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Posts posted by pink317

  1. Mr. Turner is alive! Maybe he can explain to Riley that you can be a father figure in a child's life without marrying their mother? Of course, Shawn would then have to become Maya's foster parent, so the analogy doesn't quite work. Regardless, Mr. Turner's fate has always been my biggest unanswered question with BMW.



    Some folks think he died in the accident. However, in the graduation episode, Minkus said Mr. Turner was "over there" on the other side of the school. It was a brief mention - easily missed - but once Shawn was back with Chet and Virna, I didnt see where Turner fit in. He apparently ended up in NYC like Harley and Minkus... lol


    Do not click unless you want to be spoiled.


    Good in theory but Mr. Turner's appearance would happen after Hurricane, meaning Shawn and Katy would already be in a relationship and Shawn would already be acting as a father figure to Maya.

  2. MMM - please respect my difference of opinion. Its not changing. Who cares what I think? Outside of my fan vote, my opinion has no bearing. LOL. Thank you.


    I would be interested in seeing a decorated DCC like Nicole Hamilton or Brittany Evans mentoring the girls.... or, some of the inner workings of the four groups. Last season Kelli read Emma's evaluation of Ashley P to her face - but on the show we barely see Emma and Ashley interacting if at all and I'm sure some of the casual fans had no clue what that was all about. Not interested in another ratings ploy so please keep Cassie, Melissa, Abagail, et al away - save them for the Where Are They Now? special.


    It would be interesting if Sam Finglass or Shelly's Bramahal's (sp?) daughter auditioned (assuming they are of age)!

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  3. We have no clue if she was but her footage wasn't used. Im not taking about selfies or self promotion...IG is full of selfies. I didnt care for her in the video posted above because of the constant playing to the camera in the middle of prep class  as I dont care for people that play up the camera in an obvious cocky way. I dont feel bad about it. Everything is not for everyone. Its the beauty of life. Happy Easter! :)

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  4. I can't speak to Paige's situation at all but my friends and I will sometimes overdo it on the weight loss by 3-5 lbs as a 'cushion' of sorts so when a few pounds come back on, we still feel good overall.


    No Vivian! I don't dislike her like most but sometimes you have to just let go and move on. DCC does not want her.


    I wonder if Collin will audition? She dropped weight and has been posting about being back in the dance scene.

  5. First of all last fashion Emma was the point and didn't end up happening when football season started i really hope Kelsey or Kinzie in the triangle

    All the girls dance in the triangle so not sure what you mean. Re: Emma dancing point....last year they tested several girls as always when the point retires. Holly is still there assuming she makes it through TC (she will).

  6. The DCC fashion show is being live tweeted from the Cowboys Cheerleaders account or you can follow #DCCTulum. They opened with Loud. The picture isn't straight on but 99% sure Jenn K. has moved to up to Emma's place in the triangle as predicted.

  7. Coming back:

    5 years: Holly

    4 years: Danielle, Jacie, Jenna, Kinzie, Kelsey, Jessica and Jasmine

    3 years: Ashley N, Jen K, Jinelle, Paige, RAchel

    2 years: Ashley Pro; Breelan, Calia, Erica, Lacey, Loren, Melissa, Mary Victoria

    Courtney: maybe yes, maybe no

    Is this correct?

    Ah, forgot Jessica Marie in my count of upper vets. That makes eight upper vets next year! Even better.

  8. There are more than 12 girls in Mexico right now. Next year, there will be seven upper vets (4yr+) of which only two have not been on show group. I was on team negative at first after hearing most of the exceptionally talented girls (show group and group leaders) were retiring but I think it will be okay with Holly and Jacie at the helm. Some of the other future 4 year vets like Jenna are really strong, too, and have shown leadership potential (I'm sure others have but we saw Jenna on MTT9). Jenn K. who hasn't even completed a year as a vet is really strong and shows great leadership as well. I think all will be well. And even if it is a 'weak' year, the only folks that would know would be us super fans. Most people just think of them as one dancing pom waving entity and will be impressed with whatever they put out there.

  9. I honestly think the retirees are obvious at this point, but just wait a month and you'll see all the goodbye pics at the end of year banquet. Or, wait about 6 weeks for auditions and you will know for sure. :)



    ETA: I'm following #DCCTulum and love seeing the BTS shots and getting to hear the girls' voices (humanizes them). The trip looks like tons of fun. I have an upcoming vacation and following theirs is making me even more excited for my own.

  10. MTT6 had strength but didnt 5-6 rookies get cut the next year? That kinda screams "we needed to fill 14 spots"


    I'm very sad about Samantha. I was confused by her back story and never understood why someone who was trying to get into Julliard would be pom dancing.

  11. So next year will be a take what we can get year because they hit a low. Most of the top girls are leaving. :( But tbh most of them "peaked" early and already experienced practically all dcc had to offer. Next year: Holly will be #1 GL as she is the senior leader. Jenna (and Kelsey?) will be seconds. Jennifer K. will move up to "Emma's" spot in the triangle. Think Melissa will move way up in the formation as well. Maybe Jasmine will finally make show group (she really wants it)?

    Hasn't Angela been in two "retirement" pics (last yr and this yr)? Someone talks her into staying every year or what? Maybe a subtle promise of accolades??

  12. I wonder how many of those girls are there for "DCC prep" and how many just want a good dance class. I'm sure they all wont try out in May.


    Nicole is barely in the frame. Did she mess up or something?


    Mia is fire. She was the point for a reason! Jacie was bringing an A game as well.


    Interested to see who co-leads with Brittany Evans. Also find it odd that Stephanie Wheat (from Allen Americans) does DCC prep while actively leading another squad. She isn't DCC alumni, is she?

  13. From twitter:


    Name Removed ‏@(name removed) 9h9 hours ago

    @kelsey_charles I Love The Show But We Need @DCC_Sydney Back On The Show And Back As A Cheerleader #FranchiseSydney #TalkingCowboys
    0 replies 0 retweets 1 favorite

    Sydney Durso ‏@DCC_Sydney 2h2 hours ago

    Busy off-season—be back soon! RT @(Name Removed): @Kelsey_Charles Love the show but we need @DCC_Sydney back. #FranchiseSydney #TalkinCowboys


    Hope that means she's coming back and going for the DCC record! :)

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