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Posts posted by SueB

  1. Where do I begin???  This storyline is just evil.  Poor Sarah, poor Kristen, poor Brady and yes, poor Xander.  Xander was on the road to rehabilitation and evil Victor just dragged him into Hell.  And Victor, who the hell are you to play God?  Now Xander is also to blame but it wasn’t he who hatched either evil plot.  Of course Victor will get off scott free.  Somehow.  Xander is the fall guy ultimately.

    ITA, Maggie should have been behind Adrienne, perhaps’s Summer will be to blame.  It’s all fishy.

    Im faintly certain the doctor was paid off.  Haley wouldn’t take the ‘Baby Black died’ news from Xander.  The doctor had to help falsify the paperwork.  And honestly, I would have thought the family would have done an autopsy on the unexpectedly dead Baby Brady. And Baby Horton being full term and healthy should have been a surprise.

    I actually like Haley.  Sorry to see her die. JJ was great.

    As for Adrienne, that was a bad sendoff IMO for an actress who clearly had been with the show for decades.  The flashbacks made me mad she died.  Justin’s mullet in the flashback was hilarious.

    Wally, however, did a great job with the grief scenes.  Freddy not so much.  I think Freddy was truly crying versus stage-crying and it took me out of the scene.  In real life, crying is that ugly so I feel bad for Freddy’s pain, buy he needed to dial it back in the scene IMO.  Chandler. OTOH, did well with his horror/grief.  

    Finally, for anyone whose had a baby recently, even in the most rural hospitals in the US, Kristen’s baby would not have left her side without an ID bracelet.  In modern hospitals they’re electronic.  

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  2. There's no spoiler that the Baby dies.  Just speculation that it would suck if she did.

    I prefer semi-sane Kristen to violent and batshit crazy.  So if the baby is switched back, I want Kristen sane.  

    My heart bleed for Xarah right now.

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  3. Well I LOVED the Solo movie.  I think it needed a subtitle: A Boy and His Wookie.  To me the meet-cute (not literally) of Han/Chewie was awesome.  And I thought the actor did exceptionally well.  I went in prepared to dislike ANYONE who dared to play a young Harrison Ford.  But I was sold.  The attitude, the genuine feelings underneath, the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants decision making.  I could see the direct line between Solo and A New Hope in terms of Han's character.  

    Spoiler-free (mostly) highlights:
    - Chewie shower scene
    - Everything Woody
    - Lando
    - Lando's cape collection
    - The heist
    - L3-37 -- I'm in LOVE WITH THAT DROID. Fight me.
    - Kessel Run

    Not so much (spoiler free):
    - The people in masks

    I want to see more Solo.  And I want that actor (Alden Ehrenreich) in the lead role again and Donald Glover back as Lando.

    I honestly don't get why it was internet-trashed except that people were pissed at The Last Jedi. Which is honestly a bad reason to not see a movie IMO.  

    Note: if you see it, see it in High Def if you can.  The graphics are gorgeous. 

    The trailer for those who never saw it:


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  4. 1 minute ago, Wynne88 said:

    Where did Michael go after he opened the rift?  Did I miss that?

    Went looking for a day job to pay for food. He's (thus far) peaced-out on the issue because he's so pissed.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Jakes said:

    I read a review of the last episode which stated when Sam let go of the orb and Chuck smashed the orb at the end--he freed Cas of the Mark.  I'll have to watch it again because i'm fuzzy on that point.  Is this true--is Cas free of the Mark now?   I'd be super pissed if they had Cas go mad from the Mark in the end and get all boxed up.

    Yes.  It's similar to when Sam almost had the Mark.  As soon as Amara overpowered Chuck and didn't get locked away, the Mark that was forming on Sam's arm disappeared. And Sam didn't start to get the Mark until Amara was starting to be forced into her prison.  I don't think Cas actually had a Mark, I think the Mark would form as Chuck was sucked into his trap (which he wasn't).  In short, no Mark. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, Castiels Cat said:

    Replying to SueB...

