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Posts posted by kitkat343

  1. I hope Hailey 2 enjoys her 15 minutes of fame.  Because once this show stops filming, Matthew will dump her for Hailey 3 and she will be left with absolutely nothing.

    I am really glad McKayla's family will be dragged into court.  I cannot imagine them following a visitation order and I hope there will be consequences for that, since the only hope these children have of not turning into selfish monsters like McKayla and her mother is the influence of Shelly.

    And why is Caleen orange?   His eyebrows look waxed; did he put on a really bad foundation too? 

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    In their after school interrogation I noticed bothCole and Briana asking if anyone was bullied or mean to anyone. Is this a trend with parents of young kids now?

    yes.  And when their little angel starts to tease and hurt other children, the same idiot parents will tell you all about how it isn't their kids fault, but that their child is only reacting because he/she is bullied by the other kids.  

    Jade doesn't have it easy, but I hope she can take her MTV check and get as far away as possible from all of the awful people in her life.  

    And Brianna looks like she is morphing into Amber, with the endless pouting, moaning and complaining from the couch.  No wonder poor little Nova is so attached to her dad - he's far from perfect - but at least being around him has to be less depressing than listening to her mom whine constantly.

    And those eyebrows have to be paired with the musical talent of the boys on Unexpected, since they are all truly dreadful and painful to watch.  I was almost glad to see Brianna off the couch but then when I realized what she was doing, I figured she'd be better off sticking to her normal whining and moaning schedule.

    • Love 10
  3. Quote

    Does anybody remember Dr. Laura Schlessinger's radio show?  Once a caller was complaining about her teenager lying to her, and Dr. Laura said, "He's a teenager.  His job is to lie to you."  So I get it, but just the casual way Chloe discusses and describes her lying is unsettling to me.

    You might be upset because of how unbelievably stupid Cloe's lies are.  She stands right in front of a television camera insisting there is no way her parents will find out about Max being in rehab.  First of all, there's the fact that Max is on TV so it is quite likely his going to rehab will be covered in the papers.  And secondly,  everyone in their small town is probably gossiping about every single thing he does.  And if none of that reaches her parents, there's the fact that she's explaining that her parents can't possibly find out to a camera for a national TV show!  I'd be just as pissed to think my kid thinks I'm this stupid as I would be about the lie he was telling me.  You'd have to be as dumb as Chloe and Max to think this plan would work.  

    • Love 5
  4. I’m sorry this didn’t go to court.  We’d finally have some interesting footage of kail whining to a judge about how deprived her kids will be to miss out on a once in a lifetime Hawaiian vacation and the judge ripping her a new one  

    Oh and if joe saw the footage from Mexico or heard his kids tell him how mommy couldn’t handle 3 kids in the water by herself, I’m not surprised he said no.  Actually given how few brain cells kail has, combined with her incessant need to whine, I wouldn’t be too surprised to learn that she herself told joe she couldn’t handle the kids and had a miserable time.  

    • Love 14
  5. It was very brief so people might have missed it, but mckayla slapped little Timmy’s hand at the 26th minute of this show.  If she’s comfortable slapping a kid on camera, I’d be concerned about what happens when the cameras aren’t around.  

    And what kind of man is dating the unbelievably selfish and whining and complaining mckayla, especially knowing she has a 20 month old and 1 month old.  

    Pityfree is correct about Mckaylas schooling, but it should be noted she will only enroll in one online course each semester and still whine.  

    • Love 9
  6. Max's dad needs to treat Max the way I do my 4 year old son.  Me: "It's time to go to bed"  My 4 year old's time wasting, trying to be annoying, questions like, "Why do I have to go to bed? " and  "Do I have to brush my teeth tomorrow"  are completely ignored.  That conversation should have been:  "Max your probation officer called.  You're going to 30 day rehab"  And after that the dad needs to say, "Call your probation officer to discuss this."  to whatever nonsense comes out of Max's mouth.  Because if Max continues to insist that he is in control, the system will throw him in jail (and frankly, I think his dad is at the point in which he also thinks is probably the only thing that will wake Max up at this point, a point of view I think most viewers agree with).   If Max were my kid and was insisting he could delay rehab for prom, I'd be thinking "good luck with that." but wouldn't say anything since frankly there is no point in talking with this moron.  He needs a major wakeup call, which he might only get in jail.

