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Posts posted by SueB

  1. Haven't seen today's episode but I have to weigh in on an issue vital to national security:

    Cheap Blue Satin is no one's friend.  It's wrinkly, it does nothing for one's figure.  

    Ben's neckties had more style.

    Gabi looked awesome (although I'm currently loathing her storyline).
    Hattie's bubblegum pink lipstick was worse than the outfit.
    Marlena looked fresh from the 80's.
    All in all, this was not a good fashion night for DOOL.

    Back to the plot:
    - Lani, honey, Kristin is UNHINGED.  The sister act was just a part she was playing.  It was clearly insincere.  Although you too have some 'splaining to do about your life choices.
    - I would like Gina and "Steffy" to go away now.
    - Brady, Brady, Brady.  Dude.  What are you doing with Nicole?  I know she's coming onto you but you keep going to her.  Back away.  NOW.
    - Nicole.  You were dead wrong to keep the secret from Eric.  Stop whining about it.  OTOH, Marlena can STFU with her 'don't hurt Brady' BS.  I need Nicole to both have good judgement AND zippy one-liners.
    - Julie.  STOP HAVING PARTIES.  They don't work out.  Or post a guard at the door and pre-screen arrivals.  Seriously.  It's like a curse or something.

    • LOL 3
    • Love 10
  2. 15.10 (from KSite)

    “The Heroes’ Journey” is the title of the Thursday, January 23 episode of Supernatural, and while we don’t have any photos yet, we do have a description courtesy of The CW. Here’s the write-up; hopefully we’ll have some photos soon. When that happens, this post will be updated.


    YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE UNTIL IT’S GONE – Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) hit the road to help an old friend, but it appears that their luck may have finally run out and they are the ones who may be in need of rescue. John Showalter directed the episode written by Andrew Dabb (#1510). Original Airdate 1/23/2020.

    Jensen mentioned this one in DC.  Dean gets cavities and Sam has a cold.  It's a comedy episode where everything goes un-cool.

    • Love 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

    Wasn't it stated about a year ago that Ciara would be leaving the show because the actress wanted to move on? Please tell me that's still happening.

    I actually don't have a big problem with Maggie being responsible for Adrienne's death. My problem is that the show is going to establish all of this probably in the span of one or two episodes, and that's the kind of storyline that could have used a few weeks of build-up and execution. At this point, I can't really see myself caring that Maggie for some inexplicable reason got blackout drunk and accidentally offed someone...its too random.

    This Gina Steveno crap is so bad. Would it have really been that difficult for them to invent a new man for Hope to sleep with? Would it really have been that difficult to come up with a story that explained why Steve was away for so long?

    I would love to see Maggie start to spot clues that something was amiss. Suzanne Rogers would knock that out of the park.  

    I can't wait for Ciara to find out Xander and Victor did NOT kill Jordan nor frame Ben. 

    • Love 5
  4. 45 minutes ago, Chyromaniac said:

    Man, I really don't get the "filler" complaints with this series.  First from a practical perspective, if these episodes are good, does it really matter if they advance some overarching narrative?  As far as I'm concerned, every one of these shows has been fun to watch.  I like that the stories have been mostly distinct adventures - and even if they borrow heavily from traditional themes of old westerns, or other tales of wandering lone heroes, the show has told them well.


    Only 4, 5, and 6 are the 3 of the 8 which get complaints as far as I can tell.

    4 - "Sanctuary" is, IMO, the root cause.  It IS "Seven Samurai", which would be fine if it that hadn't been redone so MANY times on on just about every genre show.  It didn't take a student of film to pick up the plot reuse straight away.  5 and 6 are western lone gunslinger stories but less well trod.  However 4 set up 5 & 6 to get scrutinized more closely for tropes. 5 introduces Ming Na, I'm ready for that.  6's story is completely consistent with character backstory and the ruthless way Mando interprets his code works for me.  But 4 was the one that IMO deserved criticism and it brought down 5 & 6. 

  5. 21 hours ago, QueenSerena said:

    So, based on someone with knowledge of the show sharing this elsewhere, this is essentially confirmed now:

    Don't pay attention to the source at the bottom. That's not really a thing, but the spoiler is said to be more or less accurate. Not sure on the exact timing yet, but it appears that it should be happening at some point in January.