    "Cas apologized IMMEDIATELY.  

    From 14.18

    He wasn’t allowed to apologize in 14.18, nor 15.01:

    Dean admitted he was too angry to forgive.  

    But to retcon that Cas didn't apologize makes no sense to me.  Unless you honestly believe "I failed you" is inadequate to 'I'm sorry'. "

    I still think that Cas' decision to withhold critical information about Jack was serious and it lead directly to Mary's death. It put all of their lives at risk. It put civilian lives at risk. Cas decision was unacceptable. Mary's death is on him as a result.

    Dean has the right to be angry. He has the right to take however long he needs to take to process his grief and anger. He would be within his rights to decide to never have a relationship with Cas again. Cas' actions lead to the murder of his mother. She was incinerated out of existence. Having her in his life was a gift and a miracle. Cas' actions have destroyed that.

    This may have been an "accident" because Jack couldn't control his surging power without a soul however it was not an accident on Cas' part. It was deceitful and a betrayal.

    I wish that Dean was allowed to behave like a fully developed human being instead of a door mat or water carrier.

    I agree that Cas needed to apologize and that he seriously f*cked up.  My point was that he did actually apologize.  Others were claiming he didn't.  That was the whole point of my comment.  Nothing more.

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  7. @ahrtee I don’t think Dean has an anger management issue.  I think he holds a grudge sometimes but I don’t think his anger is generally out of control (Mark of Cain not included).  I do think this time he was so hurt and angry about everything (Mary’s death, even Jack’s death, finding out Chuck was evil, etc..) that he shut down a bit.  I don’t think it’s an anger management issue, I think that’s how he coped for a while.  But Cas IS his best friend.  And while Dean’s anger was justified, I also believe Dean when he says ‘of COURSE I forgive you’.  They have a long history of massive support, big mistakes, and massive shared trauma.  If Dean feels he should have at least stopped Cas, or regrets making Cas feel useless and unwanted, I don’t think that’s out of character for their relationship.  I also think Dean acknowledgement of not being able to control his anger at that moment is not a bad thing.  He’s talking about feeling out of control and wishing he didn’t feel that way.  Seems normal to me.  Seems healthy to acknowledge that we aren’t always able to act and feel like we wish.  

    But I don’t think he has an anger management issue.  I think he was in emotional crisis and had a hard time getting back to functional.  Most would be a drooling mess in a corner.  He’s remarkably functional for all he’s experienced.  Dean doesn’t see it that way but I think it’s true. 

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  8. 22 minutes ago, Bergamot said:

    Actually, Castiel was the one who threw it to Sam. As for why Castiel -- the only person who could NOT use it -- was the one who was carrying it, rather than Dean, who could use it, who knows? Maybe it's because Berens was sucking up to a certain group of fans who like seeing Castiel as being all dominant and in charge, and Dean as being weak and ineffectual, so Castiel apparently could not even trust Dean to handle the orb on his own. Or maybe it's because Castiel is actually the stupid one.

    Or maybe Dean's job was to free Sam (which was always going to be a Dean thing) and Cas was to toss the orb to whoever had the best shot in what was anticipated to be a melee?

    Or not?

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  9. Rob Benedict did a great job.  I watched again and he's so very good at shifting emotions from moment to moment - within the same sentence practically.  I'm left with a LOT of questions, but they feel more like clues than unanswered plots bits. So, he's my list of clues from this episode. TL;DR, read the bold. 