    • Love 21
  7. I never thought the day would come when Leah could tell someone that they need to start making better choices, but apparently if you are a "grown-a**" woman who has unprotected sex with a Costa Rican tour guide you just met, this is in fact perfectly reasonable advice.   

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  8. McKayla's family is really going to regret agreeing to film this show.  Their plan to treat Caelen like trash and then b*tch about how awful he is when he pulls away isn't going to work.   They may succeed in driving him away (I hope not - I hope he gets a lawyer and files for visitation) but someday these children will watch the video.  They will see McKayla smirking and denying visitation, and everyone criticizing Caelen whenever he tries to visit.    

    • Love 19
  9. Alex's mom and grandma deserved McKayla as a daughter in law.  Poor Tyra - I hope that's the last visit she makes to Alex's family's house.  She doesn't need to fight with Alex about this if she doesn't want to.  She can just calmly tell him that he's in charge of taking the baby to visit the coven of witches if he wants to arrange a visit, and she can stay home and nap.  Thankfully, the coven is too lazy/self centered to come to visit the baby.   Since she's breastfeeding having Alex take the baby to them will keep the amount of time her baby is exposed to the coven to a minimum.

    And I do agree that Alex absolutely should have defended Tyra from the coven, but he is very young and was raised by monsters.  He seemed extremely supportive during the delivery, so I hope as he matures that he'll support her more.  He seems better than the other nightmare fathers on this show (although I don't watch this show particularly carefully so I don't remember much about him before the birth, so please correct me if I'm wrong)

    • Love 14
  10. On 9/1/2019 at 10:31 PM, Chris Knight said:

    Chloe is lucky she has her friend. Her one friend. 

    Is it possible to do a paternity test before the baby is born  ? Because Anthony's mom's bf, who talks a mile a minute, is trying to get Anthony to wake up. Anthony has his whole life ahead of him  - he shouldn't throw it all away for someone else's child. Can you imagine raising someone else 's child thinking it was yours ? 

    Did Max and his dad recently move ? There is no furniture in their house. Is the dad married  ?

    It is actually possible to take a paternity test in utero.  They can now draw blood from the mother, and the potential baby daddy and use the same technology that can screen for down's syndrome with a simple blood test to determine paternity.  Normally, its extremely insulting to ask your pregnant girlfriend for such a test, but given the fact that they were broken up and she was with another guy, I'm not sure I understand why this isn't an option.  Lets hope the guy smartens up once the kid is here (although I'm guessing he'll reserve judgement based upon what color the kid is, without considering the fact that she might have slept with another man of color.)

    Calaen needs to run to the courthouse and get a visitation schedule established so he can get his children away from Mackayla's terrible family as much as possible.  It's pretty awful to see Timmy telling someone else how to be a father when he's raised Shannon and McKayla, two of the most useless human beings to have ever walked the face of the earth.

    • Love 16
  11. 1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

    As far as I know “open adoption” is nothing more than a courtesy. I don’t think it is legally enforceable.   It’s not joint custody with the birth parents, there is no such thing.  B&T are Carly’s one and only parents, if they don’t want to communicate with C&T it’s not against the law.  

    This is absolutely correct.  There is no way to legally enforce an open adoption - once the adoption is finalized the adoptive parents are in complete control over the amount of contact/visits that will occur.  Normally a contract is written up specifying exactly what level of contact the birth and adoptive parents agree to prior to the adoption, but it isn't legally enforceable.    The problem is that there is such a shortage of healthy, white infants that it is unlikely an adoptive parent will be chosen by a birth mom unless they agree to an open adoption (there are some birth parents who want a closed adoption, but thats more rare and they can still chose the ones willing to have an open adoption and ask them if they can close the adoption).  So you have birth parents agreeing to an open adoption since they really want a healthy white baby and know their chances of getting one are really small without agreeing to this.  Sometimes the relationship between birth and adoptive parents works, and sometimes it doesn't.

    However, given the advances in DNA technology such as 23 and me, it is highly unlikely that anyone can hide the birth parent's identity permanently (unless you plan on not telling your kid they were adopted, which is a really bad plan since it denies them their familial health history and that they might still elect to use the dna technology programs anyway).  Once a child reaches the age of 18, he or she can use a dna analysis site to match with their birth relatives.  And I wouldn't want to be adoptive parents who refused to honor the agreement they made with the birth  parents unless they had really good cause (in this specific case B&T do have very good cause - they set up specific rules regarding contact, and C&T broke them over and over again). 

