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Posts posted by kitkat343

  1. On 10/6/2023 at 6:11 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

    Right? What a lardass. You could see that Leah was not on board with Amber's drama. That house was disgusting...Amber should have hired a professional cleaning crew. They will need to get pest control in there to see if they have mice or rats. Gary and Kristina need to stop helping Amber...Amber needs to grow up and find some of her blood relatives to prop her up. Good grief...such a needy and pathetic mess she is.

    To be fair, I'd like to know how much they prop her up when the cameras aren't rolling before I judge them.  If they are helping her clean her house when they aren't getting MTV checks then I totally agree they need to cut her off because Amber clearly isn't getting any better and since she has no children actually in her care she might need to hit rock bottom before she fixes her life.  

    Gary and Kristina look like saints compared to most of the utterly dysfunctional people on this show (and in all fairness they actually seem to be good parents and doing fairly well by any reasonable standard).  It's possible they show up, "help" Amber long enough for it to fill up an MTV segment, Amber cries and they cash checks that can pay for their kids' college funds.  I can totally live with that.  But if they do this when the cameras aren't rolling or they actually cleaned that whole house I agree with you 100%.  Amber needs to hire a professional cleaning crew if she can't handle her life, and spending all of her time sitting around feeling sorry for herself is the last thing that will help her now.

    • Like 5
  2. 15 minutes ago, Phebemarie said:

    Well, now we know it's not Meryl Streep.  

    And everyone was correct about her being Dickie's birth mother.  The question is - did Dickie actually kill his brother or was he just relieved he was dead?

    • Like 4
  3. On 8/24/2023 at 11:33 AM, Tatum said:

    It really is. And they just keep doubling down on the trashiness of their content instead of considering that maybe it's time to move into a different direction.


    I wish MTV would track down whoever has the rights to all their old shows- Road Rules, Singled Out, The Blame Game, Say What Karaoke, the early seasons of True Life, Made, Sorority Life, Fraternity Life, Rich Girls, etc and play those instead.

    I would love an update to True Life: I'm getting married (sadly both the gay couple and Charlie and Sabrina got divorced, and Charlie died a few years ago) and the True Life I'm a Staten Island Girl.  

    • Like 3
  4. I don't actually care about any of the people on this show, but I finally figured out who I want an update from:  Dr Tsao!  I always loved watching him take care of Ali, and the patience he had with his parents who really struggled to understand how to take care of her.   Who else does everyone miss?  How is Barbara doing (I think she was on one of the other Teen mom shows I missed)?

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

    Perhaps...I think her age and financial situation does work against her a bit. She certainly doesn't want a man who depends on her financially; not too young, etc. I feel like in general in the US, for those types of people there isn't a lot of incentive to settle down and get married. And a lot of us at that point have been burned by a divorce or two.....so it is harder to open up emotionally. 

    I agree with this.  I wrote in last week's forum that although I thought it was a really good thing that Susan was now willing to be more flexible in dating, given her age and the ratio of single men to single women in NYC, I didn't think her chances were great of finding a husband since she's still going to want a man whose at least moderately successful.  It's good that she's made this realization but since she didn't make it 15 years ago her chances still aren't great for marriage/long term partnership.  But maybe she'll get lucky.

    • Like 1
  6. And as I am thinking about this further, dating can be really challenging for people on the spectrum.  The additional stress caused by the time constraint that exists when you are trying to find a bride abroad might be too much for Harold to handle.  He might be able to be more relaxed and calmer at home in the US if a matchmaker could find a girl who shares his interests.  And he definitely needs a more hands on coach who can help explain to him "okay Harold, I'm really glad you found a nice girl.  Now please wait 24 hours before you contact her, and wait until she responds to you before you send another message" so he doesn't scare a girl off before she has a chance to get to know him.


    It seems like Susan might have benefited a lot from her experience on this show and might be able to go home and be a bit more flexible with her dating requirements.  Hopefully, if this doesn't work out Harold will at least believe in the possibility that someone could be out there for him and he'll make more of an effort into looking for a girlfriend in the U.S.  He seems like a genuinely good man, and would make a wonderful match for the right girl (who might also be on the spectrum or would just have a lot of patience and share his interests)

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  7. 7 hours ago, judylo said:

    Yes, but she could have taken two minutes to respond to him. She knows his time is limited. Not good. All she says is yes, yes …

    No one is too busy to respond to a text within 24 hours from the person they really care about.  Either she's just not that into him or he's scaring her off a bit with is clinginess.  It's too bad - she actually seems like she'd genuinely be a good match for him.  

