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Posts posted by magnolia11

  1. Do the Jiz fans that are getting upset know that Jason, Liez, and Sam are fictional characters?


    The insanity is going both ways -- there are also Jasam fans claiming they've "won" because even though Jiz are getting their spawn resurrected, THEY are getting Billy and Kelly in real life.  Geezus, someone needs to send out the straitjackets pronto.

    • Love 8
  2. What did Maxie say about S. Korea? I missed it.


    When she and Nathan were in the park and she wouldn't shut up about Dante/Lulu/Valerie, he slapped cuffs on her, and she said something like, "So I'm being arrested for having an opinion?  Where are we, in South Korea?"  (He corrected her and said no, he was cuffing her so she would pay attention to him and not the Falconeri/Spencers.)

    • Love 1
  3. Valerie's sob story about the Fourth of July was so lame. This is what causes Dante to cheat? Ugh.


    All Valerie does is cry and tell Dante how wonderful he is while he drinks beer after beer.  The sexual tension is riveting!

    • Love 14
  4. You would know better than me, but I don't recall Lulu lusting for adventure at any point during their relationship.  I mean, I guess there was dumb shit like the bordello tour, but that falls more under "apologizing for Luke" than "lusting for an adrenaline high".  Dante was talking about it like it was a problem they constantly faced in their relationship, but not really, right?


    And then, ironically, there was the time where, before they got married and after Dante had been injured, she wanted Dante to quit being a cop (or stay permanently on desk duty) because it was too dangerous.  (Obviously, he refused)

    • Love 1
  5. I totally missed the Robert mention - probably while I was cringing and experiencing second-hand embarrassment for the actors. Can someone please fill me in?


    There wasn't one.  Ron said on Twitter (where it all happens!) that there was a reference in the script to Robert and Holly being together off-screen, but the line got cut.

    • Love 1
  6. And just what was with Roger during his scenes? He looked rather disheveled to me, plus he was talking with his mouth full, snacking as if he was merely standing around in the break room hanging out, and then using half a bottle of hand sanitizer and getting it all over his hands and the counter, he was just a mess, like a five year old.


    Maybe he was trying to somehow reconcile his character's physical age with his mental one?

    • Love 3
  7. LOL Jake alive?? out of all the dead characters to bring back RC brings back the spawn of Liz/Jason. *rolls eyes*


    It's completely ridonkulous (WTF, would Corn Child have to give her kidneys back?), but I could actually see it because it would wipe some slates clean that have annoyed good chunks of the audience.  (1) Luke is no longer saddled with being a kiddie-killer before he makes his final exit, and (2) Lucky wouldn't actually be a deadbeat dad (presuming they write it so he's been searching for Jake this whole time rather than staring at rocks in Ireland.).

    • Love 4
  8. His 10 week excuse still bothers the shit out of me. Yes, you have ten weeks but you have up to 5 episodes a week to build a real freaking story. There are so many shows now that are only 10 episode for a whole freaking season and they manage to tell a whole fucking story from bwhining to eND qit decwnr pacing and a conclusion. This asshat has 5x as much time and us whining. Why because he can't write or tell a story for shit. 10 weeks isn't enough because the stupid fucker doesn't know how to not drag shit out past its expiration day.


    It's either dragged out forever and ever until no one cares anymore (i.e. Fluke, Jakeson reveal) or comes out of nowhere with no prior evidence of character motivation and progresses at warp speed (i.e. Evil Nik, Lante/Valerie, Michael suddenly turning on a dime and deciding it is just fine for baby A.J. to grow up in a crime-riddled environment).  There's no middle ground to be found.  As a viewer, it's so frustrating and unappealing -- and not in any way a shock to see that the ratings are where they are.

    • Love 10
  9. Ric has to play tongue-hockey with Madeline, because how else could they possibly show him as being worse for Neenah than Franco?  Franco and Neenah are endgame, and Ric is collateral damage.


    Yeah, I'm definitely not here for this SERIAL KILLER as swoony romantic hero saving his fair damsel from eeeeevil Ric bullshit.  Team Ric every day and twice on Sunday.

    • Love 11
  10. There was some real warmth and humor during Guza's tenure, even though there was also some unrelenting grimness. And while Guza killed off way too many people, there was often very good followthrough, at least in the immediate aftermath. I'm thinking especially of Emily's death—IMO, BH did some of her best work ever when Liz found out Emily had been killed and stayed with her body.


    ITA, and I loved Tyler's work during that story, too.  I remember that his insistence that "She's just resting" really got to me.

  11. Yeah I still love me some RoHo, but damn he needs to find another job, stat! I just can't with Franco. And him chewing gum like a cow while mimicking Denise's accent was OTT even for him.

    It took me a minute to realize that it was her gum he was chewing -- he ended up with it after they kissed. (He took it out of his mouth with a spoon and set it on the table when they were talking alone). My gag reflex was getting a workout. Gross.

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