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May Jacks

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Everything posted by May Jacks

  1. Every time Jedidoohickey has opened her mouth about this election I get a new gray hair. She is flippant about Mike Pence not implementing his beliefs while governing. Wasn’t he a governor?! Pretty sure his religious beliefs crept into his governing. Oh, look! Here is an article on what he has done with his beliefs. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/think-trump-is-scary-check-out-mike-pence-on-the-issues_us_57f137d5e4b095bd896a11db People govern with their beliefs all the time, how did we get Jim crow, all of the abortion laws, and that stupid bathroom law in North Carolina? Huh? You twit. Now Jedi thinks trump will be lock in step with conservatives when yesterday she was droning on about him being pragmatic and not a true conservative. Which one is it?! I think he is a puppet that will do whatever those cronies tell him to do. How many of these white nationalists, climate change deniers, homophobic “finalists” does trump have to appoint before they stop saying give him a chance, he is not a true conservative, we don’t know if what he will do, etc. No one had anything to say to combat that and Whoopi, ignorantly believes that because some supreme court justices vote differently(rarely) that means as a whole you never know what you are going to get until they get in. Some of us can’t afford the luxury of waiting it out to see if someone does the right thing. This is why I said the show is a mess. No one there does any real homework. Also, Whoopi’s victim blaming was distasteful and typical. People who are harassed have various reasons for not come forward. At least Joy tried to shut her down about it.
  2. Ha! My blood pressure couldn't handle it.
  3. This show has zero balance and not even Joy can give concrete arguments against trump. White nationalism was on the ballot and white nationalism is going to be in the white house. Joy was only partially right about his supporters voting against globalization but it wasn't because of jobs being imaginarily taken away. Trump's won on white voters making $75,000-79,000. Stop making this about jobs and the economy. Candace is an idiot. She keeps making false equivalencies about "both sides". One side is spray painting racist slurs on the sides of building and you know assaulting Muslims and people of color and the other side is protesting a racist. Sara is a vapid, know nothing. To watch these privileged white women go on about giving a racist a chance made me want to vomit. I'm glad you can wait until he does something horrendous. He has already said he is going to deport 3 million immigrants. Should we wait until these people get their walking papers. His whole campaign was racist and now he is putting other racists in high ranking positions. We don't have to wait, you moron. The stupid and frustrating conversation about racist and antisemitic Steve Bannon made me want to tear my hair out. Candace showed her stupidity once again by claiming Breitbart is just for click bait. It is a racist site, ran by racists, clicked on by racists. Jedidumbdumb can kiss my black bum. She is so full of it. If trump cared about his reputation he wouldn't be throwing tantrums on twitter, he would actually have companies that clouded by bankruptcy and fraud. I love Pres. Obama but he had to be kidding when he said that nonsense about him being pragmatic. One more thing, we don't need some fake ass apology from trump to make things all better. He couldn't even apologize to Obama for that racist birther crap. There was an article in the NYT in 1922 or something about Hitler not really being antisemitic and was just saying it get support and rile them up. We all know how that turned out. Get real View panel. This show is mess.
  4. Even Debbie is better than the current lineup minus Joy and Sunny. Very pleasant surprise.
  5. If someone like Jedisweari'mnotarepublican is more "disturbed" by Hillary's email handling(as if she is the first sec of state to use a personal server, or deleted emails i.e. Bush admin) but not someone with Russian connections, bragging about sexual assault, being racist, the list goes long then that speaks to a deeper issue. Doesn't change the fact that his platform is racist and so is he and some people support that whether they want to admit it or not.
  6. Sorry View crew, but I will know respect or give the benefit of the doubt to a racist bigot. I will never refer to him as president. I do have hope though. Hope that he fails miserably. He should never be normalized of accepted. I rebuke hatred and everything he stands for. I also hope that whatever he does doesn't wreck this country beyond repair. It was very odd that they didn't mention the protests at all.
  7. I'd also like to point out that in 2012 most of those white voters that supported Obama left him from 2008. Obama wasn't running against a racist, xenophobe. All of this has been accumulating for years, just because some of them voted for him then doesn't mean there wasn't a racial element to it then, it is certainly more of a big deal now that they have someone speaking to their deep seated bigotry. It's the policies that appear to feed into want they think is maligning them that is the key along with the changing demographics of this country. Don't tell me they didn't vote to keep white privilege a big thing.
