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Posts posted by pink317

  1. Yes, the lighting was most likely for effect, homelife. Starting center field is great and give other girls camera time. The lines thing doesn't work from a distance. I can always spot someone who is off.  And, the best part was none of that stupid footage being played instead of the dancing!

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  2. The group leaders, seconds, plus four from show group. Total of twelve.

    Has the four been named? I like to try to guess these things so Im thinking Kelsey, Jinelle, Samantha, Jenna. Possibly Brittney subbed in for Jinelle.

  3. I think Kelli gives the first bear then that girl chooses the next girl they feel has gone above and beyond. They pass the bear and then those 8 girls are each given one to keep at the end of year banquet. I saw pics on the girls twitters from last years banquet of the girls holding their bears, who were selected during the season.

    THANK YOU! This totally makes sense.

  4. I listened to the cheer report but interpreted it as the bear is given out eight times, not necessarily 8 different bears. Why is Jessica giving hers to Angela if there are different bears and Angela get her own? Honest question. 

  5. Kelli stated a girl would be given one of the bears at each regular season home game (8 girls in all.) I believe Nicole, Jacie, two year vet Jessica, and Angela has receive one.

    Isn't it the same bear? Why would the bear be passed if each girl got her own?


    Jessica Allison @DCC_JessicaA  ·  7h 7 hours ago

    Time to pass #DCCAbbeybear on to the beautiful @DCC_Angela you deserve it! TY for being an outstanding #DCC teammate

  6. Forgot to mention my age. I would be in the "senior citizen" DCC group aka 25-30.


    Re: Dancing. I don't use their dances for exercise but try to master them for fun. I've learned Thunderstruck and most of Loud. The beginning of Loud is really tricky and super fast so I'm flailing around for the first 10 seconds LOL! I have not dared a jump split (gives me anxiety just thinking about it) but some times practice kicks just to keep up my flexibility.

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  7. Emma was the point in a couple of parts i think they missed on Emma being the point i think she's has more charisma and confident as the point , i love holly and i think she's an amazing dancer but i think a gr8 point like Nicole Hamilton or Whitney is that they keep the attention on them and nobody else and i think Emma is more of that and she's super sexy!

    I agree! I think the top of the triangle is very strong in general but Emma and her side (Emma, Jenn K, Jenna) steal the show for me every time. I find myself drawn to them. My favorite point was Crystal - she had the right mix  of sassy and happy smiling faces (which is my personal preference) and I think Emma does too. She sealed it for me after the Belk opening (

  8. What does that mean Pink317? I am unfamiliar with sororities.


    Sororities have national chapters kind of the like the "corporate office" and then local braches that are ran by the members. While each local chapter has its own unique vibe, the overall culture should be similar and the rituals are the same. So, while Kelli went to college in Texas many years before I was born, we are still sorority sisters in the sense that we went through the same initiation and rituals. 

    Does that answer your question, Caligirl50?

  9. I'll play. I'm from the West and work in entertainment. I actually used do some stuff in alternative programming (tv industry speak for reality shows) which was a blessing and a curse. I am quick to notice editing, staging for storyline purposes, etc. but also give cast members the benefit of the doubt because of such. I find the sociology of certain atypical people groups to be fascinating and love to immerse myself into their worlds to try to understand them. Hugh Hefner's girlfriends, fundamental Mormons, DCC, and sorority/fraternity life are some of my favorite subcultures.


    Lastly, Kelli Finglass and I were in the same sorority (at different schools and during different years).

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