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Everything posted by Dionysa

  1. With Friends Like These Out of the Light Into the Woods
  2. Middle Man Sense Memory With Friends Like These
  3. Does anyone have a favorite writer? Most of mine are from back in the day, but if I had to choose one of the current staff it would be Jim Clemente. I don't know if he's gotten a big head or not, but it hasn't seemed to affect his own writing. His episodes have a sensitivity to character that are absent in other writer's work.
  4. Compromising Positions Sense Memory Middle Man
  5. Valhalla. I also like Hotch in Hanley Waters.
  6. I don't think I've ever missed an Emmy broadcast, but I'll be passing on this one this year. I've been annoyed before, but this takes the cake. I believe even Mr. Rogers would agree with my opinion of the Emmy voters' omission:
  7. This was Erica's first year as showrunner, and I don't think they had gotten their rhythm down yet, though it still seems weird to me that she wrote the eleventh episode. I'm so used to her doing the season openers and/or enders now.
  8. Remembrance of Things Past Compromising Positions Middle Man
  9. I can't wait to see how they work together. I hope it's a teasing type of back and forth, rather than her being smarmy with him. I'd like her to toss something at him and he shoot her a spot-on retort right back instead of just standing there looking befuddled like they've had him do so many times before. I'd like him to show a "Nuh-uh, newbie" attitude towards her. It's past time for Reid to have someone he can banter off of and I'm hoping she'll be the one.
  10. I think and hope that since they spent much of last season "manning-up" Spencer, that being Callahan's 'handbag' (great metaphor), is the last thing they'd have him do. I want to see him continue his upward arc. Reid has always been incredibly brave, sometimes to his detriment, but I love seeing him get more proactive physically. *fans self*
  11. Remembrance of Things Past Compromising Positions Middle Man
  12. While I don't think every single thing makes sense as everything develops, I disagree that there's "silliness" to get through. Any missteps seem awkward and sudden, much like real life, imo.
  13. I hope they do give him a scar. Just another "off" thing to love about him.
  14. I like the profiles, but I don't like it when they give them all random things to say. They need to let Reid talk about what he deduced from the handwriting and the geographic profile, Hotch and maybe Rossi to talk about his impulse motivation and possible stressor, Morgan to talk about what kind of UnSub (sexual sadist, et al...) he is, and JJ to relay his emotional state. I like each of them to talk about their discoveries, relating to what they do best.
  15. When you know that any pets you get in the future will be named for BAU team members, and you're saving "Spencer Reid" for the smartest, cutest, most beloved of all.
  16. I'm not wanting any imbalance either, but I do hope if she's paired with Reid that it opens him up to exploring himself more, and that we get to see that. I'm for anything that shows more Reid, regardless.
  17. Reflection of Desire Remembrance of Things Past The Stranger
  18. I want to do this and reading all your stories makes it sound so exciting, but daunting. I'm not discouraged, though. I've wanted to do this as long as I can remember. :)
  19. I miss Reid's willingness to call everybody on their shit and be a smartass. Before, he was all "I totally saved your life... and I think they even got it on tape!" and "Haven't you heard? Morgan likes to 'vibe' it." and "Can't at least ONE of you look like you're going to see me again?" Now he just takes it and shuts up.
  20. Not a Seaver fan, either. Here are my answers: My very closest friend would be Penelope. If I had to have a romantic relationship with one CM character, it would be Reid. The one person I wouldn't get along with on the team would be Gideon. My professional niche/specialty on the team would be Research. My favorite out-of-work social activity to do with the whole team would be world travel with Reid. The team member whose family I'd most like to meet would be Garcia's. My ideal vacation would be traveling to Japan with Reid (no chopsticks, though!).
  21. I can't wait to see what this season brings. I do know that I want Reid and Hotch featured prominently, and agree with those wanting to see their bond restored.
  22. This is my favorite thread on the entire site. <3
  23. Yes, John Blackwolf was awesome, as was the guy who ended up being Hank on Breaking Bad. I also liked the OCD guy.
  24. Remembrance of Things Past Reflections of Desire Compromising Positions
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