  8. Sara's inane comment about the primaries that Joy had the gall to agree with was also maddening. Hillary won the primary with votes. The majority of Poc and white voters wanted her as the nominee. The DNC's preference had nothing to do with how Bernie was wholly rejected by poc. How harder did the primary should have gone? Give me a break. This crap about insider and outsider that Jedidumbstruck was nonsense too. This was about racial antipathy and sexism.
  9. Jedidingbat thinks Obama would have won based on his high approval ratings yet mentioned before that Obamacare is why Trump won. Obama's legacy was on the ballot and he campaigned for Sec. Clinton but he would have won easily? The fact that she dismissed race not being a factor in the mess is maddening. White Nationalism was on the ballot and white voters put a racist in the white house. This wasn't about class, jobs, or Obamacare, get real. Those "policies" that Candace voted for are what won Muslim ban, wall building, and deportations, stop and frisk, and guns everywhere, etc. What does that have to do with disenfranchised voters? Joy was right, these are irrational people who blame the "other" for there short comings and hard times and Trump stoked the racist flames.
  10. Maybe Ana Narravo can teach Candace a thing or two about being a responsible Republican. And did Candace really mutter that Hillary lies behind your back and Donald lies to your face? Girl.....
  11. ^Probably the same % of people who think Obama is a Kenyan Muslim and that Elvis is alive.
  12. Nitpicky things like racism and xenophobia, huh Candace?
  13. Candace has got to be kidding me with her deal about Trump media coverage over his sexual assault boasting vs. Clinton's wikileaks "scandal". The coverage was wall to wall because he was bragging about sexually assaulting women. Clinton has been bogged down by emails from the media for like two years and there is no there there with this "scandal". She was giving Bitsy vibes today. What is she talking about? She just wanted to get in that "both sides" argument and like the others said, he has gotten free press to benefit his campaign since it started. She's really annoying. The thing with JedididImentionI'mlibertarian is that she can point out when Trump is being full of it without going into "both sides". I can appreciate that much about her.
  14. Another thing, when Paula and other so called "journalists" likes to bring up a 'enthusiam gap' with Clinton but now would like us to believe there are secret Trump voters who aren't saying they'll vote for him and get in the booth and do differently. Which one is it? Paula also brought up a "transparency" issue about Clinton deleting emails, to which Joy said(which was drowned out)they all do that and she is right they do, Bush and his 22 million emails and Colin Powell but it is only a issue because of years of smears about the Clintons hiding things. I believe those emails deleted by Clinton were reviewed by a lawyer before they were deleted but of course that is never said. Again, if Joy did her homework she would come up with a better line than Trump is worse.
  15. I'm sorry Joy and Jedidiahowdidyougetthisgig but if support a racist and his racist policies, you are complicit in the racism and essentially what does that make you.... Jedimindtrick was allowed to go on long rants filled with falsehoods and half-truths about Clinton's emails and Joy let her because she is ignorant on the topic. I hate that she keeps bringing up well Trump is a psycho, which he is, but how about reading up on what the FBI found that isn't filled with spin, just facts to shut her down. Paula had to bring up that the validity of the emails are in question, after Jedidingdingdong ranted about it for like 5 minutes. I respected Jedidiarrheahofthemouth Monday and Tuesday, she was reasonable and knowledgeable but bring up Hillary and she goes full on right-wing insane, though she claims she is a libertarian. I'll type her name out correctly when she is a consistent panelist.
  16. I'm guessing those AIDS patients didn't really care where the money came from that led to them getting medical care, Jedidingbat, but I could be wrong. Candace's tired defenses of Trump are pathetic. You can see the steam coming out of her ears when Joy brings him up. The whole conversation of the two charities was mind numbing in false equivalencies. both sides!
  17. Vocal fry is just a current version of the valley girl voice. There were black valley girls too. I'm sure there were Asian girls and Latina girls who spoke like that too. Whoopi does terrible British accents and southern ones too. Any one of any race can have those accents. Like the so called "hood" or "ghetto" accent aren't exclusive to black people but black people have been torn down for centuries based on how they look and talk.
