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Posts posted by magnolia11

  1. Oh Sabrina- I loved you until this Sonny ass kissing nonsense. I would have been ok with her telling Michael to let Sonny have supervised visits- not give her back to him. What is she thinking? Is no one on Michael's side? Maybe Tracy is...


    No one's honestly been on Michael's side since AJ was murdered (nor are they allowed to be).  Everyone just shrugs off his feelings because (1) Sonny can do no wrong on this show and (2) come on, it was only fat AJ, so who cares?

    • Love 14
  2. Well, Iiiiiiiiii've been waiting for a Kiki/Franco scene forever! They still got that FranKi chem, even with the recast. woo!


    I can't believe the writers are ruining Ric and Nina's marriage! This is even worse than with Dante and Lulu!


    oh em gee what is Rosalie's secret already I can't take it anymore just tell me Ron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I get it!  You're posting OOC today in tribute to Ron's writing!

    • Love 8
  3. The first story after Jason gets his memory back should be 'Who murdered Franco'

    I don't care they he's Jakeson now. There's no way those two should coexist


    Ja(ke)son already killed Franco once.  The second time's the charm?!

    • Love 2
  4. If Lucky is rescued and returns to PC, what will Liez do?


    Beg him to have a threesome with her and Jason.


    Recalling Guza's bromance between JJ's Lucky and Burton's Jason, it's possible he'd take her up on it.

    • Love 2
  5. I heard that too, but rewound and heard 25 the second time around.  Which would make more sense, right?


    The thought of him being 29 is ridiculous, but it would be kind of fun because it would SORAS Carly and put her in AARP territory.

    • Love 4
  6. Who is the dumbest character on GH?  Is it Scotty who just can't keep his mouth shut?  Or is it Kiki who just can't figure out how to buy a clue about anything?


    I think it might be easier to ask the question, "What character on GH displays the slightest indication of having any actual firing neurons in his or her head?"

    • Love 3
  7. But.... Ron is not a racist! And he's smart.... and um...... aliens. Maybe Ron figured out he can't twitter block real life people so he wrote this? It reeks of trying too hard. Or maybe he really wants Best Show Emmy.


    Considering that he's undoubtedly going to write the story with all the hard-hitting poignancy of an ABC Afterschool Special if we're lucky, I wish him luck with that.

    • Love 7
  8. So Sonny oh-so-benevolently using his thug status to get TJ off the hook is this year's version of him using his thug status to oh-so-benevolently get Alice a new heart.  Excuse me for a moment while I go and projectile vomit.

    • Love 5
  9. I like that the show seems to be trying to have Sabrina and Tracy be friends. It's unbalanced, but it's a start.


    It's encouraging that an effort is being made to establish more connections for Tracy on the canvas -- I'd hate to see her become completely invisible a la Monica once Luke is gone.

    • Love 8
  10. Bah, Dante arresting TJ is something I would have actually wanted to see. I haven't wanted them to interact for ages or anything.


    Seriously, unless TJ got caught peeing in public, I don't get what he doesn't just spill it.


    I couldn't possibly be more over TJ being pissed that his mom is a cop instead of a criminal and that (gasp!) she had the gall to put an actual criminal in jail.  Boo fucking hoo.

    • Love 23
  11. I'm gonna be annoyed if, as rumors indicate, Generic Coke Brand Dillon ends up helping more with the search for Lucky than Dante.


    If it's true, it's probably because something has to bond Lulu and Dillon so Dante will be left out in the cold and be drawn to Valerie.  Blah.  Dante should absolutely be involved in finding his friend/brother-in-law/former partner.  DO NOT DENY ME DUCKY, RON.

    • Love 6
  12. The more I think about it, the more I want Luke to die -- not because of animosity toward the character, but because it would be dramatic and open the door for good story.  (If Frank wants Geary back for special appearances in the future, just go with Ghost Luke -- hell, there's been Ghost Everyone Else, so why not?)  But I'm sure it'll end up being lame and more along the lines of what Francie mentioned above.

    • Love 4
  13. It was so weird that Anna and Sloane were the only people standing by the gate and there were no other passengers boarding.  Was Anna taking a private plane or something?  It didn't seem like it, but maybe I missed something.  (But I'm sure it was probably that Frank's extras budget was depleted for the month.)

  14. I think they will see a bump with Luke's exit, simply because some people will tune in out of curiosity to see how he leaves the canvas and to see the assorted vet returns. Once that's over and it's back to the Franco and Nina show, though, it'll be a swift return to circling the toilet bowl ratings-wise.

    • Love 6
  15. Ron wanted to do a trans story for Roxie on OLTL, but for various reasons it never happened. I'm sure he still itches to use it. We're not out of the woods.


    Ron:  "I've got it! The audience will FINALLY accept Franco if he becomes a woman!  Roger would play the hell out of that!"

    • Love 5
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