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Posts posted by pink317

  1. I'm still a little confused about what you've said Pink. You mentioned there's no acknowledgement of Riley, but the stills shows there is.


    Maybe you didn't see everything.





    Hey, Canada. You have to quote me or I won't know you responded to me. I dont check the GMW forum daily. :)


    There was no acknowledgement of Riley as a Matthews. Riley was in the bakery with Shawn when Cory comes in screaming about Angela. After Angela says "I need to talk to you [shawn]," Riley takes her plate of sweets out to the hurricane picnic (it will make sense when you see it). She walks in between Shawn and Angela and sort of eyes them both.


    That photo is a continuation/variant of this one: http://www.etonline.com/media/photo/2015/02/24129647/640_Girl_Meets_World_Trina_McGee.jpg


    Here is the hurricane picnic where Angela smiles signifying she wont be a threat to S&K and then leaves (for good?)



  2. Hmm, I think the strugglers are put with strong leaders at least I would hope so.. just to give the girls a chance. Mackenize Lee (weak kicker) was paired with Brittany Evans (strong kicker). Wasn't Morgan in Mia's group? I dont remember what group Breelan was in. I think they balance personalities, too. You cant have a group of all serious folks who dont laugh ever and then a group of gigglers who dont get anything done because theyre laughing too much.

  3. What is this yellow rose article???

    PM me.


    Yeah , but the triangle in calender is just fill in the spot , last year calender emma was the point and every body just moved up to the spot the person that retired had , the triangle well keep changing untill the first official game , the will try things out in training camp and the pre-season

    Might not be official for the season but.. I do think it could change

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  4. Might not be official for the season but Jenn K danced in 'Emma's spot' during this year's calendar trip. See 1:15 mark.


    If the top of the triangle is staying as is Jenn- Holly- Jacie, then I would LOVE for Kinzie to be the center of the second line, that is a pretty prominent spot as well and a tall blonde looks good there.

  5. Anyway, I think they've picked great ladies for GLs. I honestly don't know if I'd rather be in Group 1 or 2 !  I love Holly and Danielle but Jacie and Kinzie would be so much fun. That is awesome Holly Marie got in their group!!

    Laurenbrook, join Group 2 with me. We'll have so much fun. LOL

    Cassie always seemed well-liked by her teammates, so I don't see why she wouldn't have been voted for.

    What?! Cassie was name as one of the mean girls in the anonymous Yellow Rose article! I think she was respected by the newer girls, though.

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  6. I thought that once too and I think that's how they like to portray it, but I clearly K&J have the final say. Otherwise there's no way in hell Cassie would've ever been picked.

    On the old DCC site, Ally did a pretty good job of explaining the group leader process and role. I can't search the archives at work because they block all things DCC in the site name as porn! LOL.


    Take with a huge grain of salt  but in her blog on the old DCC site, Judy said they leaders are picked by the staff (so her and Kelli) but one year (2010 - MTT5), they were "so torn" they asked the girls to vote. She was so shocked and happy when Cassie was voted by her peers. Now the cynic in me thinks if I was trying to get in good with Judy, this would be a great way to do so.

    • Love 2
  7. So, Kelsey is the only 4th year Vet without a leadership role. I wonder how she feels about that.

    Yeah but she is on Show Group so she is probably fine. I think its strange if you're an upper vet and not a leader OR on show group. 4+ year girls get some sort of accolade which is why I was really was interested in seeing if Veronica or Katy would do a 5th yr and if so it they would get SG or GL.

  8. Finally,  Jenna gets the recognition she deserves! Now just give her a dang Barbie...


    Personally, I would want to be in Jacie and Kinzie's group but I have a total bias toward both of them because they're the cream of the crop. 


    Is this Danielle's year for Show Group?? Her DCC journey has been the most interesting saga. I am very happy for her!

    • Love 3
  9. There is more drama in this thread than there is in the entire episode! Just watch and decide for yourself - you might love it, you might hate it, you might give it a 'C' and wonder what all the hype was about. Unless scenes were added (don't think so) what I posted in my original recap is pretty much it when it comes to Angela. Angela's whole arc (all 3 eps where she was mentioned) didn't feel cannon to BMW to me for the reasons I've stated many times and that is why I was unsoothed by the whole thing and don't feel bad for spoiling their most anticipated episode lol.

  10. Pink, since you've seen the taping, can you tell us if Angela comes across as a villain to you? Do they seem to paint her as the bad guy in the breakup?

    Not in Hurricane (in Master Plan and Pluto yes, due to the lack of exposition and juxtaposition against Katy).


    I What they say they think people will be pissed off, I think it's more of an awareness that the shippers don't want to see her come back just so it can facilitate a move on to Shawn/Katie. Of course, I don't think this is even about Katie either.  This is Shawn seeing a kid who has gotten a similar raw deal to the childhood he had, and he feels connected to this kid and wants to make it better for her.  

    Valid points and this just goes back to the over-hyping/misrepresenting the episode (remember the taping was in Feb). Also, I think you're off about who is the center of the story arc. I dont think Shawn would date someone just to make a kid happy.  This is Maya's story, Maya's Hurricane (of emotions), Maya's fear/apprehension to believe in getting a happy ending, Maya spies on Shawn and Angela during their conversation because she is threatened by what could be, Maya finally allowing herself to feel happiness when Katy asks Shawn out and he accepts. The arc doesn't end here; the writers said the saga continues later when Maya's dad returns. Its Riley's plan and Maya's story.