  18. I don't see how Whoopi's a valley girl voice is relevant to race. Anyone can have that voice. White people make fun of that voice too. There is historical references of people denigrating black people(and other people of color) for how they dress and talk.The same can't be said for valley girls. Whoopi's Valley girl voice is used to discriminate and belittle? It just seems like she is making fun of vocal fry, which anyone can affect, black, white, asian, etc. I don't see any comparison to a stereotypical "hood" black girl voice.
  19. It is funny how they no longer care about the health of the candidates now that Trump's campaign manager said he has a right to privacy and that bogus Dr. OZ interview after all that squawking they did Monday/Tuesday. Jedidingdong said the same exact things about HRC's emails three days in row. Insufferable. No counter point by Joy or Whoopi about Bush's 22 million deleted emails or Colin Powell's deleted emails. They are all asleep at the wheel.
  20. I forgot to mention in my previous post that Trump's own campaign manager(the latest one) Kellyanne Conway called Trump supporters "downright nasty" and "skeeze". Not to mention Trump called most Americans stupid and said all black people live in poverty and go to terrible schools. But yeah, Hillary called bigots, bigots so clutch the pearls. Trump's VP won't even call a white supremacist deplorable. You can't make this stuff up. Watching today's show and none of these facts being brought up is so frustrating.
  21. Since they didn't talk about the HRC "deplorables" comment yesterday they talk about it today and was a fail just like you would imagine. Sarah is fence rider who always says things that make me think she knows nothing about politics but talks anyway. Yet, she always seems to believe any media narrative out there. She's so concerned about voters being insulted and alienating them. Guess what Sarah, those people were not going to vote for Hillary anyway. HRC said those comments in front of media with cameras not in a back room being secretly recorded. She knew what she was saying and what she said was right. No, Jedi and Candace, this isn't about generalizing voters. This is about pointing out the truth that Trump has created a campaign about white nationalism and many are flocking to that message. Candace had the nerve to say they don't show when Trump says good things. What planet is she on? This was an opportunity for Joy to point this out that and give proof, but that would require research and we all know the View don't do that. Sunny would have come with receipts like this https://t.co/e15NehBgnM and this https://t.co/mZZEb5modz . Along with studies on how Trump voters think Black people are more aggressive and that President Obama was born in Kenya. HRC was talking about racists, islamophobes, homophobic people, etc. and they are deplorable. Sunny needs to get here very soon. I see that she is the only that backs up her opinions with facts and data.
  22. I really don't give a damn about what "dr. Phil" has to say about how black people protest and I don't know why he was even asked. He didn't answer Joy's question on what is the "appropriate" way to protest either. The privileged always has opinions on what the oppressed should and shouldn't do without offering any solutions on how to stop the actual oppression. The conversation about Hillary's health was nauseating. Candace is an idiot. She should look up walking pneumonia. Jedidiadoodah is always predictable in her comments about Hillary. Her faux-concern was not convincing. All these women at the table and only Whoopi can bring up the fact that people, especially women power through illness while working or that Hillary gets criticized no matter what she does and this was blown out of proportion because it was Hillary. Sarah is becoming an annoyance too, who can't figure out why she doesn't "like" Sec. Clinton even though she should based on her resume. I can't wait for this election to be over.
  23. What Sunny was describing was about boundaries. There is no reason for a naked person to approach a stranger and get in their face to have conversation, locker room or not. Whoopi was obnoxious as usual and was reaching for the moon and stars with her "body shaming comment. Give me a break. She always has to be the loudest to have the final opinion. She abuses her moderator position just so she can do that. She is insufferable.
  24. Of course Whoopi thinks a black woman wearing a blonde weave is cultural appropriation(wtf?), this is the same woman who had her boyfriend Ted Danson show up to a roast in blackface. I'm glad Sunny was there and Raven when this topic was brought up. I cannot image the level of ignorance that would be rampant during that discussion. Why must she dominate every conversation?
  25. Raven is moron who doesn't get it. She thinks women, people of color, women of color aren't being paid the same because they don't have a personal relationship with their bosses or should "work harder". Who thinks like this? Something is wrong with her. Why is she back for just one day? Just to say that ignorant crap? She also acts as if she is the only one on the panel who acts or is in the entertainment "industry". When is her contract up? I have so many questions. I'm sorry. I loved Jedidoodah getting shut down by Sunny twice. That's the Sunny I like. It's still a much better show when Whoopi is absent.
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