    *pins on my Sherlock Holmes merit badge* 

    As for Evan being David's baby-daddy... that certainly fits. Evan clearly has some secret he's keeping.  And making his move with Jordan out of the picture makes sense.  Plus Ben was an easy frame. Still, all we've seen him do is give googly eyes to Sonny.  You would think something else about how much he loves David would slip out from time to time. 
    Another issue I have with it is that over at "Daycafe", Kathy has been saying "A daddy didn't know he was the real deal." for MONTHS.  Long before Evan showed up.  Now maybe they are wrong but I always assumed it was Rafe.  The timing doesn't work, because Rafe was with Hope for so long.  But Kathy is usually spot on.  And it can't be Eric because it's in the two weeks+ section (unless she forgot to edit it out).




    • Love 3
  6. 6 hours ago, krankydoodle said:

    I was surprised by how many downbeat moments there were: Kuiil's lonely grave, IG-11's sacrifice (and his exchange with Mando about recognizing sadness in his voice), the longer flashback of the attack on Mando's childhood home, and the pile of Beskar with only the armorer left to take care of it. I was even bummed out by Cara shooting the droid who was humming while obliviously steering them into an ambush. But those were balanced out by a lot of fantastic scenes that have already been mentioned. I was especially happy to see the armorer whack all those Stormtroopers since it means we may see her again. I love the voice actor for that character. Speaking of, I only found out by reading about it later that Adam Pally and Jason Sudeikis provided the voices for the 2 Stormtroopers who hit Baby Yoda.

    I've had issues with this season--and even with this episode--but ultimately found the finale very satisfying. The wait for the next season would've been torturous if Mando and Baby Yoda hadn't ended this one together.

    SOJDALc.jpgIt's Emily Swallow.  She does a great job as The Armorer.

    I loved everything about her scenes.  The gifts to Mando. Declaring them a clan of two.  Her commitment to The Way.  Mando is going to live his life based on her guidance.  I'm guessing The Armorer is as close to the Mandolorian Culture has to a Spiritual leader.  Just everything was perfect: The signet, the clan of two, get more supplies, and of course the jet pak.  *sigh* I didn't know I needed Mando to have a jet pak til she gave him one.

    The two Imps were comedians; I thought they were pretty funny.  Although I'm glad to seem them crispy after hurting The Child.  I too was bummed IG-11 died.  He was a perfect nannybot.  

    Off to rewatch this a bunch of times. 

    • Love 19
  7. If the Maggie spoiler is true, I suspect Maggie was black-out drunk and doesn't remember doing it.  I don't think the Maggie we know would let Will rot for Adrienne's death.  She certainly wouldn't show up at the Horton family Christmas party acting normal.

    But why Will thinks he did it is a mystery.  He doesn't act like his memory is not in tact.  And he's firmly convinced he killed Adrienne.  That's a heckuva fake-out Victor/Xander pulled. 

    But Xander and Victor would unambiguously throw Will in jail to protect Maggie.  Which means Will either was a threat to them (doing some investigation) or a convenient pawn (wrong place at the right time).  

    If, as I've suspected all along, the innocent man that Victor/Xander put behind bars  is Will and not Ben, then Victor has nothing to confess to Ciara.  With the spoiler that Ciara is playing Victor and Xander, Victor may be setting Ciara up.  He loves her but he also won't tolerate that kind of behavior towards him.  Victor wants unambiguous loyalty.  It's why he's finally accepted Xander.  Xander and he share a love for Maggie and Xander doing Victor's dirty work to protect Maggie gets him the CEO job.  Plus Xander wouldn't want Sarah's mother going to jail.  So, either Victor throws Xander under the bus with a lie (regarding Ben) or Victor and Xander team up against Ciara.  

    • Love 10
  8. All caught up.  Character/Relationship thoughts:

    Ciara: Such a brat! I'm glad Victor seem somewhat unconvinced.
    Ben/Will:  Honestly, I'm enjoying these two together.  Will makes Ben more interesting.
    Sonny/Evan: Evan feels sketchy.  Run away Sonny.
    John: Doh! I thought you were a detective?  
    Marlena: I generally don't like her smugness but she was right to toss 'Hope' out on her ear IMO.
    Kate: WHY do you keep getting yourself involved with nefarious people doing evil shit.
    Kate/Roman: LOVE this relationship.
    Eli: I'm going to give you props for calling out Abi like that.
    Abigail:  Abigail absolving herself due to mental illness is wrong on so many levels.
    Kirstin/Lani: NEITHER could have been serious about being a sister by the way they are acting now.
    Gabi: Three words for you: Swiss Bank Account.  Get one now.  Get you and Ari a "Go" bag, and get the hell out of Salem before you are discovered.  Of course you're evil these days, so I'm happy for you to be caught.  I just feel Ari has no chance whatsoever to be sane.
    Princess Gina: Please fall in a hole.  I cannot take that accent much longer. 
    Rafe:.... *snaps fingers* ... RAFE!  Wake up!  *shrugs as Rafe provides vacant look #72*