    • WHY couldn't he personally dig out Sam's wound?  At first he thought physically removing something in Sam would do the trick.  Was it as simple as not getting his hands dirty?  Is it literally against his own nature? He had no problem using Eileen*. So I'm not sure it's squeamishness.  He wasn't afraid of the pain causing a boomerang back to him? Or was THAT it -- if Eileen hurt Sam, no boomerang? I'm going with that one. Because in the past, when Chuck showed pain it was when either he or Sam were touching the wound. Not when someone else did.  But it's also interesting that he knew it was something inside Sam KEEPING the tether.  
    • The Casino is a metaphor. Chuck likes to gamble and win.  So he nudged Eileen in the direction of Sam, he left HALF a spell.  He gambled that Sam would figure it out and was delighted he did.  Not because he now got 'video with no audio' but because he bet on Sam acting in a certain way and he did.  Which is why Dean pisses off Chuck more than Sam, BTW. Because Dean's instinct will overcome his emotion & logic. He swerves in ways Chuck doesn't foresee more often. 
    • "How are you still LIKE this?!" A moment of real Chuck, no pretense.  So Chuck realizes it's hope.  But his omniscient self had to figure it out because he couldn't "watch" his favorite show with the wound.  Once he figured it out, Chuck was delighted.  Again. I think both because he figured it out (he does NOT like not knowing) and because he could work with that. But it's insight, IMO. He likes to gamble but doesn't like to lose.
    • Chuck gambled that Sam wanted to see the future. And won. I contend that WAS the future if you 'play the odds'. There IS some cosmic connection (hey, let's ask Death?  She would know) between Chuck's "light" and the balance with the monsters.  But to quote Yoda "always in motion is the future".  I think Chuck can look at any one moment and see the forward most-probable projection.  "This is the truth Sam, this is what comes next" was played like a HALF truth.  It didn't have the same lack of varnish that his anger at Sam did.  He LOOKS at Sam as he claims it's true.  I think he's holding something back. His objective is to put Sam into despair. So he can forceful state it's the future and it's not a direct lie. But it's a lie of omission. Because that future DOES shift.  Chuck showed the high probability future if the Trap was sprung.  And it's bad. But the ENTIRE time he's talking in the 'future vision' he's playing Sam just a bit.  NOW that the Trap is destroyed, there's a different future. But it was ENOUGH truth and Sam could see that. "Without me, it's a law of nature, dark forces prevail, monsters rule, and you, your brother and everyone you love will die." THAT line was spoken with conviction.  I didn't see any pretense or half-truth there.  And Chuck was also telling the truth that he thought it was a crappy ending.  He's spent many years with these 'characters', this is not what he wanted for them. 
    • Why did Chuck let Cas and Dean bring the Trap to the Casino?  He JUST showed the future to Sam.  He knew there was a serious risk that they could trap Chuck.  And yet Chuck is not panicked.  In fact, I think he's REALLY enjoying this.  Because he has total faith in Sam.  He knows Sam won't let the future come to pass that he showed him.  But he still needed Sam to hit despair.  To release him from the wound.  So again, Chuck gambled that Sam would do the right thing and not Trap Chuck.  He also gambled, and won, that this would be a moment of despair for Sam.  And thus was freed.  And, IMO, once Chuck realized how to solve the problem (take away hope) and show the future, he was supremely confident in the outcome.  It was dramatic and elegant.  THIS is how Chuck has fun. I LOVED, BTW, how Sam looks so skeeved out when Chuck pats him on the knee as he talks about their 'friendship'.  You go Sam! 
    • Sam's visions weren't drafts, they were memories.  That was played as 'truth'.  No need for Chuck to lie about it.  So far, all those timelines must have come to their 'conclusion' before THIS timeline. Which means this Sam and Dean have lasted longer than most.  Go TFW!
    •  Chuck LOVES taking the bet that Dean laid before him. That "Not this Sam and not this Dean . So you go back to Earth 2 or and play with your other toys. Because we will never give you the ending that you want."  Game on.  Personally I have 100% confidence in Sam & Dean. Chuck, you are going to lose this bet.  And of course the side benefit, is now that Dean has laid that challenge out there, Chuck won't just dust the planet or Sam & Dean.  THIS has Chuck's creative juices flowing.  This is why he loves this Sam and Dean the most.

    *PHYSICALLY he had no problem manipulating Eileen.  But it was against her will.  That was obvious.  And it was clunky.  Eileen is proof IMO that Sam and Dean are not marionettes, Chuck nudges and plays the odds. But to outright subvert a human will (like he did with Eileen) is clunky. Unnatural.  He might as well be playing with dolls. 

