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Everything posted by Kostgard

  1. I'm not sure what is going on budget-wise, but I did crack up when Ginger won a five night stay in an unnamed hotel...somewhere. And I really love Ginger. She's a polished big girl who doesn't seem to have Delta's insecurities or the flashes of bitterness we sometimes saw in Darienne. This was a great challenge. Judging from the preview for next week, that one will be good too.
  2. This episode showed that Stanley (new twin) has six fingers. We saw it when he picked up the journal.
  3. I knew it! I knew Stan had a twin, mostly due to the evidence outlined in the video linked above. And I knew he would show up soon because Stan has had that bandage on his hand for a few episodes now - rare in animation. I figured it would be used as an easy way to tell them apart. Also, Nice foreshadowing when Stan paused at the beginning of the episode, dreading having to tell the kids the truth, and did so next to a window so we could see his reflection in the window behind him - two Stans. Folks also noted a quick shot of what appeared to be a deeply symbolic swing set (one swing broken, one whole) back in Dreamscaperers: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ivH_TCd14Mg The closing credits confirmed the swing set thing. This certainly will shake things up. What will two Stan's be like? How different is Stanley from Stanford? And as they pointed out over at the AV Club, will Dipper forgive Stan for lying to him all summer?
  4. Did Ross and Carson's salary completely bankrupt the Untucked budget? (They can't be that expensive, but Untucked was never that expensive and Ru probably paid Santino in sandwiches or something). I like the "behind the scenes" feel to it, and it definitely feels less artificial (and when you get to the point where contestants like Laganja anticipate and plan their big Untucked moment after the message from home you need to change things up), but you think they could have coughed up enough cash for an extra chair or two so everyone had a place to sit? And I laughed when I saw that the drinks were being served off one of those carts used to transport large amounts of crap with a board slapped on top of it. Almost as hilarious as season one's "Under the hood" where it was clear that a PA was given $50 and a Costco card because the queens were served little packets of fruit snacks and cans of Diet Coke. I don't know - the stripped down look and dumping it on YouTube the morning after makes it all feel like an after-thought. As for the show itself - meh. Too many runways. I wish they had another type of task to do. But I do like that while there are some clearly talented queens, there are no standout winners for me. In seasons past, Bianca, Sharon and Raja all screamed "Winner!" or "Top Three!" the second they walked in the door. So far, I really like Katya, Max, and Ginger (Glamour Toad cracked me up, and she's a polished big girl). Violet and Pearl have to show me that they can do something other than haughty haute couture. I am with those who likes Michelle but finds her frustrating. She's way too in love with the pretty/"Fishy" look (which is why when given the opportunity she always brought back the prettiest eliminated queen, even though she had nothing else to bring to the table and was immediately eliminated again) and she needs to let go of her issues with the color green. I sometimes think she is inconsistent with her critiques because she feels like she needs to say something critical and can't always think of something. New ginger Pit Crew guy is hot.
  5. This was my favorite gag because it just sticks in my craw that networks like the History Channel used to actually air stuff about history, and now it's all aliens, ghosts and conspiracy theories. Don't even get me started on the fact that "TLC" used to stand for "The Learning Channel" and was originally started by NASA. And "Ghost Harassers" is also just about right, since those shows seem to consist of people going into dark places late at night with scientific equipment that they don't seem truly understand and yell at the ghosts that supposedly live there. I'm strangely okay with something happening with Dipper and Pacifica. She's someone who isn't totally out of reach, like Wendy, so it would be good for him. And yes - he seems to grow up a bit and move on from his obsessions just when he probably should be paying attention the most. I agree that it was weird with no Soos or Grunkle Stan. Grunkle Stan would totally be in that group of people running into the party at the end, just to see what he could pocket in the Northwest mansion.
  6. Yay! Finally some fresh blood at the judge's table. I think Carson and Ross will be great. And honestly, I'd rather listen to Carson critique fashion. I've always thought Santino had some taste issues. And some great guest judges! Please let the challenge for John Water's episode be batshit crazy. You know that man doesn't want to just watch them parade down the runway in pretty dresses. Not unless bodily fluids are involved. If I had to guess on a reason for the delay (and I think it is a delay since they appeared to be gearing up for a January premiere) it would either be an issue with the music rights (which they've had in the past) or they are indeed letting Michelle have the spotlight for a while - especially if they are trying to parlay her CBB UK appearance into an opportunity to launch a UK version of Drag Race.
