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  1. Aren't babies on TV and in movies always twins because of the rules of how much a single baby can "work"?
  2. Now that was a very realistic part. None of these secret services have the limits police tend to have.
  3. Seems perfectly in character to me. He is a closeted gay man during a time period where he had to repress his true feelings. He feels trapped in his straight marriage and hates his wife and his son. His feelings have to go someplace. So he is romancing the boy toy who is pumping him for secrets. It's the good ol honey trap, gay version. Luckily he is a powerful guy. Any poor nobody would have hung for both homosexuality and treason.
  4. This was my favorite season of this show. It actually grew Eliza as a character made her more human without taking her Elizaness away. I really admire the show for humanizing a character like Phelps. Old Fitzroy is really a horrible human being and his wife and son deserve so much better. Would he have been so horrid if he didn't have to spend his whole life in the closet? Not that he had any choice. Blake is a great addition - maybe with him Eliza can have both a professional and a personal life. I will hope. Please lets have a season 6.
  5. That was my favorite episode of the season. The funny interactions between Siegfried and Tristan - so like them. It's brotherly love with pesky thorns. It took another high fever for James to finally confide in Helen. Lovely and touching scenes between them. Mrs.Pumfrey is a great lady and a skilled office manager in a pinch. Her and Audrey talking - two great actresses doing their thing. Already the season finale next week - too soon!
  6. Oh, they will continue to bitch about how the atrocity continues. I am happy it's coming back
  7. That wasn't the final episode, the show got renewed for a second season. The show is Redmayne's vehicle and he is the star, so the series probably isn't for you.
  8. You have my sympathy! When I was a first and second grader we lived in a small town in Bavaria which is a very Catholic area of Germany. So the only school choice was Catholic school. I was terrified there. Whenever I watch Father Brown and Sister Boniface now I always wonder where was that lovely Catholic clergy when I encountered it.
  9. This episode gave me evil nun flash backs. When I was a young one I had to attend Catholic school for a couple of grades because of tedious reasons even though I was Lutheran. Those nuns called me "heathen child" and rapped my knuckles with rulers on a few occasions. Not fun. If this show manages to get renewed for another season I want Eliza to end up with Blake. I think they have chemistry. No more of this will they or won't they crap that drove the previous ship into the ground.
  10. He is a middle class doctor and Audrey is a middle class woman, well liked and respected. The whole household loves her. And like someone so perfectly put it - this isn't Downton Abbey. Who is going to to be outraged about it? Tristan? He probably is secretly shipping them. Mrs.Pomfrey? I don't think that lady is small minded.
  11. Nobody with any sense would think that. The Eliza actress is quite slim and not overweight in the slightest but she looks pregnant (she has the gait and the way she touches her lower back sometimes) and I did read finally that she was pregnant during filming this season.
  12. Siegfried's Persian romance is just a temporary detour. I remain on my barge on Denile that like real life Siegfried had his wife Audrey so will show Siegfried be with show Audrey when all is said and done. I will miss Carmody! I too thought the actor was in his twenties - 44, it boggles the mind. Callum Woodhouse's Tristan is utterly charming to me, and baby Jimmy seems charmed by him too.
  13. So Nash is off the show but Mr.Potts gets to continue delighting us as a main character. Who is the target audience for this show, seniors? The "romance" between Mr.Potts and Ivy is not interesting to me to put it bluntly.
  14. That can't be right. Sigh. I was spoiled about some stuff. I don't know whether it's ill-fitting costumes but the actress playing Scarlet looks pregnant to me.
  15. I am sad they fired the actor who played Nash. Why can't I have nice things on this show?
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