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Everything posted by Katiepenn

  1. Agreed! I like that they're trying to go in at least slightly new directions. I think April and Jackson's disagreements are ones that would certainly come up for a couple like them, with very different core beliefs, who basically discussed nothing before deciding to get married. I do hope it doesn't get drawn out for too long though -- Grey's is very good at that.
  2. Littlefinger was always creepy, but even more so with Sansa - considering he was always holding a torch for Catelyn and he's even mentioned how much Sansa looks like her mom. Ew. Also, I have to believe Oberyn is smarter than to just take Tywin's word. That would make it all way too easy. And while Tywin is certainly the most pragmatic and forward-thinking of the powermongers in King's Landing, it can't always be easy for him.
  3. I really liked Nick and Jess, btu I think they're doing a good job with the breakup so far. It's going to create a lot of really awkward and interesting possibilities.
  4. I aboslutely was thinking "Munchausen's by proxy" where mom is poisoning the kids. Has Grey's done one of those storylines before? I feel like almost every medical show does at least one of those, but I can't remember a Grey's instance off the top of my head.
  5. She also played a creepy serial killer who kept people as live dolls on Criminal Minds, I believe. Absolutely! Callie needs some good things this season, she has had so much crap going on.
  6. What do we think the chances are that Fitz might actually die in a bombing in one of the next few episodes? I feel like that's my dream, but it's never going to happen. Somehow, the showrunners think the Olivia/Fitz thing is still compelling...
  7. Pharrell did a great job last year as an advisor for Usher - I'm sure I'll like him better than CeeLo - skeevy is absolutely the perfect word for him.
  8. Ugh - more Quuck. This is an absolutely terrible plot direction.
  9. I jumped right to pregnancy too! It's all too easy to see it as a possibility, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they stick with the low key drama rather than soaping it up.
  10. Thank you! I was wondering why I kept having, "Hey wait, I know this song!" moments lately.
  11. Zoe is even worse, but she and Scarlett are close to a photo finish in the race for that title. And unfortunately they're almost always featured together.
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