  7. Dammit, Moseley! Why did you have to go and ruin a good thing? We were finally rid of him! Oy. I do remember when Anna was awesome. The Bateses are such a drag now. I wonder who they will be accused of murdering next season (you know it will happen - Fellowes has approximately three ideas in his arsenal, so it WILL come around again). I will miss Tom greatly. I like him a lot and the little actress who plays Sybbie is adorable. I wouldn't mind if they contrived some reason for him to come back. Thomas Barrow, Bitch for Hire. Seriously - he should rent out his services. It will at least give him something to do. I still hang onto the faint hope that Fellowes will let him have a love life one day - just not with the new footman. He looks like he's about 12. And freakin' Daisy seems to be smitten with him. Again, because Fellowes has about three ideas, so we're seeing the same damn thing again. I couldn't give less of a crap about broth-gate or Violet's bitchy butler. On the other hand, Violet and Isobel are awesome and while I think Dickie was sweet, I'm glad Isobel isn't marrying him and moving away from her true love Violet. She's still got Dr. Clarkson if she wants to marry. And I hope another dashing older gentleman comes to town and gives Violet one more indecent proposal before she departs this earth. I love that she was flattered by that and I'd love it if she got herself a boyfriend. Robert would die. I too thought Robert had gas when he was describing his symptoms. I was hoping it would all end in a giant fart in the middle of dinner that would break the tension from the butthole butler snubbing Tom, but no such luck. At least drunk Robert is kinda fun. Yay for Carson finally pulling the trigger! I was wondering how long he'd keep up with the silly "We'll retire and be business partners together!" stuff with Mrs. Hughes when he so obviously wanted to be a different kind of partner. I'm so glad be proposed and I'm so glad she accepted instead of dragging her decision out. I've been 'shipping Carson/Hughes for a long time. Don't mess this up, Fellowes!
  8. I loved this episode. Loved that Robbie's parents are overly-cheerful funeral directors. Loved the pictures of Robbie through the years on his parents' wall - each year getting more acne, more surly and more goth-y. Loved the "specials" board at Lazy Susan's restaurant ("Ask about our steak special - we don't have one"). Died laughing at Grunkle Stan's I EAT KIDS hot air balloon. I noticed that Grunkle Stan's hand is still bandaged from when it got hit by an object getting sucked into his vortex machine thing a couple episodes ago. I think that may be important. Otherwise, weird continuity for a cartoon.
  9. The "McSucket" didn't surprise me as much as the "Oh, @$!" subtitle. Though I'm glad Disney XD allows that stuff. But good job, Gravity Falls. I was convinced that McGucket was the author, but now we discover he was just assisting an "out of town researcher." I have no idea who that could be. I don't think Grunkle Stan qualifies. But I also subscribe to the theory that Grunkle Stan has a twin, so maybe it's him? Come on, show! Tackle that fan theory! Great episode overall. Moved the main mytharc forward, explained why everyone in Gravity Falls seems unaware of all the weirdness around them (though what happens now that they disarmed the secret society?) and poor Wendy's confession ("I'm not laid back! I'm stressed out all the time! Have you seen my family?!").
  10. Serious. Bates is the worst (along with Mary). He made Anna's rape all about him, and then he goes off the deep end when he finds the birth control stuff (and that did sort of just disappear. Is he still pissy about that, or did he just suddenly forget?). I honestly can't stand Bates any more. Everything - absolutely everything - is about him and never about Anna. Anna deserves better. I would hope that he goes to prison again, but the last time they sent him to the pokey we were subjected to the most boring scenes ever filmed and poor Anna would be bogged down because she'd be beating herself up and blaming herself for giving away the coat that she could not have possibly known contained her husband's alibi.
  11. Edith was right in that she needed to get the hell out of there and away from those people if she wants any chance at happiness. I just wish she hadn't done it in that fashion (poor Mrs. Drewes). She should sell the publishing business she just got and live off the profits somewhere far, far away. Mary is the worst. I don't understand why she can't be decent to Edith. Ever. Under any circumstances. Did she not also lose her significant other under tragic circumstances? You'd think she could squeeze out at least a drop of empathy for her only living sister. But she's too busy fucking with Gillingham even though she doesn't want him and getting a haircut that would be cute if it weren't for the weird business in the back. I'd rather watch Mabel Lane Fox. She seems sassy in a non-asshole way. Why couldn't we have had her instead of Sarah Bunting? Forget Tom. Daisy should have run away with Ms. Bunting. She's the one infatuated with her, not Tom. So that's the end of a potentially interesting story for Thomas, I guess. Just Dr. Clarkson telling him to suck it up. Poor Isis is probably toast. Robert wasuncharacteristically dismissive of her illness. You know that will bite him in the ass. Oh, Carson. Trying to set it up so you're still living with Mrs. Hughes after you retire. Just as "roomies." Right. Just make out, already.
