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  1. WWE has a contract with NBC Universal as they are the parent company of USA Network. I’m old enough to remember Hulk Hogan and Mr. T hosting SNL to promote the very first Wrestlemania.
  2. Man, Kit is game tonight. Would have loved to be there when they pitched the burlesque sketch “So you’ll be in pasties...”
  3. Mulaney is incredible. Windering why they didn’t use fake meat during WU aa Kate and Aidy were so trying to hold it together in the midst of the meat stench. Hader + Mulaney should have = Stephon! The musical number described every bodega I’ve been to.
  4. I would have liked to see Jake attempt to tell the story about being a Ho with a mulch-filled ass saved from a life on the streets by Doug.
  5. Want to be an adult Bill? Stop smoking pot and get married! *crickets*
  6. They flashback to the year I graduated H.S. Donna D’errico has not aged, and she’s a few months older than I am. Sadly, now I want wings.
  7. “This B needs a C in her A” ...Yeah, I was thinking what Jake was thinking.
  8. Anybody see Dennis Miller onFallon last night? I miss the pre 09/11 Dennis before that event brainwashed him into an unfunny RW d-bag.
  9. Seven words: Drunk Michael Douglas getting pelted by firecrackers!
  10. What I think will happen? The Show will bring back DeAndre, un-eliminating him. Put him on Kelly’s team. Adam apologizes to the country for being an A-hole.
  11. Enjoying this so far, but the actress playing Officer Chen looks like Summer Glau and its giving me a weird, Summer/Mal Firefly vibe.
  12. How Alison Brie and Marc Maron were not nominated I have no idea.
  13. If you’ve ever watched Cheers, you’ll note that Norm regularly mentions his wife Vera but she’s never seen.
  14. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that the Russian gentleman at Olga’s was Russell, right?
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