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No, Mac's new billet to San Diego hadn't come with a promotion. Harm's post to London did get him promoted to O-6 in the finale. Apparently, they both remained at those ranks for the next 14 years. Sigh. Mac said she hadn't seen him in nine years, So what about the five years in between? Were they just perpetually remain engaged or did they get married and then divorced? When did Harm decide to head back to (I'm assuming) active duty? Clearly, they never ended up going halves on a kid.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier Black Panther Captain Marvel Thor Ragnarok Captain America: The First Avenger (I will forever have a soft spot for this movie) Endgame Guardians of the Galaxy Ant-Man and the Wasp @stealinghome's 10 The Avengers
In-Universe, that kiss was also about seven years ago and I didn't get the impression that Steve and Sharon had been dating in all that time or that they'd even been in touch with each other. It was just a kiss that didn't lead anywhere.
They weren't living there for free. They couldn't be expected to be Avengers and earn to support the Avengers. Avenging is a fulltime job. Tony is incredibly privileged in that he inherited both his father's brains and most importantly, Stark Industries. Tony could afford to bankroll the Avengers. He's a billionaire whose wealth is built on the blood of others. Not once did the other Avengers ever call him selfish or not worthy to be one of them. Even after the Ultron debacle, they never blamed him or kicked him out. They were willing to die to protect the people who suffered due to his mistakes. Most of the Avengers were on the run for two years because of him. He's the one who wanted to sign a paper that violated their Civil rights. was willing to have them locked up for breaking the Accords but didn't bother turning himself in when he himself broke them. Tony did live his life. He married Pepper and had Morgan. Even if for a little while, he was happy and we got to see it. Time was devoted to developing his relationship with his wife and daughter. He got to be his usual genius self. He got a reunion with Peter and they gave him the glory of killing Thanos. He dies knowing they won. He got a funeral and a video saying goodbye. Every known Avenger was at his funeral and then some. Even Harley was brought back for it. Tony is treated as the most important character and is given the send-off of one. Comparing it to the rest: Steve tries to help the others move on but can't seem to move on himself, then gets involved in the time heist. He loses Nat. Loved the shot of him wielding Mjolnir and beating up Thanos. He then goes to the past to join Peggy. Which, while I love Steve and Peggy, you can't think too much about this because it's a massive plot hole and some questionable characterization. Would have preferred if they had found another way to reunite them. Clint turns into a mass murderer. Joins the heist and then loses Nat. He's then largely just there and finally reunites with his family. Bruces merges with the Hulk off-screen. He gets to be his genius self. Helps with the heist and also loses Nat. I've watched this twice and I don't remember what he was doing during the final battle. Thor turns into someone so dependant on alcohol and gains a lot of weight. He's not all there during the planning stages of the heist and Rocket has to collect the Stone out of Jane, because he runs away. Loved his talk with Frigga though and the fight with Thanos. After which, he hands over the leadership officially to Valkyrie and runs off to join the GotG. And Natasha, the first OG Female Avengers. She was the second Avenger we met. She's having trouble moving on and is the one leading what's left of the Avengers. We see her helping out with plotting the heist. They for whatever absurd reason, she and Clint are the ones who go off to Vormir where she dies so that Clint doesn't. Then we get a scene with all the OG men sitting at a dock talking about how they can't bring her back and how they have to make her death worth it. That's it. She isn't at the final battle, not at the female superhero team up. She doesn't get to see that they won. She gave up her life for a chance that they would. There's no funeral or montage. If it wasn't for Clint at the lake or that blink and you miss it scene between Bruce and Steve, you would think they had completely forgotten that they had killed her off.
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I thought Steve creates an entirely new timeline? So Peggy's life in the OG timeline still exists.
To return the stones, Steve would have to Find the Tesseract and put the Space Stone Back in it, then go to 1970 and put it back after Tony takes it. (Two Steves at this place) I didn't see him take the Scepter with him, but he'd have to still place the Mind Stone back on it, head to 2012 and put it back after his past self wipes out his past-past self's memory and runs of with it. (Three Steves here) He'd have to somehow desolidify the Reality Stone, head to 2014 Asgard and somehow put it back into Jane right after Rocket takes it out of her. Head to 2014 Morag and replace the Power Stone right after Nebula and Rhodey head back to 2023 and before Peter gets there. He can just hand over the Time Stone to the Ancient One after Bruce disappears with it. He'd have to wait till Nat died and Clint took off with the Soul Stone and then give it back to the Red Skull? How does one return that stone?
