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May Jacks

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Everything posted by May Jacks

  1. He lost because people of color rejected him. Not some fanciful idea more independents couldn’t vote. There are a million articles on this. IT is insulting to suggest that all of those votes from southern states would have been a wash if they had. Once HRC won South Carolina it was a wrap. superdelegates didn’t do that, the people did
  2. "I won't judge a woman for her choices in a marriage, but what about Hillary not being transparent in her personal anguish." Abby Nepotism Huntsman I can't believe Joy is still on that "Bernie woulda won" bs. People of color rejected him, he lost the primary by 4 million votes. He wouldn't have won shit. I hate Michael Moore btw.
  3. She is so threatened by Ana. Hee hee. HIRE HER!
  4. She deflected and played victim. Every time she is in the news for throwing a tantrum she passive-aggressively chastises the table and audience about what she really meant. She started whining to Joy about how she isn't a cold hearted person and don't make her out to be one. Everyone isn't triggered by the socialist conversation Meggie, YOUR are the one that is triggered.
  5. What’s funny is that not too long ago Meghan did an interview stating how much she likes Hillary Clinton and that she quote “puts up with a lot of b.s.” Meghan is full of shit, a spin artist, a liar, and a selfish brat. How’s that for nicknames Red state Barbie??
  6. You just know that Alan Alda's line: "you don't have to scream at each other" went completely in one ear, through Meghan's empty head, and out the other ear.
  7. They should have just ran a whole hour of commercials today.
  8. They are trying to play nice because the season is almost over. They pretended to like each other for a week during May sweeps. Pathetic and fake then and now.
  9. Meghan is an over-grown child who throws tantrums when things don't go her way. womp womp
  10. All-American, red state, gun loving Meghan McCain thinks we should give “balls and strikes” to a “president” who lies like he breathes and commits daily civil liberties violations and conflicts of interest. Forgive me, but that’s not how it works.
  11. Sara is the exact kind of person who is susceptible to "fake news" and retweet or spread on it on facebook like it is real. Whoopi is on 10 trying to defend the karadashian/jenner klan. I couldn't follow her argument. Words have meaning and you can't change them just because you want to be up Kim and Kris's genetically modified asses.
  12. Day three and they are still lecturing us about how to protest government officials. Never mind what happened in the 60s. Never mind those sit ins and marches. They wanted us to be "civil" then too.
  13. Oh my god, I just watched the first segment that i missed and now my blood is boiling. That meghan is such a sourpuss, selfish windbag. Why is allowed to get away with being to rude and acting like the guardian of others' opinions and how long they can speak? Does she not go on daily diatribes as the "republican and political insider" at the table? Sunny has a law degree and works as a legal analyst for ABC News but she can't speak on what she knows and has read? I really can't stand Red State Barbie.
  14. Why are these jackasses still comparing harassing private citizens to protesting political figures? I don't think any of their opinions(minus Sunny) is really about civility(gag) but about their own personal issues with dealing with twitter trolls and crazies on the street. Get over yourselves you are tv personalities. Now "both sides" has infected the entire table. jfc
  15. This show can be so exhausting to watch. The whole Maxine Waters segment in particular was gag worthy. The false equivalencies and gas lighting about slippery slopes made my head spin. Heckling political figures who commit crimes and disregard civil rights is not the same as refusing to serve someone because they are gay or a person of color. Whoopi always has a story to support a topic about someone doing something egregious and stupid to excuse their behavior, because hey, she did it! Melania is a grown woman with her own mind, no one set her up and she knew what she was doing and it was shameful. Both sides McCain thinks Time Magazine needs to do profiles on trump voters and why trump is so "popular"? Is she kidding me? NYT does this all the time. I'm sick of hearing about trump voters and why they do this and don't do that. She is insufferable.
  16. Joy can sometimes absorb the current news cycle and then regurgitate it back to us. I believe she got this particular Clinton smear from a Washington Post article. It wasn't JFK or Nixon scandals that lead to the desensitization of Trump but Bill Clinton in the 90s. Yikes!
  17. Sorry 'View' gals, but I don't feel sorry for Monica Lewinsky and I don't see her as a victim. Lumping her into the "me too" movement is tasteless and tacky.
  18. I see they are back to spreading that lie about the Clinton campaign working with a foreign government for oppo research. Both sides! Both sides! Sara's an idiot too.
  19. I feel like the ABC execs got the word on how Meghan's childish behavior has been all over the media and now the show is being blatantly obvious about telling us how much they all get along and respect each other. We have seen very differently. They love to make it about them being women when they get called out for being nasty to each other. They cloak themselves by screaming 'sexism' and pretend to be nice to each other until sweeps month is over. None of what they are trying to do erases any of the terrible exchanges Meghan has had with Joy and Sunny. She is is still nasty deep down and always comes out when she doesn't get her way or the conversation isn't all about her.
  20. This is still missing the point, but okay. I think the documentary should be watched by all. Even the episode from a Master of None would give more insight. I didn’t how deep it completely was until I saw it. It’s more than about what you posted, way more.
  21. My point earlier was about Joy not understanding why the Apu/Indian stereotype was more controversial than the other stereotypes on the Simpsons, not that she was confused about it in general. It seems others don’t get it either. I don’t know why, but maybe it’s because I’m black. When Joy brought up those other white characters that are stereotypes my whole body cringed. People just don’t get it. I made a point about even Meghan “real racism” McCain getting, because I was shocked she did and Joy didn’t.
  22. I find the almost everyday martyrdom of Melania Trump to be sickening. Everyone at the table is pathetic to partake in any lauding of this woman's so called plight. Give me a break. Whoopi making excuses for her birtherism was especially disgusting. You know you are on the wrong side of things when even Meghan understands the problem with the Apu character on the Simpsons, Joy.
  23. Meghan has such a nasty spirit. Not only was she conscending about "real racism"(wtf is that even), but also with her flippant remark to Sunny about knowing the definition of a leak. What is wrong with her? You cannot be serious. I have heard it all
  24. I am so sick of them bringing up sympathy for trump voters every damn hot topics. They act like there aren't other people struggling out here who didn't choose the racist, orange clown.
  25. Meghan was literally squawking like a bird at one point during hot topics. She also thinks that Trey Gowdy was some kind of political warrior when he himself said he hadn't accomplished anything in the 7 years he was in office. She really is a dodo bird. And her trying to admonish the audience for being excited about Paul Ryan leaving after his term is finished was pathetic.
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