    Long and short of it: Angela doesn't relate back to Riley or Maya thus she is no longer useful to the "meets world" universe. I'm not sure how it could have been done better, but it could. Will be interesting to see Rachel's return as she was the true outlier of the group.

  11. Has Shawn ever specifically mentioned Angela as a "leaver" on GMW? 

    Girl Meets Master Plan. The girls ask what happened to Angela/why it didnt work and Shawn says Angela left him. 




    15 years ago, in  Angela's Men, she did not break up with Shawn.. she was going to Europe for 1 year to be with her dad. So, again, did she just never come back or speak to Shawn again? They weren't broken up (on her end) the last time we saw them together.


    I've seen the episode, I'm over it already but I have a very good memory, know my favorite shows thoroughly, and retcon is jarring and difficult to reconcile.



    She doesn't have to be a villain for that to happen.  


    That's what everyone is saying!

    • Love 1
  12. Your situation makes sense because it is a complete story. We don't get a complete story in this episode. 


    Aside from the super shippers, I dont think people will be upset about her being married as much as they will be upset at the lack of exposition and the over-hyping of the episode. She was introduced to the GMW universe as a villain - a leaver, a person who abandons the one they love, etc, which was a bonding point for Shawn and Katy. You should see the people on the FB pages they hate Angela for hurting Shawn! Talk about revisionist history. Folks that know their BMW history well are justified in feeling unsettled because it doesn't jive with what happened in BMW S7 (constantly talking about never leaving each other, working out their issues in ep703)  and by not explaining where they hell Angela has been for 15 years and implying she left to spend 1 year in Europe with her dad and just never talked to Shawn again (not even a phone call to say she didnt die in a plane crash on the way over?!) is sort of disrespectful to BMW fans - I mean she was a series regular. I know a complete back story for a guest star is a lot to ask when the series is supposed to focus on the kids but again, it goes back to over-hyping. The taping was in Feb, back then the writers were really misrepresenting the episode.


    I don't think the reasons I mentioned above will even be discussed if there is a backlash. The writers will claim reality over TV endings and focus on the relationship angle opposed to plot hole stuff. And by the way, "meets world" universe has never been 100% real. Didn't Riley have a horse in her room? Cause that happens....

    • Love 5
  13. The show is edited (heavily) and shown out of context. I wouldn't trust anything specific date/time mention ("tomorrow is show group auditions", etc), especially if its a voice over as those are faked for story continuity.



    Here is a pic from today's uniform fittings- on the show, we dont see the fittings until later in season but clearly the girls get fitted right away (takes time to custom make those uniforms!)



    • Love 3

    Shawn & Angela broke up 15 years ago.

    And apparently so did Angela and Topanga lol.


    You hit the nail on the head earlier, the other characters' returns are celebrated but Angela's is an unwelcomed threat to the GMW status quo and even her former friends dont seem to want her there - Cory runs into Topanga's bakery ahead of Angela screaming trying to warn Shawn. Angela and Cory end on a good note because she  walks out of their lives (presumably) forever. Trina, as an actress in a slow period, did the right thing by saying yes to the role but I wonder how she really feels... as she was very passionate about Shawn & Angela and her role on Boy Meets World.

    • Love 3
  15. Don't get me started on her hair!!

    Maybe everyone else will like it, I just felt the hype and what I saw didn't match. I expected more than "I disappeared on you cause I wasn't ready but I got married and now I need your advice about whether or not I should have kids. Ps my dad died and you should be with Katy."

    I thought the hurricane was about Shawn choosing between Angela & Katy but it was Maya' s emotional hurricane and her thru line of being afraid to have hope/wish for good things. Had I known this prior, I probably would have been less upset.

    • Love 1
  16. Where you there?


    Meh. It's not a big deal to me tbh. Maybe she was only available during those times, so they weren't able to shoot live. Or maybe they did it to not piss off the audience.


    It's disappointing, but life happens. If Shawn doesn't end up with her, it's not a huge deal. What matters is that it's handled well. That I'd be more concerned about.


    The audience was disappointed- at least my section...some came to see Trina and Blake. I took a day off work to go see the taping. Trina and Blake were on set, they just didn't film anything. Someone asked about the scenes shown/filmed at the taping because the episode seems a bit unnecessary and I sort of agree, there is this BIG setup is being done by the producers and the payout is not going to meet the expectations. There is no back story on Angela, no Topanga reunion, etc. I think people think Shawn and Angela will be the focal point of the episode but it really revolves around Maya allowing herself to be happy and hope for things and getting her wish of Katy and Shawn. Angela has one speaking scene. Perhaps more was added later but I saw a pretty complete episode. I think people will be disappointed. In a few weeks, we will see how many agree.

    • Love 2
  17. Pink, you said that they pre-shot all of Angela's scenes...is it possible you didn't get shown the entire episode? Did you see anything shot live?

    I believe I saw the whole episode. Pre-taped scenes (including Chet and Angela's) were shown to us on the monitor in between what was being taped live. So, we watched the opening at (shot live), then the scene at demolition (pre-taped), we picked up after that (live), and so on until the end of the episode.


    I think they shot 4 (give or take 1 or 2) scenes live. Most of the Topanga's bakery (exterior and interior - minus Angela's scenes) stuff was filmed live.


    ETA: Michael Jacobs is already expecting a full scale backlash. See here: http://www.ibtimes.com/girl-meets-world-angela-shawn-episode-will-cause-full-scale-audience-rebellion-1954576

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