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  1. Damn I haven’t watched in a while. Oliver and Laurel look 20 years older.
  2. I'm sure it's the weird angle that makes his head look so funny. He is so much taller than the two reporters who were interviewing him. There should be more pictures coming out today.
  3. SA and his wife are back for the Kentucky Derby. There are a lot of parties but this is the hottest ticket in town. Justin Hartley was interviewed right before Stephen but no one made the connection. Stephen was so friendly and seemed in a great mood. Too bad he looks like a serial killer with the new hair cut.
  4. I just came home from work and checked twitter. Olicity is Rising is trending at 6:30 est. This will be the first episode I watch live since the season premiere. Please don't let me down! Maybe someone with more social media smarts can link? I really hope the ratings jump and all those other stats I barely understand.
  5. I don't understand how anyone can go to an event after your nude pics were "leaked." I'm sure most of KC's fans have seen her lady bits. I would not risk some weirdo asking me to sign a 8x10 glossy of a dick in my mouth. Are these things discussed at the cons? Especially when the gossip sites are alluding to said penis belonging to a member of the cast.
  6. So with all these differences where is everyone from? I am in Louisville Kentucky, USA. We are famous for race horses and bourbon. We drink sweet iced tea. We say ya'll. We call all soft drinks, Coke. If someone says, "give me a sugar" they mean a kiss. We are extremely friendly and polite. We say hello and thank you to the bus driver. We are not toothless, barefoot hillbillies who marry our cousins. Louisville is like Austin, TX a small blue island surrounded by a red state. How about everyone else?
  7. I was surprised at how sad I was seeing the Vampire Diaries end. I hadn't watched it in years but the retrospective before the finale reminded me of how good it had been. It just went on too long and they ran out of ideas many seasons ago. One thing they did do well were love scenes. Their actors knew how to film a passionate kiss. That one with Damon and Elena at the motel was something. Or the first time they slept together. We'll never see that on Arrow. I don't imagine Arrow writers have ever had a make your knees weak kiss. Frankly I'd be surprised if they have had any relationships at all.
  8. I love The Expanse. It took a little while for it to get going but season two has been great. The visual effects are excellent. I am also loving The Magicians. These are my new Wednesday night shows since I am boycotting Arrow until some serious improvements are made. Of course I am still here in the forums since you guys are so awesome.
  9. My parents love Sam's Club. My Dad has a huge cabinet in the basement filled with toilet paper and batteries. Two things he never wants to run out of. My brother made the mistake of buying his girlfriend's engagment ring there. Supposedly he did spend a lot of money but the idiot told her where he bought it. She was not happy and mysteriouly a stone fell out. Sam's kept replacing and a new stone would get loose. He finally returned it and she got the ring she wanted from Tiffany's. I love my brother but you don't buy an engagment ring at a Sam's Club or at least hide it in a Tiffany's box.
  10. Someone needs to film that young girl as she watches post sexy times with Oliver and Susan. Maybe if the writers see the crushing pain of having all of her Olicity dreams trashed they would fix this disaster. I am not above playing dirty to get my show back.
  11. Alright I'm out. I thought I could do it.
  12. It's 3:30 am and I can't sleep. I have the last three episodes on dvr and still I am watching any other junk left on the dvr instead of Arrow. I keep following the threads looking for a glimmer of hope that my show is back. When TNT runs old episodes I turn the channel. Too hard to watch how far the show has fallen. I don't know if they brought Olicity back if I would watch again. The writers have made me dislike Oliver so much I don't want them together. I did see the scene in season one again where Felicity brings Oliver the book Walter gave her and she asks if she can trust him. I'm thinking oh hell no girl run away. He is going to fuck up your life. I think I've quit the show for good.
  13. Does anyone know about the actor's contracts? If I were EBR I would flee the sinking ship. Five years is a long time to play one character. The writing and the ratings will continue to slide. After year eight you'll be auditioning for Lifetime movies and trying to make money at conventions.
  14. May the Force be with you, Carrie.
  15. What a difference a year makes. Dark Waters was the last episode I really enjoyed. I didn't know how I would get through the winter break. Then it all turned to shit. I can't believe we're nine episodes into season five. I no longer watch live, fast forward through half the show and then delete. I thought about grading the seasons. B, A, C, D (BMD trashed everything) and now we have fallen to a big fat F for season 5. It's such a shame. I really miss Arrow. We had some good times but then it got ugly. BMD caused a nasty break up but I had hoped with a little time we could still be friends. Now you've changed so much and I don't like who you've become. I think it's time to move on.
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