    Bottom Line for the TL;DR: This WAS a pivotal episode.  TFW has their mojo back even if they just suffered a bit of a defeat.  The gauntlet is laid.  And Chuck won't back away from this challenge by cheating.  He's apparently a gambler who loves to win.  But Free Will IS still in place.  And like most villains, he's underestimated his opponents.


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  10. I am glad Ciara told Will. 

    I’m also glad that the pacemaker battery is failing.  Makes sense, Gabi probably mahahahaha obsesses with the app on all the time and the constant access is using it up.  

    No one in Boston would have let Sarah, Eric, and Mickey leave without FIRST having the updated treatment numbers. *sign*

    Loved the Xarah reunion scene.  

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  11. 20 minutes ago, PAForrest said:

    And that's especially baffling given that Cas very much bears some fault for the heinous act that was the slaughtering of Mary Winchester.

    But he never owned up to his part in this person's death - and worse was never expected to, not by the writing, by the other characters, and certainly not by his fans.  His biggest concern was always for Jack, the person who did the slaughtering, and never Dean or Mary.

    THIS is owning up. This is showing regret:

    1 hour ago, SueB said:

    And I didn't tell you. If I could go back and just -- just talk to him right then and there, I would. But I can't, Dean. I failed you. And I failed Jack. And I failed --

    Dean: No, no. Don't even say it. Don't even say her name.”

    Regardless, if you don't accept Cas' apology, don't like how he apologized, feel he pushed Dean too quickly to accept his apology then that's your business. 

    I don't have disagreement with people having different opinions.  I do have issues with people making up their own facts. 

    My argument was with the retcon some have suggested that Cas never apologized.  He did. It may not be to your liking, but he apologized.  Sincerely.  

    And Dean forgave him.  Seems pretty straightforward to me. 

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    It's entirely possible the "hissing" was a J2 acting 'choice'.  I'm perfectly fine with it.  I know it was a serious scene but I'm willing to cut them a little slack after 15 years.  It didn't ruin the scene/episode for me. 

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  13. Cas apologized IMMEDIATELY.  

    From 14.18



    “Castiel: I was scared. I believed in Jack for so long, I... I believed that he was -- he was good. I -- I knew that he would be good for the world. And he was good for us. My faith in him, it -- it never wavered, and then I-I saw what he did. It wasn't malice. It wasn't evil. It was like Jack saw a problem, and in his mind, he just solved it with that snake.

    Dean: The snake?!
    Castiel: What he did wasn't bad. It was the absence of good. And I saw that in him. But we were a family, and I didn't want to lose that, so I thought I could... fix it on my own. Felt like it was my responsibility. So I left. And I didn't tell you. If I could go back and just -- just talk to him right then and there, I would. But I can't, Dean. I failed you. And I failed Jack. And I failed --

    Dean: No, no. Don't even say it. Don't even say her name.”


    He wasn’t allowed to apologize in 14.18, nor 15.01:



    Dean [to Cas]: You okay?

    Cas: Yes, but...

    Dean: Good.

    [Dean turns and walks away]

    Belphegor: Wow! Awkward. Wanna talk about it or... ? [Cas walks away] Is that a no? That's a no.


    Dean admitted he was too angry to forgive.  

    But to retcon that Cas didn't apologize makes no sense to me.  Unless you honestly believe "I failed you" is inadequate to "I'm sorry".  

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  14. 10 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

    This doesn't really make sense because of Amara.  The both have to exist for the balance between Light and Dark.  Things are no better/no worse than when Amara was locked up vs Amara being free. 

    If they can trap one and maintain balance why not the other?  Its not like God is dead. 

