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Everything posted by ceg1

  1. Thank you! I just bought the instant video version and started watching, and yes, they are uncut.
  2. Does anyone know if the Amazon streaming version is uncut or do they only provide the totally unfair edited PBS version?
  3. He gave me delicious chills in this last episode. What a fantastic complex villain Wells is turning out to be. I can't wait to see what he does next.
  4. Boy they all really brought it this episode. So good. Except for Constances' hair. Not good. So terrible. I was almost disappointed with the anti-climatic Catherine and Milady scene. I wanted an epic showdown between Dangerous Ladies. Then I realized that it was all only to lead to the series of EPIC scenes between Athos and Milady, and it was worth it. Tom Burke! The raw emotion on his face when he asked Milady if his brother raped her made me shiver. Aramis tells all scene was everything I needed. Damn I love these 5 guys.
  5. I haven't had much to say about the new season. I agree with most of the criticisms, but I still enjoy the show and these guys immensely. I thought this one was one of the best episode of the whole series! In no small part because I loved the whole Magnificent Five Samurai Musketeers plot. There was so much satisfying interaction between the dark hared princes in this one to almost make up for the lack of it all season. And now we have a new player in Catherine. With everything else going on, I'm impressed that they did such a good job introducing her, giving us her story, her emotional state, all that rage motivation for revenge and how and why she got to be so bad-ass with weapons. Look out Milady. I can;t wait to see them square off.
  6. OMG. So USAians don't have to wait as long as last season? X-Mas has come early.
  7. I really got a kick out of how GaGa kept gushing about "being on the news".
  8. Woo. The swagtastic dark haired princes will be back in one month! S2 starts Jan. 2.
  9. Thanks. I miss John.
  10. I love Claire's breathy sex voice in The Wedding. I think it's awesome and hot. I hope I get to hear it a lot more NEXT YEAR {sob}
  11. I was sooo not ready for this episode. I don't even know how to prepare myself or next week. I too found myself yelling at Claire to shut up, but then stopped because I love that part of her character that makes her think that people should listen to her, not "oh yeah, I'm a woman and should shut up" even though it gets her in trouble.
  12. I really came to like this Claire in "Rent" especially because she was the most cranky and unlikable she's been so far. Drunk, piss smelling Clair trying to steal a goat? I LOVED HER! Her being s prickly seemed a realistic reaction to her realizing how dire her situation was becoming as escape moved further from her. I imagine being around those dirty men who excluded her was not completely unlike her service in WWII. And escaping for a bit for some female camaraderie with the pee-wool ladies may have been something like what she did with her fellow nurses at the front. I think Claire was having a good time, pee and all! She's certainly had her hands in worse smelling muck.
  13. Plus dat voice...
  14. This was the worst? Oh my! because I loved it. Or maybe I am just still so in thrall with these swagtastic dark haired princes to notice any badness. I loved getting more Porthos backstory and close-ups of his glorious curls. And also seeing the other Three doing all that detective work together. They work so well together. I only just noticed in this episode how they all have various scars. I assume most are makeup? If so, that's cool.
  15. Thanks for the info! Darn, I was hoping for another genre show. This Members Only doesn't really sound like my kind of show, but it has a diverse cast and I must see LM again so I will be checking it out.
  16. I love this show! The chemistry really is fantastic between these actors. They are all so swagtastically dashing! Since he seems to get no love, I'll take Porthos.
  17. Alex is working on my last nerve. I really really hate "The Refusal of the Call" part of the hero journey. Other than Alex's boring anger, I liked this episode. Glad to see some Michael and Gabriel interaction so soon.
  18. I find him OK as Dorian. I can't believe the actor is 31. He looks 21. I think no one can or should out-smolder Eva Green, but I enjoy his character interacting with the others quite a lot. I like how he always asks for permission before advancing.
  19. South Africa? Interesting. yeah. I'll keep watching. I like the wings and the flying and fighting.
  20. Vegas?! Why Vegas, Michael? Hard to defend and there's no water. Guess because Michael is a freeee-eeeek. An orgy indulging freaky-deaky angel, which is hilarious. I too wish there was more diversity in the main cast, but this show isn't as bad as I thought, except for ASH's accent. All those hard r's.
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