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Posts posted by pink317

  1. The episode should be called "Girl Meets Mild Breeze" as there was no hurricane at all. I was highly annoyed as a BMW fan. I get that the show is supposed to revolve around Riley's world (although that initial idea is slowly fading away) and Maya by extension -meaning S&K would take preference over S&A because S&K relate back to Riley's world - but why do that at the expense of the BMW core characters? They could have broken S&A up during the 15 gap without vilifying Angela for 'leaving' Shawn for no reason. I'll wait to see how Eric is handled before putting the series on the back burner but part of me feels like GMW isn't cannon to BMW and shouldn't be considered part of the Meets World universe.

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  2. That being said, I thought it was silly when the one girl last season (you people are SOOO much better at remembering names than I am!) was told that the 5'3" girls on the team are typically around 105lbs so that's what she should be.  There's more to what someone should weigh besides height.

    We are on the same page here. ITA.


    Kelsi Reich's personal blog? The only one I've seen from her has to do with her missions work...does she have another where she talked about DCC?

    Probably the same blog. I read her testimony a long time ago and she talked about DCC, the part I remember was the girls' weight being plastered all over the locker room  for all to see and the heavier girls had their names/weight highlighted.

  3. I think we've seen a mixed message regarding body fat % vs. number on the scale. In MTT8, Vivian was reprimanded because she was 5'3" and weighed 123 when the other 5'3" girls weighed 113. There was no mention of body fat percent, it was "you need to weigh 113" she was desperately trying to hit a magic number imposed by TPTB.  I like the earlier days when the girls did body fat tests and worked out with Jay, at least there was an illusion of caring about something else besides a number on the scale. I dont want to derail this thread but if you guys read Kelsi Reich's personal blog, you can see how much emphasis is put on weight, not body fat (granted she was a cheerleader during the mean girl era so things may have changed).

  4. The beauty and weight standards are so unhealthy and even though I'm a super fan, I don't pretend that they aren't. But, its a organization imposed necessary evil and the girls do sign up for it. So many things about DCC are ridiculous but I still love the high kicks and power pom! Just wouldnt want my future daughter doing it. Would rather have her model for Nike! ;)

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  5. Veronica has an endorsement deal with Nike as part of their N7 campaign.  She wasn't a GL or on SG but a deal with Nike is big. Think that elevated her status with DCC. K&J excuse a lot for the ones they really love (black face anyone?)

    I've always like Veronica. I think she's sweet and has a great presence on the squad.


    There's going to be a ton of varied opinions on whether Hannah's getting cut was fair or not. I liked Hannah, but thought her, "What time frame...?" question showed she wasn't trying to lose weight, seemed to me she thought she wouldn't get cut for whatever reason. Maybe because she was Show Group. Don't know. But she'd had weight warnings during the season.  I do think K&J used her as an example to the other Vets that they needed to get their weight in check. I didn't think it was fair necessarily, but ALL girls know they need to maintain their Rookie weight to stay on the team. Hannah knew that.

    The girls' bodies change, most women aren't fully developed at 18... trust me (hello post 25 body)! Look at Mia. No way she was the same size in year 5 that she was in year 1. Her hips widened and grew more shapely by year 5. More was going on BTS with Hannah.


    We need a mole on the team. Think Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed!

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  6. Hi Lauren, with social media everything is in real time which is why this is a "spoiler" thread.  But, the show films auditions through the first preseason game (which occurs in late August/early Sept), then needs to be edited, etc., and doesn't air until late summer/early fall but the season is already underway by the time the team is announced on the last episode.


    There is no way to keep it completely under wraps.

  7. Re: watching MTT in preparation. It blows my mind that some of the TCCs walk into training camp not knowing one step of Thunderstruck or Loud! Thunderstruck is the first dance taught, the moves haven't changed in 6 years, and YouTube is full of videos. You would think the potential TCCs would be watching MTT and self teaching DCC signature dances before auditions.

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  8. Is this a significant part? Remember House Bunny? Even though the movie was about a playboy bunny and they had real bunnies for legitimacy sake, they were glorified extras... even Holly, Bridget, and Kendra were bit players/cameo parts.

  9. Lol, y'all took the thigh gap comment too seriously! I meant she has curves and thicker thighs. I think saying no 'thigh gap' is nicer than saying a person has thick thighs! Thick has a connotation of fat IMO. I would love for her to make DCC but I don't see it especially after uniform fittings but I would LOVE to be proved wrong. I want some talented ethnic girls on the team that have real bodies!

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  10. The handles are changed when the new TCCs are announced.

    DCRB also dance on the plaza, were part of the Halloween half time show, etc. OBviously they won't be mentioned on MTT but they are a part of the Cowboys spirit team like DCC, Rowdy, etc. I don't think DCC gets that much attention once the game starts. Search DCRB on YouTube, they are pretty good! Kelli helped design a version of their uniform.

