


    What the heck is EHT? google is not helping me.




    It is a supplement that "promotes better brain function."  Our Brydog's got nowhere to go but up in that department, so hopefully it will help.


    ETA:  Looks like it's yet another pyramid scheme thing, LOL.




    Oh, Brydog.

    • Love 3
  9. Um, so now poor crazy pants Nina is gonna think she killed Silas while either Ava or Morgan (or some random person, because I definitely don't think it's Morgan) let her hang for it? Didn't we just do this with her? Aren't we STILL doing this with her?


    It's so exciting, though!  Poor, helpless Nina's SERIAL KILLER in shining armor will come to her defense and prove she didn't do it!  True love wins!  Who says love in the afternoon is dead?

    • Love 4
  10. Hmmm.  My feelings are mixed.


    If she's coming in to oust Kiki as the female lead in that age group...YAH!


    If she's coming in as part of a swing in focus to Sonny...BOO!


    But Luke passed him the gun torch on his way out!   :simultaneous eyeroll and gag:

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