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Everything posted by magnolia11

  1. All I can think of while watching that promo is how great it would be if that shock treatment somehow managed to give Carly a bearable personality (and an indoor voice).
  2. :weeps softly: I'm really going to miss this guy. He's been a real bright spot for me through years of crap on this show. I wish him nothing but good things.
  3. "I wouldn't have shot him if I knew he was my son"?
  4. No, the worst kind would be if two Sonnys were also possible. Thank the lord that that isn't the case.
  5. Sonny: [stammers and glances at cue card off camera] I... I... I... never got to know my grandson! And my grandson never got to meet his aunt who is a toddler! Dante: [teary-eyed] And I never even got the chance to shoot him!
  6. Adorable? GMAFB. Jackass will always be a SERIAL KILLER. #neverforget TPTB actually saying this says so much about why the show sucks.
  7. Supposedly Auntie Stella inadvertently sets her up with Curtis, her ex.
  8. I have a bad feeling the Sam/Sonny flashbacks are already on their way to rivaling the OLTL Two Todds "You take my life, Victor, I take yours" flashbacks in quantity. Anything to fill up time and save a few bucks of the dwindling budget, I guess.
  9. Maybe this time he'll run into him/her in the aisle at the 99 Cent Store while shopping for props. He directed Tuesday's episode (featuring the confrontation between Sonny and Sam and her kicking him into the open pit). I almost confused it with Goodfellas, it was so amazing. Oh, wait, that must be the crack talking. I really need to give up that stuff.
  10. Monica's response should be to kick both Sonny and Michael in the nuts if this happens.
  11. To be fair, I would be tempted to change identities if I learned that Franco was my half brother.
  12. Yes, she was. Even better, Joss was a baby in a crib when she was (supposedly) donated body parts by then-toddler not-dead Jake.
  13. Oh, gosh, I am so sorry. My sympathies to you and your friend.
  14. They did (Jax and OG Kate) -- only one time though, IIRC.
  15. Hey now, he stripped down for the Nurses Ball! You know, as priests usually do...
  16. They might actually get a ratings boost if any lapsed viewers tune in in (futile) hopes of seeing his skull get crushed.
  17. FFS, the SERIAL KILLER locked the murder victim in a cage and now the audience is supposed to be rooting for him to clear his name so he can prove his love to his fair damsel? Nope, Jelly. Uh-uh. Lord, I'm still feeling icky about the fact that I actually felt bad for the reprehensible cage-ee/murder victim in this story. Worst story ever.
  18. I find that my own gut reaction is to be pro-Lulu regardless of how she acts here, simply because the writers seem to always go out of their way to make her look wrong even when she's in the right (see: craptastic Dante cheating story where everybody blamed her instead of her SOB husband). I think it's the same kneejerk reaction that causes me to automatically hate anything Franco does on principle, simply because I'm resentful of the fact that the writers are so hamfistedly attempting to manipulate me into liking him. Plus I'm always going to be Team Anyone but Nina.
  19. Or when Lucky told Liz about Jake's "death" on this show, even.
  20. Yes, good point, that's true. I guess we're just supposed to chalk it up to one of those things like how every new person who comes to town like Britt or Hayden just somehow knows the entire story of Liz's romantic past/baby fathers, etc.
  21. In Tom's first scenes with Franco, he mentioned how Franco was the talk of the prison due to how he was able to get away with his crimes using the tumor defense. They must have had access to newspapers or Google Spyder-Finder or some other form of news.
  22. Carlos' twin brother who was around for about five seconds and then promptly left town with the Carlos/Sabrina baby.
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