    All I want for Christmas:
    - Xarah; plus little Mickey to be okay
    - Cruella-deHernandez to go ahead and get a white streak in her hair
    - More truth bombs out of Eli.  He's got no f*cks to give these days. 

    • Love 12
  9. I f*cking loved it.  I'm glad Alex and Bradley scooped all the would-be scoopers. 

    Character by character:

    Alex: REDEEMED.  I was so pissed at her last week for throwing Chip under the bus.  But she found her moral event horizon and threw herself under the bus.  I don't feel there was anything but utter confession and outrage on her part.  It was authentic.  And I liked that as she paced the set, she knew where she was heading and it wasn't easy. It came out in fits.  She truly didn't know about Hannah.  At all.  And she knows she intentionally DIDN'T look.  She wasn't watching out for what was happening. She's culpable and she admitted it on national TV. Well done.
    Bradley: My favorite part was when she admitted she was especially going to do the interview because Alex told her not to.  I loved the raw honesty the two bring out.  Second favorite: 'are we doing this?'  She is a fire-starter and even Alex took her by surprise.
    Corey: Who would have thought chaos man was such a lynch pin player.  Was he doing it to oust Fred?  Definitely.  But he was spot-on when he called Bradley out for always running.  I think he's going to get addicted to honesty.  I'm here for it.
    Chip: Oh my heart.  I loved his 'love letter' confession to Alex. "It was all for  you."  I don't know if it's actual love or just devotion to someone he believes in but Chip is MY HERO.  And he got to punch MITCH.  That was a fist-pump moment.  But like everyone else, he was weak enough to have an ulterior motive.  Still, I believe in Chip.  I want him back.
    Hannah: Perfectly portrayed.  Her bouts of anger and dispassion showed she was in real trouble.  I hate it when characters die to progress other's stories but in this case I felt like it was a natural outcome of her tragedy.  I saw her as the junior TV professional unsure of how to navigate.  She tried to become the 'jaded' veteran and those clothes just did not fit. 
    Mitch: The rapist.  The user.  BURN IN HELL. I have no idea where they are going to go but if I don't see him again, I'm okay with that.  He creeps me out (well played Steve Carell).
    Fred: I want to see him in a perp walk.  We won't get it but it's due.    
    Maggie: F*ck you.  Seriously.  She's feasting on the pain and tipped Fred off.  She see Pulitzer.  I'm glad Alex and Bradley scooped her.
    Claire: My poor soul.  I want Yanko and her to cling to each other forever.  Hannah was wrong Claire.  Stay with your man.  

    I watched those last 5 mins 5 times.  Such damn good TV. 

    ETA: WHO was the one person Alex was apologizing to?  I think Mia thinks it was herself but I think it was Chip.  Opinions?

    • Applause 1
    • Love 23
  10. On 12/13/2019 at 10:33 AM, BabySpinach said:

    That still doesn't explain why the demons are so terrified of her now. Making them miserable through manipulation isn't the same thing. We didn't get any sort of explanation as to what kind of power her naked soul wielded (if any), and we've seen many times that only raw strength gets demons to obey. 

    1) Rowena absorbed a HUGE amount of souls at the point of death.  Means she had a huge amount of soul power to rule Hell with.  Add the demon allegiance from fear, she’s got all the power.  
    2) She likely still WAS a witch, more powerful than run of the mill Demons.
    3) She helped stop the Amara threat, helped saved the world a few times, was Crowley’s Mum.  She’s got street
    4) Is there any doubt she immediate sent out a call for badass female demons to be her entourage?  I think Crowley surrounded himself with lesser demons to keep control.  I think Rowena has all the power she needs.