This movie was interesting in what they did with the characters. Thoughts: Of the OG Avengers who survive. Tony moves on and has a life. Steve tries to help others move on but can't seem to do it himself. Natasha knows she is unable to move on and holds the fort for everyone. Bruce turns into Professor Hulk. Thor drowns in his sorrows out of a misplaced sense of guilt. Clint goes on a murdering spree. I don't have a problem with Tony's ending. He died a heroic death. In the interim 5 years, he married Pepper and had a child. The movie's devoted to his story. He's had multiple stories devoted to his issues. He's given a Hero's funeral, with the people he knew and many he didn't in attendance, every Avenger was there and a video to commemorate him. He has a legacy in both Peter and Morgan and one in Stark Industries. Natasha's death pissed me off so much, it nearly distracted me from the rest of the movie. First, the choice was between her and Clint. So she was essentially fridged. This after they fridged Gamora in the previous movie. Did they learn nothing? Why were the two non-powered members of the team, who had never been off world sent off on their own to another planet? The optics of that scene where all the OG men sit around and lament Nat's death aside is so bad. When you compare it to the time spent on Tony post-death, it's worse. There isn't even a photograph of her placed somewhere. Without her death, there would be no soul stone. The all-women team up scene rang hollow for me in this one. It didn't feel earned. Four women were on those posters. Two are barely in it. One is fridged and one is used as the reason they nearly get decimated again. After the snap, the Worlds's population give or take would have been about 3.5 billion, which would have increased to about 4 billion by 2030, if growth rates remain the same (My math might be off here). In the intervening 5 years, the world and its infrastructure would have acclimated to adjust to that population size. Then they drop back 3.5 Billion people in it. We know people in the MCU have souls. So if they died and went to wherever souls go, does that mean bringing them back rips them out of there. Like how Willow bringing back Buffy, rips her from heaven and the happiness she has there. You know, through the entire movie, we were being sold that getting that 3.5 billion back was the right thing to do, but I felt uncomfortable. Maybe just with the general idea of bringing back people to life. I've been thinking about this some more and I've come to the conclusion that I don't think Nat, Clint or Rhodey should have been able to travel to Morag and Steve shouldn't have been able to go back to the 70's. The movie takes the view that Time is linear so when each person travels to their past, they're actually just 'heading' to their future. But if that's true, then the characters shouldn't be able to travel to places they hadn't been to before. So the way the team up should have been IMO, is Thor, Rocket, and Nebula, heading back to their respective past at the same point of time, say September 2014. Thor to Asgard, Nebula to Morag and Rocket to wherever. Then they could have met up on Vormir and figure out a way to collect the Soul Stone. Tony, Steve, Nat, Clint, and Bruce should have gone back to 2012 for the Tesseract, Scepter and Time Stone. Three of them have undercover and stealth experience. Bruce's job remains the same. Also, when he goes back to return the stones to 2012, are there three Steves running about? Two separate instances of Clint murdering a bunch of Mexican people and a bunch of Japanese people (the optics of that entire scene in Japan were not great, to say the least). A white man, couldn't handle his grief so he goes on a killing spree of PoC
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I always say I'll stay away from spoilers, I'm just too weak! But also, I'm not always good with things, like certain aspects of violence or embarrassment (firsthand or secondhand). The first time I saw a version of The Passion as a kid, I dreamt that all my friends and I were being crucified and it takes me hours to watch one convention panel, I have to keep pausing. It's easier for me to watch if I know beforehand what I'm going to be watching.
I think the girl playing Clint's daughter (Lila) might be Ava Russo, Joe Russo's daughter.
I think it's Tony, Peggy, Thor, Steve, Natasha, Steve, Clint, Natasha, Tony. Dead center of the middle target.
L/L have confirmed they're going senior next season. They stayed in juniors this season because they wanted a JWC medal.
Season One: Law & Order Goes Cerebral
Vera replied to GHScorpiosRule's topic in Law & Order: Criminal Intent
YES! I did notice this. There's something wonky going on with the hair dye too. Even on VDO. From Homo Homini Lupus, the Plautus quote in its entirety is "Lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit non novit." Translated, it is 'A man is a wolf, not a man, to another man which he hasn't met yet'. Freud agreed with the proverb and Ovid disagreed with it. -
I'm not going to speak for you, but for me, it was the: 1) Boob-face plant 2) The creepy Hulk lullaby. 3)) The Monster/sterilization conversation 4) The Damseling of Natasha all so Bruce could show up. 5) Bruce not wanting to turn into Hulk and Natasha forcing him into it I may be forgetting some too. Oh, you can add the 17 year age gap between SJ and MR too.
Season One: Law & Order Goes Cerebral
Vera replied to GHScorpiosRule's topic in Law & Order: Criminal Intent
I don't know that Goren found her sympathetic as much as he wanted to protect the family. At that point Kevin was dead. Putting Melanie on the stand would have meant putting her husband and kids through the wringer. I get why Goren didn't want to do that. Other thoughts: G/E going at Cookie was hilarious. Whenever they're in an interrogation together, unless Goren is sitting right in front of them and directing their attention towards him, the suspect usually focuses on Eames. I wonder if this is because 1) Goren's bigger than everyone and that can be intimidating and 2) She's female and there's the automatic assumption that she'd be more sympathetic. 'Faith' really is an interesting episode. Not just because of that fact that it's based on a true story but also because of how far people will go in their actions just based on blind faith. How desperately people need their faith validated. 'The Good Doctor' is another fascinating episode. You can feel Eames' frustration throughout and it also shows that G/E are early in their partnership yet. She was right at the end there, the evidence was paper thin. I would have loved to see the jury deliberating the case and what they discussed about this. The letter from season 5 probably happened earlier because the season starts off with G/E getting along quite well, but it's still a work in progress.