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Posts posted by pink317

  1. I think Jennifer will close auditions.


    If all the vets make it back who do you think the group leaders will be?


    First:  Holly , Jacie, Jennifer, Angela

    Second: Jinelle, Jenna, Kelsey, Kinzie

    Not sure about Jinelle as a 2nd but agree with everything else you said. Holly will be leader of group #1 for sure.

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  2.  Maybe dance solos are just generally boring and that is why they didn't really show them before!


    I concur. I dont want to derail this thread but some of the retirees have their old solos on Youtube. Going to post them in the video thread. Stark difference between their solos and what's being showcased today. I'm sure Kelli will claim all the solos were out of the world good on the show but the tweets show a different story.


    82 finals contestants

    - how many rookies/vets reauditioning = how many newbies?


    How many TC spots up for grabs, too (meaning how many total with vets are headed to TC)? Someone who's good at math!

    Kelli mentioned this on the sound cloud clip posted a few pages back. 59 final candidates, 23 veteran candidates, 45 training camp spots (most likely a team of 36)

  3. Now that I've seen them all - quite a few girls seem to be moving slowly?


    I like Jenna's approach to solos - she picks her best genre and just kills it.


    Anyone else notice the girl in the gold in the background who looks pissed and has her arms crossed during every solo? Maybe she just has resting bitch face and doesn't realize it. She does not look amused. Kinda funny.

  4. Jessica Marie's looked like it could have been cute but we literally saw the end. Her outfit is very good.


    Poor Jasmine's did seem slow moving - again hard to judge on a few seconds but it felt veryyyyy slow. Hope she isn't a Carmen :(


    LOL at Jacie's song. Guess she's rolling with the Whitney Houston comparison!


    Best outfits - Jacie, Holly, Jessica Marie.


    Favorite so far - Mini Mia aka Jenna!

  5. Hmm, yeah! I don't think Rachel was in the retiring pic?? I wonder what happened...she wouldn't have been cut already??

    She went to MX. Something must have changed between the end of the trip and this weekend. Hopefully an amazing job opportunity or of something of that nature (ie drama/tragedy free).

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  6.  From pictures she doesn't look like she's in her 30's, but I hope K&J don't say she doesn't have an HD face. Brittany Schram was getting up there in age, and although she looks flawless in pictures, she looked weathered every time they did a closeup of her at games.

    I wonder how much actual age vs looks matter. There was an article posted earlier about a 49 year old trying out and went on to say the oldest person to make DCC was 37. I wonder if this was before the Kelli era? Miranda (DCRB) was in her late 30s but was phenomenal, endorsed by Kitty, and never made it to TC. I think in recent years, the oldest DCC was Sunni (31-32 at retirement) but she definitely made the team while in her 20s.

  7. Yeah, MTT focuses mainly on her DWTS "celebrity." I'm not into reality shows, so don't really think of reality "stars" as celebrities. But, whatever. A lot of people do. While I think Melissa does a fine job mentoring, IMPO they chose her for ratings purposes. :)

    Well, you said to tell you what qualifies her as a mentor! lol

    Melissa was brought in for ratings. She's more known in the TV world at large than most any other DCC.  That she does fine as a mentor is beside the point: she's there whatever she can bring in for ratings. I think her warmth and desire to help the girls is genuine, but don't think her stuff isn't scripted, like all reality shows!

    Well I did ask and you did define so I guess I brought that on myself, Lol.

    It sort of sets a bad standard IMO like it doesnt matter who you were on the team as long as you can bring in ratings like if Chelsea makes it big next thing you know she'll be a mentor for MTT15!

  8. Melissa quitting the squad doesn't immediately disqualify her as a mentor. She left after 2 seasons. Samantha and Abby are leaving this year after 2 seasons. What exactly are the qualifications you're looking for? The merriam-webster dictionary defines a mentor as; "someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and often younger person." That's what Melissa does. None of us know her personally and have the right to say she isn't qualified. All we can do is look at what happened last season, and she did indeed mentor and advocate for the TCCs. Could another DCC retiree do the same thing? Of course! No one said they couldn't. Obviously Melissa was chosen mostly because she won DWTS. She brings in viewers who were fans of hers from that show. And regardless of how much anyone loves the DCC, DCC:MTT will only be on if the ratings support it. You obviously don't like her. But respectfully, that alone - nor winning DWTS - doesn't disqualify her as a mentor.


    Wow. TLDR but I dont need the MW definition of mentor LOL and I'm not talking about retiring, I'm talking about quitting the squad.  http://forums.previously.tv/topic/2592-former-dccs-missed-forgotten-or-gone-before-her-time/page-4


    I never said I didn't like her. I dont think she is a qualified DCC mentor and wouldnt be chosen if she wasnt famous.She isn't a bitch or anything, just seems to go against what DCC claims. But thanks for the explanation?!