    Because it’s Chuck’s creation.  In order to prevent the Multiverse from collapsing they both have to live. In order to prevent the Universe dying (the Sun going out was symbolic), Chuck had to live.  So, IMO, it stands to reason the ‘his creation, his rules’ applies.  And if he’s trapped, then I could see how the rules get out of whack.  He is Light, so despite being an asshole, he keeps the balance of ‘nature’.  He said the nature (or maybe the American Park System) was his greatest creation.  

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  15. Well I loved it.  It was meaty, intense, high stakes, and subverted a bunch of expectations IMO.

    Quick thoughts:

    • I believe the future-cast was real (ish).  Real enough in that Chuck clearly knew the plan was to trap him and that would result in Cas going insane and being at the bottom of the ocean in a Malek box, the monsters run amok, Sam and Dean get overwhelmed.  Not real in that I think individual choice STILL matters -- no matter what Chuck says.  So I think Chuck showed the most probable outcome.  And therefore was likely telling the truth about trapping God unbalances nature (or something to that effect) and the monsters win.  Therefore, Sam (IMO) made the right choice.  
    • LOVED Dean/Cas hashing it out.  Cas just has no f*cks to give anymore. He laid it all out, baldly, everytime he got snark from Dean.  And I like that Dean said "of course I forgive you".  Because I think Dean DID forgive him.  The anger is just his coping mechanism. And Dean is so very self-aware.  He knows his response to pain is anger.  And he also knows the danger of just letting that lay there without resolution.  I'm glad he took the time for that prayer and then was heading back to the entrance.  I'm also glad Cas just acknowledged he heard him and that's all Cas needed. I love these two. 
    • The boys snark-off with Chuck.  LOVED how neither Sam nor Dean are going to back down in front of Chuck.  Chuck knows it.  Fist pump from me when Sam flat out said "Dean raised me!".  
    • I'm glad the wound is gone.  
    • I'm bummed Eileen had to go but it makes perfect sense. I'm glad Sam laid one on her before she left and that she left knowing how he felt.  
    • I swear, Chuck was into Dean getting up in his face.  I don't know if that was how Rob played it or planned but I get why Dean gets the full frontal sex scenes in the book with Chuck.  I liked that Dean threw a punch and so did Chuck -- excellent snark-off.
    • Subverted Expectation: Get the 'blossom' to trap God McGuffin was previously a season-long kind of arc.  This was a one and done.  I think it means the real End is going to be much more sophisticated.
    • Jody Mills/Post-Apocalyptic Action Hero; You go girl.  She had some moves.  
    • Ending: Jack!  I'm looking forward to his return.  I don't think it'll be next episode.  I think this is like when Cas was in the empty.  I think this is going to play out as background for until the episode after next (or even one more after that).  I wonder if Death was waiting to see if TFW went the Trap route and once they didn't, she felt she had to engage. 

    Really excited for the rest of the season!

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    “The Trap” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, LV) (HDTV)

    AS GOD IS MY WITNESS – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Eileen (guest star Shoshanna Stern) are faced with the brutal truth. Meanwhile Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Cass (Misha Collins) work together in the hopes of getting a step ahead of Chuck (Guest Star Rob Benedict). Robert Singer directed the episode written by Robert Berens (#1509). Original Airdate 1/16/2020.



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  17. I always envision the ‘man of science’ Dr Rolf, performing some secret ritual (think Belloq opening the Lost Arc in Raider’s) to gather Gina/Rolf’s ‘essence’. Shockingly his face did not melt.

    Ciara crying over Victor - GIRL, you did that.  

    Victor: pearl clutching over the word ‘twitsted’.  Dude.  Seriously?  You personally stood behind Ben trying to murder him and you’re upset Ciara call you twisted?  You have delusions about yourself. And where the hell is Maggie?

    Xander: it’s not much of a redemption if you can threaten to murder Ben and clearly mean it. You need to be around Maggie & Sarah again.

    I’m also Team “Evan-Is-The-Killer”.  WHY does Sonny have the worst taste in men (except Will)?

    I like Rafe’s current storyline. AT LAST someone is seeing Hope is not Hope.  But it also pisses me off that Ciara can’t see it.



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