    However, in this specific case B&T have previously received contact from C&T's insane fans who would likely be a threat if they completely close the adoption.  Plus they are undoubtably receiving a lot of pressure from the adoption agency to maintain at least some limited contact, since the agency doesn't want any negative publicity and stories of a sobbing C&T all over the media saying they were promised visits and that was why they agreed to place their child for adoption and that they would never have done that if they thought the adoption would be closed.  Until this show ends, there is a lot of pressure on B&T to maintain at least sporadic contact, no matter how much C&T whine about them on national television or rudely show up late to their visits when B&T travelled there to make them happy.  There's also a lot of speculation that when the adoption occurred, Theresa felt a lot of sympathy for Cate - she had a really rough home life and was just a kid when she gave up Carly.  But as a mother, Theresa must be pretty horrified by watching the level of care Cate is providing for the two children she is parenting.   So they are probably doing the smart thing by slowly tapering off these visits, and never officially closing the adoption.  Honestly, given the fact that these idiots can't be bothered to even send birthday presents or make a scrapbook on time, I do suspect that most of their actual interaction with Carly is camera driven to have a good storyline, and once the cameras go away they will focus on their own problems and on their own C&T will contact B&T much less frequently (I really can't imagine C&T paying to travel all the way to see B&T without MTV footing all the cost of the visit so if B&T just tell them sure come here on March 20th and we'll have a visit C&T will never get it together to show up).

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  12. Catelyn and Tyler have no jobs beyond whining on television.  Someday poor Carly is going to watch this and realize that her mother couldn't take time from her busy schedule of checking social media and running away from the two kids she actually kept to go to Arizona for "therapy" to finish her scrapbook on time.

    If they waited to finish the scrapbook after the visit, they could have put a bunch of nice pictures from this visit in the book, so it would totally have looked like they planned to give it to her after the visit.   It could have a note saying how glad they were to have spent time with her, and that they treasure all the pictures they have of her.  

     Poor Brandon and Theresa know that if they impose any reasonable consequences on these idiots for their behavior they will be pilloried by their brain dead fans.  And the irony is that we've endured three episodes of Cate whining about having to go to the zoo, when now at least B&T have something to do with their children while they wait for Cate to show up!

    Oh, and Mackenzie's husband - please don't tell your kid people get tired and go to sleep when they die.  It's hard enough to get children to go to bed without giving them the idea that they might never wake up.

    • Love 24
  13. 26 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    I am not an OB, nor do I play one on TV, but my take is that maybe the doctors at Tyra's hospital are (rightly, in my opinion) opposed to inducing labor unless its medically necessary. Induction makes for longer, more painful labors, with more complications and more use of things like forceps and vacuum extractors. It is far better to let nature take its course. If your body is not ready to give birth, I can't see that pumping Pitocin into it is a good idea. 

    I have three small children.  My ob was adamant that his practice doesn't induce unless medically indicated because it leads to higher c-section rates.  

    "t was said end of last season, I believe by Jessica, that he "put his hands on Chloe".   It's only a matter of time before she becomes a battered wife & the kid is being abused as well - Max is scum & doesn't deserve to be a father. The apple doesn't usually fall far from the tree & what I've seen of his father so far is making me think they both need to be gone."

    So sorry - I totally forgot about that.  You are absolutely correct.

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  14. "In general,  I am on Jessica's side. Max is a punk and I would ban him from my house too" 

    I agree that Jessica has every right to ban Max from her home (especially since he is on probation for stealing property from a  friend's home).  But Max is the father, and unless he abuses Chloe or the baby, is so high as to be incapacitated (like Ryan from Teen Mom swerving all over the road) or is arrested for a violent act, he should have the right to attend family functions and everyone needs to be polite and interact civilly.  Allowing Max to participate isn't because we think Max is a good person, but because otherwise the kid is going to grow up and be furious that his mother/mother's family drove his dad away.  Good god, this is all on television and someday this poor kid is going to grow up and see all of this.

    And Haley II, stop smirking at the camera while telling your pregnant friend about her baby daddy hitting on you.  It's not a good look.  As someone noted above, Haley I needs to run away from both of those losers as quickly as possible.  

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  15. 38 minutes ago, Mischievious said:

    Best part of the episode was when Amber exclaimed “My favorite couch!” at her doctor’s office as she sat down. Maybe it was sofa. I can’t remember because I was dying of laughter. Also? She is so trolling us. 

    And laying the groundwork for her defense to her dv charges.  It’s a very productive day in amberland!