    Location, location, location: The real Cage was never in Limbo (in S11). That was a construct Crowley built, with Rowena’s spells, to pull Lucifer pseudo-out in order to communicate.  But with the Book of the Damned, I think she pulled him ALL the way out and had spell work conveniently fail after Lucifer started talking to Sam.  The Cage Michael/Adam were in was deeper in Hell.  Ripped open when Chuck ripped open Hell.  Now it would appear that Rowena is not very far into Hell but she’s where Lilith had HER seat of power, so it’s deep enough.  And Cas had just been there with Belphaghor.  

    As for Lilith:

    She’s the black ash sitting across from Adam. It seemed like not everyone picked up that she’s completely obliterated.

    Michael/Adam Hell Time: If it was 10 years up top, it was over a 1000 years together down below.  Plenty of time to work out issues.

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  11. I think they skipped a bit between yesterday and today. No scene of Marlena telling Xander, no scene of Justin talking to Ben.  

    Eric extreme reaction is taking his worst two features (self-righteousness and controlling) and amplifying them.   While he obviously is entitled to his anger, I don’t think he’s putting the child’s best interest at heart.  I find that out of character.  I suspect the ‘you’re shit, Xander’ to be a precursor to him sliding back morally.  

    I’m glad Kate interfered today.  I think it will backfire.  

    Loved Justin/Will.  

    • Love 6
  12. I really enjoyed that episode.

    Rowena, YAAAASSSSSS QUEEN!  And her bodyguards are kickass women.  I’m here for this content.  I hope she’s back again.  Too short of a visit.  She looked positively fabulous.  “Auntie Rowena”!  And still will the “Samuel”.  Such a joy.
    Adam/Michael:  I’m glad they came to some ‘arrangement’.  If 4 months was 40 years for Dean, then wouldn’t 10 years be 1200 years for Adam/Michael?  I can see how that would form a bond.  I really enjoyed the approach they used to get Michael to see the truth (mental bond with Cas).  And I especially appreciated the conversation between Dean and Adam.
    Saileen:  Totally on board with this ship.  I’m also glad they addressed the obvious issue: anyone they are close to is likely to be killed just for entertainment.  No one is safe, no matter how close or far.  
    Lilith:  Toast!  Just like that.  I tell ya, the season is so thick with characters, it seems like there was a shoutout every 5 mins.
    Purgatory: PLEASE bring back Benny.

    Donatello:  I’ve always  liked him.  Glad he keeps his wits about him and wants to be ‘out’.
    Eileen hunting.  Nice BadAss opener.

    Random Spell of the Week: Pop into Hell, Seal Chuck away, Get spots out of laundry....  It reminds me of Star Trek’s ”Fun with DNA” plotonium.
    Chuck: Still not digging this character turn.
    VampTrap:  Why all the trouble?  To separate Sam and Dean?  Maybe Chuck is smarter than he’s been acting.

    Despite a few ‘nopes’, I thoroughy enjoyed the episode and will be rewatching many times.  

    • Love 10
  13. Wow.  Kristen is really selling her conversion.  And it appears legit — or is she just that insane to tempt JJ, knowing he’s a good guy who won’t go through with it?   I tend to think it’s meant to be sincere.  First, JJ was barely holding it together.  The gun could have gone on easily.  Second, Kristen still is a bit delusional.  She claimed she never killed anyone - but she ORDERED IT a bunch of times.  Third, kneeling and closing her eyes was convincing.  Note: Under NO circumstances would an actual postulate (nun candidate) encourage anyone to take anyone’s life.  She’d be arguing for JJ to not damage his soul with murder, no matter how justified. 

    JJ: telling Eli he sucks as a security guard.  Man has a point.  JJ is strung out on drugs and Eli didn’t catch him. 

    Lani: At this point, with Julie and Gabi THOUSANDS of miles away, you could tell Eli the truth.   

    Gabi: What the hell was that weird-ass non-confession confession about?  

    Kate, Kate, Kate - you got some ‘splaining to do.  How did you know where Steven-O was at?  And do you hate Kayla that much? 

    Chad - why didn’t you send a confident from the Paris office to Kristen?  It’s 2019, they could have FaceTimed you in directly.  

    Abigail/Jen: I cannot wait til Gina/Hope is exposed. 

    • Love 7
  14. Boo hiss on Eric/Sarah going to offscreenville.  I hope we get one-sided Xander/Sarah conversations via Facetime where it's clear Sarah is keeping Xander in the loop.

    And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - I hope they do something to humble Eric and get his ass back into being a decent person. 

