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Everything posted by chlban

  1. I hope she had him some type if agreement regarding the money that was taken out on the house and used for the Restaurant. If not, she is screwed. Again.
  2. When he was lying/explaining to Ariana in the Finale I noticed he said "it's not about Look" or something to that effect. I thought that was weird. Personally I think Ariana is prettier than Raquel, but they are both very attractive. Just thought it odd that he threw that in. It obviously isn't about Raquel being a fascinating, intelligent woman. More like she fawns over him and he's too stupid to realize that isn't going to last forever.
  3. Too bad Stassi wasn't there to comment on them doing it in a car. When Tom making out with Ariana at the Golden Nugget, her response was "The Golden Nugget?" She did have some funny moments. A lot of them were mean, but still funny.
  4. This. It's like when some total Homophobic politician gets caught with his pants down, literally, with another man. I could not care less about a politicians sexual preferences, assuming it involves other consenting adults, but I love watching the hypocritical Homophobes squirm when they get caught. It's the Hypocrisy.
  5. I thought she texted that info to Ariana's mom? And yes Tom was angry.
  6. I don't know, New Jersey has had the same storyline for years and apparently some people still watch-I just participate in the forums, but it seems Tre and her sister in law are still battling.
  7. I wouldn't either. But, especially if her partner was my friend, I would tell her she needs to come clean and that I will have no part in her duplicity. We would certainly not be double dating, she would not be using my house for meet ups, I certainly would not participate in some sham to make it appear that her side piece was actually interested in me. There is a lot of space between ratting out your BFF and being an acitive participant in their duplicity, and she would 100% know I was extremely disappointed in her.
  8. I don't really get this. Ariana was asked about that-can't remember where, maybe WWHL? Anyway, she said she knew, but it happened before they were exclusive. So, why not just say that at the time? It's like everyone's default position is to lie.
  9. Most of the cast is emotionally immature. Rachel is clearly a Narcissist and quite possibly a Sociopath. Neither are capable of empathy. That is 100% what I see. She had no concerns about tweaking Katie with her fake pursuit of Schwartz. No empathy to Katie's mom and, really, she has shown none to James. Of course what she did to Ariana is just beyond. I am surprised she wasn't advised to look teary eyed or at least not to look smug and satisfied. The audience shows more emotion than she did.
  10. I normally can't stand James, but did everyone notice that, right at the start, when Tom started his fake crying crap and James immediately made fun of it, how Tom was suddenly fine and able to speak without the fake blubbering? Also "Worm with a mustache" was great. I normally can't stand James, but did everyone notice that, right at the start, when Tom started his fake crying crap and James immediately made fun of it, how Tom was suddenly fine and able to speak without the fake blubbering? Also "Worm with a mustache" was great.
  11. Plus, Ariana is the wronged party, not Lala, so I think Lisa will cut her more slack. I have to say though, I really don't think Lisa's attempted defense of the Tom's is a good look. I already questioned her judgement going into business with them. I realize piling on to them too much wouldn't look great either. I am a Lisa fan,but she was annoying me last night. Try to be Switzerland and let the Chuckleheads battle it out.
  12. Good point, but this whole scenario has put that money in more jeopardy than it was. However, my hunch is, once the season is over, people will forget and move on. Then she only has to worry that her idiot son and his idiot life partner will be running the business. But she knew that going in. Except it appears Tom has new victim, um I mean Girlfriend, so there's that.
  13. So, it appears bad taste in men has a genetic component? Although, to be fair, Don seemed like a pretty decent guy, he just wasn't willing to spend all his time filling up Vicki's bottomless love tank.
  14. Actually this makes total sense. A Famewhore attracted to an influencer. It's a little sad. If you are going to blow up your life and alienate friends, it really should be for some true love you just can't resist. Like Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash. Raquel betrayed a friend, blew up a relationship only to decide, nah, nevermind? Not that I am blaming only her, but the whole thing seems even worse because they didn't stay together. And yes, I know that sounds weird, but there you go.