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  16. I loved how Caputo and Fig's daughter was the perfect representation of their relationship: neither of them would have ever imagined wanting to be with someone like the other, but they just fit together, as did their new daughter 10 seconds after they agreed on wanting a boy.

    • Love 8
  17. On 7/27/2019 at 8:40 PM, mj2000 said:

    I will never understand how Maritza was able to attend school and gain an ID without ever showing her birth certificate which would have shown that she was not born in the US. That said, her entire ordeal with ICE was heartbreaking. 

    Piper and Cal are one of the great sibling relationships. Unlike others, Cal never shunned Piper for having went to prison. He treated her the same. Their "day off" was hilarious and I enjoy them together.

    I saw Aleida going back to prison a mile away. Her attitude and her big mouth would eventually get her in trouble again. She was always talking about not having money but I never saw in any part of her backstory that she ever attempted to work. It was always having a man and wanting big dollars by any means necessary. McDonald's would have been a better alternative than prostitution and dealing drugs. But that just wasn't good enough for her.

    Undocumented children have a legal right to a public education until they turn 21. The parents need to prove that they live in the school district, not that any family members have legal residency.  She would have great difficulty getting a drivers license in most states, getting legal employment or paying for college but I’m not entirely certain  based upon her lifestyle that she would have actually done any of those things (not everyone in nyc drives, although most people do need Id, except she probably has never worked and gets into clubs based upon her hotness).  

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  18. The intro sequence in which Piper's brother was working on infant elimination training reminded me that I'd be happier in Litchfield than living with him in his zero waste home.

    I can understand why Piper's dad is so disappointed - his son is nuts, and his daughter just got out of jail and her priority is reuniting with the woman who led her to a life of crime.

    • Love 4
  19. On 3/6/2017 at 5:13 AM, mojoween said:

    Those gift baskets were ridiculous for a six year olds birthday party.  My son gave and got little plastic bags of dollar store trinkets, heh.

    I totally agree.  I live in a suburb of nyc, and at a friends party there was a kid from Manhattan there. After being handed the bag of trinkets, the six year old turned to her mom and said, “is this it.”  It’s scary, but realistic in some circles.  

    • Love 2
  20. 2 hours ago, RoadFullOfPromise said:

    I can forgive a fair amount in the name of this being a telenovela, but it made absolutely no damn sense that Rose was able to escape. No infirmary right in the correctional center? Unlikely. No shackles for her on the gurney? Not a chance in hell. 

    especially since she stabbed herself right in front of the guard.  Oh, hey, an international criminal with a long history of escaping the law just stabbed herself to try to get to the hospital.  Yes, let's send her off without shackles since that's not suspicious at all.

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  21. There’s an old joke about a mother finding her daughter dead on the floor, after committing suicide.  The mom screams, “how could she do this to me!”    That’s ambers parenting in a nutshell.  Her first reaction wasn’t how do I help my daughter - it was to get angry at the woman whose been patiently raising her daughter and giving her the only maternal love she’ll ever know.  

    • Love 17
  22. Normally I just roll my eyes and ff through Maci's whining about Ryan segments (she's not wrong to be frustrated with him- he's a complete loser, but it's been 10 years and the whining and expecting a complete loser to show up and be a father needs to stop.)  However, tonight I was shocked by Larry and Jen's behavior.  They seem to genuinely love Bentley.  How stupid do you have to be to not pick up the phone, call Maci and say, "hey, Ryan isn't doing so good.  Could we hold off on the visit until he is ready?"   Why any grandparent would expose Bentley to this when they didn't need to is insane.  It was pretty clear during their MTV interview that they are aware of how badly Ryan is doing right now, and I'm shocked that their reaction to this is to bring more kids into the house to see his struggles.

    And to put Caitlyn and Tyler's lack of presents for Carly in perspective - they have no jobs, and make a ton of money.  All they'd need to do is take five minutes from checking their social media presence to google "present for a 10 year old girl."   They make a ton of money due to being selected for Teen Mom due to Carly's  birth; how terrible it is that they can't even be bothered to spend money on her.  

    And I loved Caitlyn saying "placing Carly for adoption let me be the mother I am today"  What kind of a mother does she think she'd be if she had kept Carly? 

    • Love 9
  23. I loved Petra so much tonight - it’s rare to see a character whose done so many evil things become so beloved.   And at this point I couldn’t care less about Jane but love watching Petra, xo and abuela.  

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