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Posts posted by pink317

  1. Oh yes you are right, I don't think Melissa cares about the girls in particular but does care about looking bad- if none of her girls make it she doesn't look like the expert at whatever. Once her set of girls are established, whether she is involved with that or not, being one of them can help get you on the team. 

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  2. @TXStar35 THANK YOU for stating what we some of us already knew -  Melissa does have some pull with who makes the team. She can't be touted as an expert at whatever and not pick out one girl who can actually make the team.

    Unrelated but what the heck is up with Kelsey not knowing Thunderstruck of all routines? NO sympathy for any TCC who can't get Thunderstruck when there are 500 youtube videos out there. I know it pretty well at this point (self taught but I can pick up choreo well off youtube) and an active dancer who has wanted this for four years has no excuse. Disappointing!

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  3. I dont prefer Jennifer over Jenna... (and often get "Jennifer fatigue" as well), I just would like to know why the point girl is getting booted 10 days before pregame? I've been a big fan of the team for 10 years now and never seen that happen. During spring/summer they will test out the top candidates but its usually set by opening ceremony. I would be upset if I was booted right before my big debut!

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  4. Im basically repeating everything RazzleberryPie said but girl behind the point is a good position, she is highlighted in the straight line formation! Only the strong dance there. Past girls have been Kinzie (Emma subbed most of the season though), Lauren, and Kelsey. Erica is in a great position and only a third year and will continue to move up. She was awesome at Oxnard and very personable during the meet and greet.

    Not doubting anyone's cred but finding it hard to believe that Jenny Kat has been top of the triangle since Holly left but is now getting booted for Jenna, 10 days before the first pregame? WHY? Give us the deets.

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  5. That is Cersten. She is most likely in Robin's "line" which is far down from the point, maybe 4-5 rows? Hard to tell.  I imagine Jinelle and Meg are in the center area that you cant see well from the photo's angle.

    Also, what is with this "beyond" theme? Clearly its their word for the season but seems random. Beyond what? Infinity (#toystory)

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  6. I saw Cassie's pic but I couldn't bring myself to even post about it. She's definitely hanging on....I'm sure its a cute pic and nice for their family collection. She did it with Cannon before Lennon was born. Its annoying but not hurting anyone in the long run, I guess. I get more annoyed when the kids are running roughshod at practice, games, or events like meet the team since its disruptive and unprofessional. Other alumni have daughters. It would be better if K&J offered an all call for alumni with daughters to come and take a mini squad photo with their girls during say the last 20 mins of studio time IMHO instead of devoting studio to just Cassie's kids.

    Cassie can't post the pic of Lennon with the squad since she would be posting the squad photo before the organization. Once its out, she will post the one with Lennon and the squad.

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  7. I want to know if the last mass exodus was cheerleader initiated or if Kelli and Judy strongly hinted that the girls should bow out gracefully, on their own terms, instead of being embarrassed at finals. The 2010 squad was an all around mess (drugs, mean girls, fraternizing with players.... all alleged of course ;) )... half their rookies didn't return. The squad needed a good cleansing but who led the charge?

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  8. Among other tidbits, there was an article written by a former DCC (who went by the name Yellow Rose), which said the team was full of mean girls namely - Trisha, Crystal, Meredith, Cassie, and another blonde who I can't remember. I was in sorority - no one gets along 100% of the time, especially when the organization is designed for the girls to compete against each other always (show group, group leader, campout trophy, point of the triangle, rookie/vet of the year, etc.) and esteems some team members above the others. I dont think the girls are as mean as they probably once were nor do I think they secretly hate each other like Hugh Hefner's girlfriends but I KNOW it is not rainbows and butterflies in DCC land.

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