  15. This is one reason I love this forum. When a comment truly makes me laugh out loud. Well done.
  16. Wow. It's all Ariana's fault. How stupid of us all. Poor Sandoval, he grew a mustache, that's the same as confessing, and here he is being crucified for being a scumbag. He grew a mustache, how could she not know?
  17. I thought it was weird that Sandoval told Raquel his parents loved her. That implies they must know her fairly well, at least more than a passing introduction. It doesn't speak well of his parents, if true. Again, if he isn't happy he should break up with her, but I would not love to have my son sneaking around on his long term partner. And I would certainly not love the girl sneaking with him. It says everything about both of them and I would be very disappointed.
  18. Ariana should have uncovered the BS a long time ago? Really? So you agree with Sandoval, it's on Ariana because she didn't follow him to find out where he was really going. Because it's perfectly normal to spy on someone you have spent almost a decade with, bought a house with and had your Eggs frozen for. Um, K .
  19. There was also speculation on Facebook that she's pregnant. PURE SPECULATION, not putting it out as fact. I would not be at all surprised if she would hope for that. Hopefully someone was using protection.
  20. Actually you make a good point. It doesn't excuse her, but it may explain her need to be loved. I found out, in my 50's, that the woman I thought was my mother was, actually, my Grandmother and the woman I thought was my much older sister was, in fact, my bio mom. Said bio mom married a few months after my birth and went on to have seven, yes seven, more children. All of whom swear she was a fantastic mother. Even in my 50's I went through some weird stuff. Why didn't she come back for me? Short of that, why wasn't she in my life? Why did she give me to the mother she hated? Lot's of weird stuff that really doesn't matter anymore, but it surprised me how much it shook me for a while. I read a couple of books about adoption and a lot of adopted kids feel unwanted. It has nothing to do with the people who raise them, who may be fantastic parents, it's just built in. Also interesting, an inordinate number of serial killers are adopted. Not saying Raquel is a Serial killer but she certainly exhibits some sociopathic behavior. Even when everything came out, her demeanor with Tom at her apartment was more giddy than remorseful.
  21. It also wasn't up to him to participate in the false narrative that had him and Raquel flirting, when he knew Tom was screwing her, nor did he need to provide Sandoval with a place to play with his side piece. You can maintain a friendship with someone having an affair but, especially if the party cheated on is purported to be your friend, you do not have to cover for the asshole. Stay out of it. Grow a pair and tell said asshole that what he is doing is wrong and, while you won't tell Ariana, you also will not in any way participate or actively cover for him. Maybe even grow a pair and push him to come clean. But it's Shwartz we are talking about. He is a whiny, spineless excuse for a man. Always has been.
  22. He's a whiny little bitch and spent his part in the last episode whining about how this has impacted him. He supposedly has, or had, friends so why does he need to go to Katie? She's been listening to his nonsense for far too many years. That's why they split. I get that if your life partner-and I am referring to Sandoval-does something bad, you may choose to remain friends. Sandoval didn't kill someone or molest a child. But you don't have to enable the deceit. Ariana was supposedly his friend too. Yet he played along with that whole absurd Raquel wants Shwartz BS they tried peddling all season and, because we all thought she was stupid, we bought it. The Video was apparently made at Schwartzes and I don't even want to know where Schwartz was when Tom was, um, "performing" for Raquel. Yet now he wants to whine about how this impacted him. F off Schwartz. The vast majority of the audience has now seen through that stupid lost little boy routine. Grow the F up or go away.
  23. Sadly, I have known many intelligent women with an amazing ability to live in fantasy land when it comes to men. She has always been pretty arrogant too-just check the title for her personal thread here. I do think she is exponentially more intelligent than Racquel, but then so is a potted plant. I think her problem was denial and arrogance, not stupidity.
  24. And let's not forget who the true victim is here. Tom Schwartz.
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