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  11. I just wonder if K&J go to the group leaders or co group leaders and asked them to stay another year. I wonder if with so many leaving maybe the did something to intice them to stay on.....more money. I mean they lost almost all of there lead and co leads. angela was not on the calendar shoot..so maybe something happened to make her change her mind.

    You make a good point. Not sure about outright bribery but they are definitely reminded about the perks... show group, uso, travel, group leader, prominent dance positions. For example, I found the London trip to be a little off,  instead of sticking with show group - it was changed to group leaders & only some show group members which was clearly only changed for Angela and Nicole because all the other GLs were on SG.

  12. Jenna just tweeted. Nicole did win Vet. Also the coin she posted is given to first time USO tour participants.


    Kinda feel bad for Sydney, this whole thing sort of reminds me of Trisha Trevino's 6th year.

  13. Oh I never realised that it always went to a show group rookie, well then yes in that case it would be Erica, Lacey or Melissa. And Mary wouldn't even be considered for it. I guess I never really noticed that it was always a show group rookie that was given it.

    Is it the same for the vets though? Are they only given to show group girls only too?

    Hard to tell, the same girls kind of get everything, you know? Nicole wasn't on show group and got PBC so anything is possible with a peer vote!

  14. I think we kinda knew she wasn't coming back, but it's good for the people who needed confirmation that she said it. I guess it was getting frustrating not being the "top" veteran, not being point of the triangle and not being chosen to go to Pro Bowl.

    This was her year for Pro Bowl and it was pretty shocking that she didn't get it. Not sure what happened there. But, you can't cry over spilled milk. Still wish she would have went for the record, she was really close. Good luck to her in the future maybe she'll surpass Melissa Rycroft in  the "celebrity" DCC ranking.

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  15. I started to write detailed spoilers but it turned into a SUPER long episode recap. And aint nobody got time for dat! I'll post a few below and if you have specific questions... quote me and I will answer.


    Side note: Kyle Richards from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was there with her daughters. She didn't sit in the audience - she and her family were on the floor watching the show.

    After sitting, I immediately notice the attention is to the far left, not the main sets. I noticed Trina squeak past in a pink and black running suit. No one else in my area sees as the audience wranglers are still getting things situated... and I get excited thinking maybe Shawn will run into her while she is at the park running?! Fast forward, the EP comes out and gives a spiel about not every couple being Cory and Topanga. Welp. Ok. We watch Girl Meets Master Plan which is "part one" of the arc. We also find out that NONE of the main sets are going to be used tonight, only swing (temporary) sets. So much for the "good" seat smack dab in the middle. The swing sets are so far off to the side, we all had to watch the monitors above us to see anything. I think well, whatever, at least I get to see Trina and Blake. NOT. They tape 4 (3?) scenes. ALL of Blake and Trina's scenes were pre-taped! So... no main sets, no BMW guest stars, and we had to watch everything on monitors. What?! Basically, Trina was just wandering around with her daughter similar to the aforementioned Kyle Richards. Blake went missing after cast intros most likely because of his foot injury  Total letdown.



    I'm going to continue to use tags for the plot spoilers! LOL


    - Cloris Leachmann's bakery is now owned by Topanga and is named, Topanga's Bakery and is Katy's new place of employment

    - Maya cries because Shawn makes a comment about the way she dresses and Maya feels loved as no one had care enough to express concern in the past. She parlays this into Shawn buying her new clothes

    - The shopping  and subsequent scenes is important b/c Shawn hugs Katy a little too tight and he gets fatherly feelings for Maya after she tries on clothes for him

    - Katy calls Shawn out on the hugging and possibly having feelings for her by reciprocating the tight hug, complete with sitting on his lap.

    - Angela is literally in TWO scenes, one of which she does not even speak! She shows up at Topanga's bakery with NO exposition saying she needs to talk to Shawn. Riley, Cory, Katy, and Maya sit outside while this "hurricane" unfolds. PS. Its not clear if Angela even knows who Riley is as no acknowledgement of her at all.

    - As the publicity still shows, Angela is married and wants to talk to Shawn about having kids. Shawn asks why she left and she replies she wasn't ready but used what they had to prepare her for her husband. She mentions her dad's death (the actor died IRL) and Shawn encourages her to have kids because she isn't her mom. Angela notices Maya & Katy's spying and encourages Shawn to be with Katy. She then leaves but not before showing Katy et al (non verbally) her approval and that she isn't going to be a threat to their relationship. [sorry but for ALL the hype, two scenes with no exposition of where she's been the last 15 yrs is lame]

    - Chet shows up at Demolition (publicity still #2) in a vision to Shawn and furthers encourages Shawn to man up with Katy. Shawn accepts a date with Katy thus officially beginning their relationship, Maya freaks out in happiness and all is well until part 3 of the arc when Maya's dad comes back into the picture.


    So that ended up being wayyyyy longer than I planned. But yeah, that's Girl Meets Hurricane in a nutshell. Excuse any typos!

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