  9. Melissa quit the squad and was never on SG or a GL... aside from being 'famous' how is she qualified to be a  DCC mentor? Some one explain this to me. So many other DCCs that are distinguished in the world of DCC should be the mentor.....


    Maybe she will have to Skype with her chosen TCCs LOL


    ^ Your comment made me literally LOL!

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  10.   I'm wondering if giving out the test at that one meeting was just for TV/Ratings/Drama since so many Vets did badly.

    We don't see the full meeting. The handing out of the tests is probably boring except the one time it wasn't (as you mentioned above) and the footage made it to air. But we rarely see Barbie distribution or the long list of other things they talk about in the meeting. I think barbie distribution (and group leader selection) should be included in the every season.

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  11. I think the interview just didn't get his facts straight. For several years there were 500, 600 or more trying out. But since MTT began, the numbers have been dwindling as the fringe candidates aren't showing up in great number like they used to. I'm sure all candidates must sign a waiver saying their image can be used on the telecast. The fringies don't come off looking that great on MTT.  I think there were only about 350 girls trying out this year, and they should take about 45 girls into TC, not 35. Maybe that was a typo?

    Has to be a typo, they cant take 35 if the team is 36

  12. I'm also excited to see how Melissa equals her rookie audition. I very much want to see Erica and Kelsey's routines as well. I'm also interested in seeing whether Ashley Pro's year of DCC has improved her dancing skills enough so that she relies less on her tumbling strength.

    I predict they'll open with Jacie. Pretty much every season Kelli says Jacie's solo is her favorite Vet solo, or one of them.


    Question - do the individual solos get put up somewhere so we can see them? They never show the entire solo during MTT.

    I agree about Jacie, she closed solos last year so she could open this year. I was thinking Holly might open but she could close. Either position is considered an honor! One year solos were posted online. The past year or so I've only seen them in short social media clips. Some girls have their routines on Youtube but I've only seen a few (Olivia, Carissa, Melissa, Sydney)


    I agree, Holly Arielle or Jacie will start/end (unless they pull what they did last year, and have a super strong rookie start it off...wasn't Jennifer K trying out for her second year last year? I could totally see them have Melissa do that). 

    I hate to get too excited over any of the great dancers yet in the videos, just because of panel interviews...I could see my favorites being total dingbats and not know who the president is or what NFL stands for.

    Thinking back, that whole Jennifer K was very telling. To have someone who doesn't even have a year as a vet opening solos showed that they really liked her a  lot (and this was solidified with her being named a 2nd GL) I hope she's a rare case, though, and they go back to seniority. How scary would it be for a finals candidate to see Melissa, as the opening act, touch her foot to her head or leap so high into another back bend. I would be peeing my pants!


    I know one person (cough Kelsey cough) who better not show up without knowing her stuff. If she can't answer basic football questions again, I think the panelists will rip her to shreds!

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  13. My guess for opening solos is Holly or Jacie.

    And really, you don't think Holly (finals candidate) smashed that routine? I think she has so much power and her body just moves the right way. Someone posted a video from her Instagram unthread and I sat and watched her dancing videos for a good half hour. She's killer.

    I'll have to look at her instagram. I couldn't decide if she was good or just stood out because the other vids were not so good. I need to see a strong vet or Mia herself do the dance to see what it is supposed to look like.

    Agree on your choices to open/close solos.

  14. If the vets look a mess doing the routine next week then I'll blame the choreography. Right now I just see fatigued girls sort of moving around. I'm not buying what any of them are selling...not even Holly who I think just looks 'amazing' by default


    Speaking of vets, any solo you're hoping to see? I want to know how Melissa will top her rookie audition.


    Also, they choose a strong vet to open and close solos? Any guesses on who those two will be?

  15. Do they still perform Loud? I thought they switched from Loud to Thunderstruck a few years back? I liked Loud far better musically and choreographically. Thunderstruck is awful in every sense. I hate that dance and the song. 

    They just performed Loud at the ACM awards so its still in the rotation. They have a longer version with kick line and a shorter one that stops after the second chorus. Thunderstruck is always used for the pregame performance. I feel like every routine is based around the moves from Loud or Thunderstruck so if you can get two down, its very easy to learn the rest. Might be easy to mix everything up but not 'hard' to learn the routines. They desperately need new material!


    PS. Voting is open!

  16. I seriously think DCC needs to invent a new signature dance. It's getting old seeing the same one every year. 

    Yes! Some of the sideline dances are from 2006. Thunderstruck is 5-6 years old. Loud is also ancient. I know them all already lol. If I'm tired of seeing them, I know the girls are tired of performing them!

  17. Morgan has a strong Kitty connection. Kitty pushed hard for her. Firmly believe if Chelsea and Courtney Cook would have made the team, Kaitlyn and Morgan may not have.


    Back to this season....


    They have quite a few that look exactly the same - Ashley Paige, Kelsey, etc. Interesting to see if they all make TC.


    The word celebrity is being used very liberally lol.

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