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Everything posted by Mnem

  1. I think a lot of the great critical notices she got for great deal of the storylines she did on Glee says otherwise. But it's all subjective. Some people actually think Jenna can act. So that just goes to show opinions are opinions.
  2. jaytee, no tea no shade, it's like you legit watched a different show. Rachel planned to go to the plastic surgeon with a picture of her with Quinn's nose. She constantly during the first few seasons compared herself to the pretty girls, usually Quinn and Santana, and found herself on the losing end. If not for the lack of a gag reflex she would have gone bulimic so she could be hot. What show were you watching?!!
  3. Hey, you do you, boo. But mileage could not possibly vary more. LOL!
  4. Usually I just roll and scroll, but unless I'm actually missing a stray quote or instance, when has Lea, who has often joked about her spastic dancing and noodle arms, ever pretended otherwise? I get that you have strong opinions, this one in particular I can't help but vehemently disagree with, but sometimes you have to actually back them up with facts.
  5. I've never watched the performance again since the first airing because I was that pissed and repulsed by that damn tracking shot. So unnecessary!
  6. Forever scratching my head over only one Matt/Lea duet. It's like they didn't want my money. I always dreamed of somehow Will and Rachel getting cast in a community theater production of The King and I and having to perform a wildly inappropriate but gorgeously sung "We Kiss in a Shadow". LOL!
  7. I know it's corny, and I know the real world circumstances behind it, but I can't help but be a little giddy that Jesse finally got his girl! Good for you, Jesse!
  8. I know for a fact tha tptb screwed the pooch on this one. I'm not a crier, I am a weeper. I sob. Loudly. Lea ain't got nothing on my ugly cry. And pretty much anything can set me off. Toy Story 3 had me fetal. For some cray reason I thought it was a sound idea to watch The Quarterback while I polished my furniture this morning. My living room was nearly flooded with my tears. Yet I was dry as a bone through all of it. And hormonaly speaking I'm in the zone right now. I should have been easy pickings. Weak.Shit, episodes of Dr. Mcstuffin has effected me more.
  9. The JayZ and Beyoncé of Broadway, bitches!!!! Yeah, baby!!!!! On the real though, that is the only thing stopping me from going all Sue Sylvester O Fortuna all over this forum right now. Goddamn I thought this show had lost it's power over making me tear my fucking hair out. Jaysus!
  10. So I need to know just how pissed I should be about this. Was it outright stated that the baby that Rachel is carrying is biologically hers? I may have blacked out from the rage a smidge. St. Berry for the motherfucking WIN!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Screw it. My headcannon is that's li'l Jillian St. James she's carrying. No one can tell me different. Forget small potatoes Glee Club. Jesse and Rachel are the JayZ and Beyoncé of Broadway. Yipeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Part of me wants to rage. Part of me wants to do a cartwheel. You give me St. Berry, then you make Rachel the carrier of Klaine spawn. Dis damn show!
  13. Aww, Ceeg, don't judge me too hard. I have a small thing for tiny white boys with fluffy hair. I'm all about 'dem Hobbits in the LotR series. My secret shame.
  14. Blaine looks cute? It's like I don't even know myself anymore.
  15. Ok, I take it back somewhat. Matt and Jane are just magical together. I hope they get to work together again in some way.
  16. Da hell?!!! Damn am I over Sue. I never thought I would say that. And ugh to Becky too.
  17. I ain't mad! And she's legal now, so I don't even go to Hell for it anymore. Whoopwhoop!
  18. This season has been like crack for my Willchel loving heart. If loving them is wrong, which it is lol, I don't want to be right!
  19. I had wanted Rachel and Harmony in an All About Eve remix story so badly. It would have been GLORIOUS! Alas...I'm not sure I like my baby Jesse being called a villain twice already. LOL. It may be fair, but still not cool, dude. Although I've always enjoyed the fact that post season1 Jesse could not give two fucks about anyone not named Jesse or Rachel. Hee!
  20. You take that back! You take that back now!!!! Burn it with fire then salt the earth underneath so nothing will ever grow!JFC, I fully expect that now so that those set of fans get their "Faberry" in the end too. Ryan is giving us everything we asked for after all...she said as she cried into her cheap wine.
  21. It's on either TV Guide or TV LINE. Their scoop is that someone is pregnant....but there's a twist. Bitches. It better be a damned donor egg, is also I'm saying. And for once I need this damn show to spell it out! Satan, was this the payment for St. Berry and the Tony? You charge too high, homie.
  22. I knew this show would find some way to piss me off in the end. I'm on my phone so I can't link it, but that's a goddamed Klaine baby Rachel is baking! Ugh.
  23. Shenanigans! If I didn't already have issues with #1, #2, and #3, the fact that one Jesse St. "I travel with my own motherfucking spotlight" James doesn't even make the list invalidates the whole damned thing. I mean c'mon! Watch LTYH. He has his own spotlight! It's like Beyonce's portable fan! jk
  24. I would love to see pics of some of the alternative Rachel costume options. Also I want that damned theme song Lea and Amber recorded. LOL!
  25. Vitamin D. All day, err day! Preggers a close second, though. I also have a watched Hello the most times of all the eps. eta-eep. How could I forget Duets?!!
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