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Everything posted by KellyAnn3

  1. So I was bored and did some digging. According to this article from 2008, Chantel is 1/4 Lebanese. And Mary is also either half or a quarter on her mom's side. I found this IG post about her mom doing traditional Arabic dancing for a long time. I don't know why I love to find stuff out about people on a tv show who I've never met, but it's so interesting. I really do wish the show would at least show a small bio/profile on each rookie when they make it to camp.
  2. Kim said in the past that she's "Japanese and Israeli". Pretty sure that Chantel is the one who is half Lebanese.
  3. When you say the boots from "back in the day", do you mean the ones like in this photo? Or like, the go-go style boots that the DCC used to wear (and a lot of NFL squads still do)? Obviously, Luchesse boots are premium quality, but it seems like any old pair of cowboy boots could be worn to practice wearing on grass and wearing while dancing. If these girls didn't do *at least* that, it'd be foolhardy.
  4. Can I just say how much I LOOOVVVEEE the way they shut down Pixee's delusional "dreams"? They were totally in the right, and she's eventually going to be full of contracted, infected implants if her lack of ribs doesn't kill her first.
  5. I would also guess that Mandy is around that age. She was a Raiderette in 2009 so she's definitely at least late 20s.
  6. Yeah, I think that was the year that Kelli, Bonnie, Jamie, and at least one other girl were cut. Because it was such a massacre, I kind of got a vibe that it maybe wasn't even dance concerns but some sort of personality conflict or something. Apparently their director is extremely strict so that could be it.
  7. According to TXSTAR, they do have Friday-Monday off for the holiday, and I believe her. For those asking who Bethany is, here's a pic.
  8. I think with Kelli (who we know was highly recommended by Kitty at least one year in the past), the judges just didn't feel like she had the look or pop or something and so she never got through. I've always been so impressed by talent and I think she's gorgeous, and it's always been a huge mystery why she never made it to camp. Every year I kept thinking that she could blow everyone away if they gave her a chance and it seems that's the case. So yay!
  9. I hate to say it, because she's one of my faves, but Maddie's kicks (second from left) in the one photo looks like cause for alarm. Who knows, maybe she wasn't even called in, but yeesh.
  10. I really don't think Kelsey's kicks look weak at all and her dancing is great. Based on the limited info in the photos from last night, I only see one person I would cut if I were in charge and it's certainly not her.
  11. I imagine tonight will be a cut night, right? Don't they typically cut someone after seeing the jump splits?
  12. Which I don't think is all that horrible for anyone to have and I definitely don't count it against Amy because she's obviously concentrating whenever someone calls her out on it. She has a beautiful smile when she's "on", so I just don't see the issue.
  13. Honestly, I'm glad she's not on weight warning. I think her legs just look a certain way and can't get much smaller. I saw pics of her at Mizzou and with the Knicks and she looked the same. Those teams just have more flattering uniforms. Amy has the whole package dance, looks, and personality-wise.
  14. I think I read somewhere that the Steelers fans in general never wanted them and the culture of Pittsburgh was always very working class and pragmatic and so having shiny girls on the sidelines was seen as frivolous.
  15. Yes! There are some gorgeous pieces mixed in with the hideous ones. I especially love Jinelle and Robin's dresses. Cutout sleeves are such a mystery to me...how did they ever even become a thing?
  16. I usually try to refrain from calling out any of the girls in a negative light, but my "iffy looks" ones are Heather H, Bethany, Jessika, and Brennan. I may see them on the show and be blown away but I feel like Kelli will have something to say about those four in particular. Again, I definitely don't think they're unattractive, just not what is expected. I'm not on the right level either, so I probably shouldn't talk but ehh.
  17. In my opinion, there are three or four rookies who just do not have the right look. I can't imagine that they'll photograph any better at cameos than they do in snapshots. It's not that they're ugly, they just don't look like DCCs at all. After cameos, if they cut all of them or others who just look wrong, then there would only be a few cuts to make based on polishing etc. I don't know why I'm so on the edge of my seat this year.
  18. Allie looks so much better after her makeover! The haircut she had before really emphasized the roundness of her head and face. This look is more glamorous and Texas looking.
  19. I loooove Belk's clothes in general. They have some amazing things there, but it seems like they put the girls into stuff off last season's clearance racks. I just hate that it makes people think all Belk sells are grandma dresses. Not a good advertisement for the store at all.
  20. Yeah, whyyyyy were none of those available for the cover voting? They're so much better.
  21. So, if everyone hates Emily, who let her into camp? I don't know her, so she could be sweet or she could be an awful person, but based on that info from TX, it sounds like her being there is just to humiliate her. It's a shame because I really do think she's improved and I love underdogs. And I'm pretty sure she's had a fitting before, so she technically does have an unfinished DCC uniform hanging up somewhere. Her talking to people she thinks are her friends about it is really not all that presumptuous, IMO.
  22. I saw her story and it appears her husband came to visit her and they went to Six Flags. The caption on the second photo actually said "Lower Greenville Ave.", which I looked up and apparently it's a neighborhood of Dallas near the botanical gardens. I don't think she's been cut.
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