    • Love 3
  15. 18 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

    How did JJ stowaway on the plane? No one noticed him? How did he get to Eli's hotel? Does he have any money?

    I think they've installed seat belts for the stowaways as they are pretty much on every freaking flight the plane takes.

    Team Xarah all the way. 

    Marlena.  He shot you.  Rather than coming off as being snooty to a guy worried about a baby, why not lead with "Xander, you shot me, Eric's mother.  That's a decent reason for Eric not to want you around his baby."  THAT would have been both snarky and accurate.  Instead it feels like Marlena is letting us know where Eric gets that self-righteous streak.  

    Eric, your priorities are out of whack.  Baby first, bitch out Xander later.  And go to confession, your attitude about Nicole is so unworthy of a former priest.

    Xander honey, I know you love Mickey. But her bio-dad is going to be an ass to the baby's Mom and the woman you love every time he sees you.  Avoid the drama, avoid being seen.  Sarah will sneak you into her boudoir and I bet she finds a way of letting you see the baby too; just on the DL.

    JJ.  Dude.  You are so high you are seeing your dead ex-girlfriend.  You're in a foreign country and you decide to steal a gun.  This are all bad life choices.  

    Lani, you should have come clean to Kayla about Gabi's app.  Kayla could have worked on the sly to get the app neutralized via the heart surgeon (go in and change out the pacemaker without changing out the leads -- the part that goes into the heart).  Do it on the sly under 'routine maintenance'.  SIMPLE.  And you are so not ready to become an insta-nun.  

    Kristen, OTOH, stay with the convent.  I think this is your only hope. 

    • Love 11
  16. Well that was horrible (in a dramatically compelling way).  

    It was horrifying to watch Mitch with Hannah.  Much would look at that and say he didn’t rape her. And Hannah KNOWS it’s wrong but it’s so messed up.  But IMO it’s unambiguous, Mitch coerced her into sex.  She was terrified, in shock over the shooting, and the power balance was obvious. And the closeups on the body language — there’s no excuse for Mitch at all.  I don’t think if she said ‘stop’ or ‘no’ he would have stopped. He would have shushed her.  She would have to make a big scene to get him to stop.  And this is the man who just gave her a career break.  She clearly felt that his whim was all that stood between her and being fired.  

    What shocked me is that she went to the head of the Network.  I could see HR but busting into Fred’s office was surprising. Did she do that because he was the only one with more power than Mitch?  Was that the instinct at play?   I kinda think so.  And then Fred was so slick with the offer of a bribe.  Not blatant at all and yet ‘closed’ the deal in record time. 

    Which makes me think that Mitch’s intent to take down Fred is going to involve self-immolation.  Because this is who he called to talk to Bradley at the end of the previous episode.  

    Now review the culture:
    - Alex hosted that party with the overt sex innuendos and the Martin Short (Woody Allen-ish) predator as entertainment.  It clearly show a tolerance for sexist culture and male privilege. Her comments ‘and there it is!’ Early in the day indicates Mitch made sexually inappropriate comments that were tolerated on an hourly (at best) basis.  Alex looks guilty of enabling Mitch’s predatory behavior even if she  wasn’t sitting of how bad it was. Also Alex bought into Mitch was better than her.  She leaned on him and then complained when he ‘dumped’ Mia on her.  Alex is clearly feeling like she’s second banana on the show. 
    - Chip lets Mitch demote Mia (reprisal) when she broke off their affair.  Saying Mitch gets to decide whose on his team. Chip let Mitch do whatever the hell he wants.  Big time enabler. 

    The entire show had a toxic culture tailor made to serve Mitch’s preferences.  Just gross.  

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    • Love 22
  17. First off, I love the show.  

    Nerdy rant: There is more than the ‘Cobra maneuver’ in aerial combat.  That’s the ‘hit the brakes and they fly past you’ maneuver that seems to be the only one used in TV or movies.  Split-S, Immelmann... I wish they’d use something else besides ‘Cobra’.  It just feels so.... predictable.  Ironman even used it.  10 mins of YouTube search would find other options! /rant off. 

    - I liked the maintenance gal.  
    - Ming-Na Wen clearly must have a larger role and is not dead.
    -  Why does Mando hate droids?
    - What exactly DOES The Child eat?  Also, has the he seen Mando’s face?