  12. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, Bunting. It's ridiculous that she'd leave town after Tom didn't want to date her (and they were never really seeing each other anyway) and she wasn't going to be invited to DA to yell at Robert anymore, but as long as she goes, I'll take it. I'm not looking forward to the latest disaster with Edith's kid. How did they propose getting the Drewes to release her to go to boarding school? "Guess what - this kid is one of us, so hand her over"? And god only knows what Edith plans to do now. Speaking of Violet's bad plans - isn't all this super-awkward for Dr. Clarkson, who once proposed to Isobel himself? I'm glad that she at least was able to admit that they were a good match. And Thomas? You may alleviate your loneliness problem a bit by stopping being a dick all the time for no reason. But someone better get arrested for Greene's murder soon. This is dragging on way too long. I couldn't care less about Robert's temper tantrum and everyone's super-concerned looks at the party.
  13. God, Sarah Bunting is a total asshole. I actually get pissed off when any of the characters defend her. I don't care if she turns Daisy into the next Einstein - you aren't that rude to your host multiple times on multiple occasions unless you are a total asshole. I wish Tom would kick her ass to the curb and find someone else to inspire the rebel within. He (and we the viewers) deserve better. I'm glad Mary cooled on Tony since I was never fond of him (and I do find it kinda hilarious that she lost interest after sleeping with him). He's probably going to try to slut-shame her now, but hopefully Blake won't care. He's a million times better. Poor Edith. Can no one just take the logical route and just tell Drewe's wife the truth? And yeah - with her luck, Gregson is probably goose-stepping around Germany right now. Random thoughts: Robert is a boob 90% of the time. Go get yourself some Richard E. Grant, Cora. I wish they'd go ahead and expose Bates as a murderer and get on with it. They are dragging this out way too long. I'm really confused about that is going on with Thomas - I'm assuming it's some sort of 1920s version of "pray the gay away" but what is he injecting? Hormones? Some sort of chemical castration? He had major bags under his eyes for most of the episode, so whatever it is he's shooting up is taking a toll on him. Is this just straight-up out of loneliness now that Jimmy is gone he doesn't even have a friend? (though, try not being an asshole all the time, Thomas, and some people might warm up to you). Is he just tired of being different? Fellowes really needs to explore this a little bit further beyond his usual "scratch the surface then drop it" method. If he's injecting something to turn off his "gay urges" then that is some serious shit and should be treated as such.
  14. I need a subscription to Crone Alone magazine.
  15. I need a subscription to Avoid Eye Contact monthly. And I love Soos's grandma - "Time to read Soos's diary."
  16. He may have had six fingers at one point in time - notice how one hand is always bandaged. Fan theories wonder if he didn't remove that finger at some point (which may explain the blood-spattered pages in Dipper's journal). He's clearly a brilliant inventor (built the lake monster and the giant Gideon robot, gave Dipper a new voice, etc), but also clearly lost his marbles. The shape-shifter said that the inventor hadn't been himself in a while - maybe something happened to McGucket that made him lose his marbles (battle with Bill, etc) that changed him from brilliant inventor to local kook.
  17. This was a good episode. Good to see Bill again, that creepy bastard (the screaming head was just as creepy as ripping the deer's teeth out). The band-aid on the laptop screen has convinced me that the journal author is Old Man McGucket (whose first name is Fiddleford, so that would explain the "Property of F" thing).
  18. Wendy is a total badass. I like that she's kinda unflappable, even with monsters and Dipper confessing about his crush on her. I thought the monster was kinda scary too - especially the Dipper/Mabel hybrid. And the final warning the monster gave to Dipper was really unsettling, but it did give Soos the line of the night ("Good luck sleeping tonight!"). But I guess this show has always had kinda scary monsters (I thought the island/monster in the short about the giant teeth was genuinely terrifying), and I like that it gives kids a little credit in that regard. ETA: Is anyone keeping track of what is whispered during the opening credits? It sounded really different this time.
  19. The smart kids on the internet have found another (non-spoilery) coded message - on the lower right corner of the wooden frame of Dipper's wall of weird the cipher translates to "Why is Wendy so perfect?" Heh. Yet another mystery for Dipper to solve. I love this show, especially because it rewards viewers who pay attention. And I love that they mixed things up this season. There are some outside people looking into the weirdness now, and Stan came clean and can no longer just pretend to be the bumbling clueless uncle (also proved that he can be quite the badass - and not just when punching pterodactyls). Sure, he and Dipper are still lying to each other, but things gotta be different now. I also loved the shorts Disney played with Grunkle Stan's terrible commercial for the Shack and Gideon's show in prison.
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