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Posts posted by pink317

  1. 51 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

    How about the announcer (who was that?) saying very clearly that the DCC have to have jobs.   Do all the girls on the current squad have jobs?

    That's Jerry Jones. He gave a semi-long RAMBLING speech which talked about DCC needing to be mothers, going to school, having jobs, etc. His whole speech was so weird and disjointed but he praised the girls so there's that. He also praised each and every one of us (fans) for getting up every day and dealing with our credit card bills (?) and then gave the city of Oxnard 10K. The girls really had their game faces on with big bright agreeable smiles, and I salute them,  as most of my section was like WTF is this man talking about.

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  2. 12 hours ago, grapevine said:

    This is what I have heard- They have a sort of set guidelines list corresponding with height and weight (example: 5'2 you should weigh 113 or under.. 5'3 117 or under...etc). Of course these are guidelines and exceptions can be made, plus things like how much muscle a girl has (or if she has fake tits lol) are taken into consideration.   In TC they weigh you, and this is the weight you must be at for the duration of the season. I think you're allowed like 2 or 3 lbs of fluctuation before things start getting serious. I have heard that they weigh in front of everyone, which would explain why everyone knows if you're on weight watch. I also have heard that sometimes they have weighed on fridays, and the girls know ahead so they starve themselves all week. After weighing, they pig out all weekend. I do think there are occasional surprise weigh-ins too, as well as some back-toback. Like they might get weighed on Fri, pig out all weekend and think they're good and then Surprise! random weigh-in next week.

    This is 100% true and it was a standout in MTT8. Vivian was given shizz because she didn't weigh 113 and was 5'3".. no regard to muscle vs. fat or different body types. It is all about the number, which is not realistic or as Chelsea said maintainable. They also post everyone's weight in the locker room for all to see, with the girls at the higher end highlighted (!).  Kelsi Reich detailed this after she left the team.


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  3. Hi guys! Reporting from Oxnard with spotty connection. Mandy and Kelli signed the 2015 squad photo but off on the side. I made mention of them being new and not even being in the photo they signed to which they laughed and mentioned the whirlwind they've been on since Tuesday. They danced alongside the vets well and are great adds to the team IMO.

    It was abundantly clear that Jenn is the head group leader if you will. She was the one giving direction and correction outside of Judy during rehearsal. She also said it was her fourth quarter so I'm sure she is retiring and going to get pbc and vet of the year. 


    Phone's dying gotta run

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  4. 4 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    Is she at point or just standing there?

    She's just standing there. The point is more toward the table/Kelli. It's most definitely Jennifer at the top of the triangle. Jessica is in Melissa's leg of the triangle.

    2 hours ago, heatherrrrz said:

    I thought during thunder that some of the girls rotate at point

    They dance in straight lines and lines have no point which is why the girl behind the point is a good position because she is fairly center in the straight line formation. Depending on the number of girls on the team, sometimes said girl ends up dead center on the 50 yard line (!) during the straight line formation. When the girls triangle up, they don't rotate the point, the same girls go the same spots. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

    I think they'll put Amy T in the triangle over Melissa, if a blond is needed. Melissa does not photograph as well as Amy.

    I hope Amy Trader is going to go in place I call 'tip of the star'  (when looking at the football) its the position right behind the point girl, and usually a strong blonde dances there. She is tall and would look good in said position. Lauren, Cassie, Kinzie, Kelsey (with her ever changing hair colors), have all dance there in the past. Its a good position. I dont think Jenny Kat photographs that well, especially when dancing due to her choice of sassy facials, and she's the point!

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  6. I dont have a dog in the Yuko fight but she had a translator to help understand the choreo and instructions. They get different instructions every night, so....

    To help overcome the language barrier, Yuko will have an interpreter who can translate the instructions/choreography that Yuko and the other DCC hopefuls will learn during DCC Training Camp.

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  7. Which RC SG memebers were cut? I've been watching for 10 years and can't remember an instance? Please remind us.

    Rachel was also BORE CITY for me for three years and she made SG so someone important likes her. Hopefully Claire will stick out more in SG. I never noticed her,  she doesn't "command my attention" or whatever phrase Kelli uses.

    excuse the typo, i cant seem to edit the post.

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  8. Can we get a new thread? This one is nearly 100 pages. 


    I second a thread that clearly states the taboo topics because there are quite a few.


    Would also like to add that if everyone is on the same playing field save for Bigskygirl, who is the moderator, no one should be deemed an insider. Just post your thoughts, opinions etc and if they come true, they come true. None of this esteeming one poster above another in terms of valid information. 

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  9. To clarify, I don't think Jinelle has been released from the team or in danger of it, but Kelli used to claim no one can miss anything unless there was a death in the family or some other extreme so seems off she is "missing" two times. 

    I know Sam was involved with DCC social but whoever has the reigns now is not that great because they've been slacking on the pics (in general). 

    I think uniform fittings are usually early since each garmet is custom made and needs to be done by cameos. On the show they seemed later but social media showed otherwise. 

    DMD auditions are in a month if there is a true gag order we'll be able to figure something out on 7/9. Not ideal but they have us begged this year, I guess. Lol

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  10. My two cents -

    Using the show as timeline guide is not a good idea. The show edits heavily and mashes things up.

    Last year First Meeting was 6/1 and GLs were announced 6/9. Eight days apart. Wouldn't be insane to think GLs have been announced. In fact, I would bet money that the first row are the GLs. Those are the obvious choices with Holly P swapped in for Jinelle who is MIA for two important photos. Phones have timers, all could in the photo if present. Holly becoming a second before being a vet is annoying but not unheard of - just go back two years with Jenny Kat. I don't care for that approach but Holly does seem to be on the Jenny Kat fast track train - she already closed solos for goodness sakes.

    I agree DCC is obsessed with rank and seniority and a lot of their pictures are posed by seniority. Jasmine  posted on social (back before she was cut) about how she was so happy she was going to be able to park in the 4th year vet parking area. Like WTF... that's next level with the seniority nonsense.

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  11. K&J are not going to bring multiple candidates in because of the internet. They let the internet choose one candidate who 2/3 times has not made the team.  A lot of girls have to audition multiple times but because of the presence of social media we are just more aware of it. Schram posted about getting cut in auditions 3 times before making it to camp where she guess what got cut the first time. Even sainted Melissa didn't make it to TC her first time round. I think a lot of the girls started to take prep classes and stepped it up a bit. If a girl has been to finals multiple times and was say number 47 of out 45, perhaps this is the year that they rose just a few more spots to make the cut, K&J do nothing out of pure mercy.  I've actually never been more excited for a TC and I think its because I'm invested in these people as I've seen them before. I care more about them then say, Claire (or 90% of the MTT 10 rookies), who I forgot was even on the damn team.

    Last night the boards seemed happy about the rookie candidates and now this morning not so much? LOL. I am in the minority here but  am a little confused by the intense hate for Amy (for unclear reasons... she seems annoying?) and the propping of Kelsey who went into a job interview not knowing the owner/GM of the organization in which she was trying to gain employment. The 50 yards thing is kinda silly seeing as she was just on the field but the the worst is being unprepared a second time on a beyond basic question. 

    Rycroft is a joke on this show and all of her picks getting axed highlights that fact. Is Candice supposed to be her replacement? Enough with these "famous" mentors and bring in some rock star 4-5 yr alumni (not Cassie) who actually walked the talk.

    Anywho, super fun chatting with everyone yesterday. One of the best days on these boards!!

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