  18. 6 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

    Haha, I always though that overall SPN was the worst CW shows in terms of fight scenes. Sure, the odd one here and there is good, usually with Dean, but overall meh. Of course these days Flash and Supergirl have ludicrously bad action scenes, Legacies makes me giggles, even Legends is so-so and Arrow isn`t what it used to be either though it still stands head and shoulers above the rest.

    This one between Dean and Lee, I actually liked. It wasn`t the best but I know Christian Kane is a competent stunt-fight-person and so is Jensen which makes it look better. They didn`t really need that many cuts for it.   


    Me neiher. I mean this was one part of one episode, not everything of everything single episode so I think it was not too much to give Dean something for a change.

    I`m sure the writer is getting tarred and feathered for it as we speak.

    With the John thing, I actually was more amused that Lee seems to have been the one person in the Northern hemisphere John didn`t piss off.

    Also, you had to know something was up with Lee because retired or not, he knew nothing about the Winchesters, the supposed Legends among Legends in the hunting world.  

    Not that I can see.  At least not in his comments.  I haven’t done an exhaustive search for his mentions.  

    Jeremy is such an obvious fan of the show, I think his enthusiasm is on par with Robbie Thompson.  

    • Love 2

  19. I can’t wait to see Adam.  The boys got some ‘splaining to do. Death took out Sam: I get it, pick one.  But then they released LUCIFER.   Why not ask Chuck for Adam back in S11?   Just saying, if Adam is bitter, he’s earned it. 

    • Love 1
  20. 5 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    I still think it's endgame, and they think they are being clever with the maybe-coitus interruptis to build up anticipation for the big event. And in a series ending twist, Sam will be the one who dies after having sex.

    I think Sam was about to tell Eileen that God has a personal grudge against San Winchester and any ‘romantic interest’ is likely to be fridged the second Chuck finds out about it. And when she says she’s okay with it, he’ll say she can’t do that to him. She can’t put another death on his head (doh! There’s a naughty pun in there). 

    • Love 3
  21. Well I enjoyed that!

    Funniest line: “Ew!” By Eileen, in response to their’s a piece of Sam in Chuck.  Well played.  And SO accurate.

    I don’t think Chuck had anything to do with this episode.  Because Chuck doesn’t want Dean at full strength.  Which worries me.... what is Chuck doing?  

    Sam & Eileen:  we had a moment there.  I like her, I like how he appears to feel with her.  I don’t expect long term happiness for Sam but I like them as a couple.  Giggle moment - So Sam has no problem with real bacon...hmmmmm...I call smitten!  Dean was right about Sam/Eileen.  And I think Dean had every intention of taking Sam on the case and bugged out on his own as soon as he saw the bacon.  He’s so Team!Sam - I took his comment about the smell to be a call out to Dean’s belief that sleeping with someone who smells like good food is a bonus.  

    Dean & Lee:  I thought Lee was the perfect foil for Dean.  And if using a literary foil to give the hero motivation is passé to some?  It doesn’t bother me.  I thought it was solid story telling.  Lee was too much party and not enough morality.  Lee also didn’t have John Freakin’ Winchester to keep him moving forward.  John WAS too hard on Dean but having a partner is a good way to avoid going down a wrong path.  Lee slipped into a self-delusional morality that I don’t think is in Dean’s nature to do but there are plenty of ways to ‘check out’ when traumatized.  John’s presence helped Dean move forward after what was apparently a horrifying hunt in Arizona. Lee obviously said ‘f*ck it, I’m going to party and hurting a few people is justified after the good I’ve done’. He was, theoretically, Dean but with a warped moral compass.  Before it went south, I enjoyed their reminiscing.  And I enjoyed the utter confidence with which Dean demonstrated how far he had come as a hunter and a human since he had last seen Lee.  Lee gave a good fight but this was Dean Freaking Winchester and Lee was sloppy after dealing with civilians. 

    Cas & Sergei: I’m SO glad Cas had the upper hand when Sergei pulled his inevitable betrayal.  I also loved Cas’ little smile when Eileen when into BadAss mode.  Memo to Cas: don’t use the word ‘probe’.  No one likes that word when it comes to their own body.  

    Dean & Cas: Well THAT’s still a mess.

    I’m going to rewatch later and do ‘shout-out’ bingo.  I think I must have picked up on a DOZEN different in-universe and BTS items.  

    Overall a good episode.  I’ll be rewatching soon.  

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