    • Like 7
  8. On 1/3/2023 at 10:41 AM, suzeecat said:

    I believe that MTV is just waiting for one of the kids to get pregnant (you know it's going to happen sooner rather than later), so they can start "Teen Mom: The Next Generation".

    I agree with this.  But considering the fact that Leah's twins are turning 13, that's really likely to happen soon with at least one of the original Teen Mom kids.  MTV really doesn't need to keep broadcasting the boring moms - they can just swoop in with a big fat contract whenever one of the Teen Mom kids gets pregnant and then we can watch them.  


    Jade really had it quite tough with her family.  I hope she's in therapy (I don't watch this show closely enough to know if that is happening).  I understand her desire to include her mother, but the woman is such a narcissist with anger issues that cutting her off would be the best course of action.

    • Like 6
    • Sad 1
  9. Given Harold and Michaela's relationship and how terrible so many of these dates were, I do actually feel like this is the rare reality show that isn't really scripted  (or else Harold would deserve an Emmy if he's playing a character).  Given that, I am actually surprised and happy that Susan was glad she went to Colombia.  She struck me as the kind of person who is never happy with anyone or anything, so I was glad to see her happy about her decision to hire a matchmaker and go to Colombia.  Juan isn't a very good matchmaker, but he is correct in that Susan's standards are too high and that she needs to become more flexible in order to have a relationship, and I hope enjoying time with her last date might help her develop a more flexible mindset that will help her date in the US.  IT's going to be tough though at her age, since there are so many more wonderful single women compared to single men at that age (who can easily date 10 years younger anyway without anyone blinking an eye).   

    • Like 2
  10. ""Michelle's first date in Prague has a shaky start; Mark worries his date isn't on the same page as him; Juan tries to get Chad to slow his roll; Stanika reunites with Noureddine, who has a big surprise for her; Susan is surprised by her final match.""

  11. Quote

    Chad overshares on his first date in Colombia. Harold's date continues in his hotel room. Michelle enlists the help of a matchmaker to find her prince. Nathaly has a spiritual connection with her date. Mark's date's family greets him at the door.




    I loved watching Harold on his date, and  if he gets married I'd watch a whole miniseries about them planning the wedding.  

    I find Michelle much more likable as a person than Susan, but it is going to be really hard to find her a match, especially in the Czech Republic.

     I am seriously becoming concerned about Nathaly's safety at this point, because I really like her and am very worried that she seemed totally unaware of the fact that a guy who announces he communicates with angels on a first date has a lot of issues.  She could have benefited a lot from a competent matchmaker, who could have hopefully explained a bit more about men (she seems a bit sheltered and has limited experience dating).  Juan's solution seems to be encouraging her to have a lot of sex, which she isn't ready for.    Hopefully when she comes back to the US, a matchmaker who does this primarily as a hobby will volunteer to try to help her.  

    • Like 8
  12. I loved watching Harold on his date, since they both seem genuinely happy together.  Susan is absolutely a lost cause because no man will ever be good enough for her (unless he is 6'4, handsome, successful and an industry leader.   She probably spent her 20s and 30s rejecting normal men as not being good enough for her, and now the guys she wants to land are going to marry younger and less critical women.)   Natalie is a sweet girl who might be able to find a husband. But I'm really concerned that it will be too overwhelming for her to try to learn how to date in another country, especially since her matchmaker seems to suck.  Could we send her to Harold's matchmaker?  She found Harold a really good match - maybe she could patiently help Natalie find a kind and supportive man.

    • Like 3
  13. 2 hours ago, Almost 3000 said:

    I've been sort of half heartily watching these as I fall asleep but I'm annoyed by everyone. You'd think the matchmakers would vet these "dates" as possible marriage partners but no, these are, at best, just possible hook ups. So stupid. I'm out.

    This is absolutely the case for Stanika's date, Salah, who seems like he needs to be committed.  But Mark is pissing me off much more than Soukaina.  She seems very sweet and is even willing to work after marriage.  She's much younger than him, but I would imagine the average age at marriage is much younger in Morocco than the US.  He's upset because she doesn't have the same life experiences as him, but why on earth would you leave the US to date overseas if you are looking for a wife with the same life experiences as you?  




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  14. I rewatched the series and what struck me upon rewatching was Rachel announcing Sam was her hall pass at the dinner party.  The dinner party guests were all of their mutual friends. It's pretty weird that Rachel announced to her friend group that she wanted to sleep with the Queen Bee's husband and didn't get iced out.  That makes Sam Rothman's showing up and charming her pretty unsurprising.  

    • Like 1
  15. In the last episode, Jee Young Han (the sister) was amazing.  It's rare to see a well written tv show with so many outstanding actors - Delroy was stellar throughout, and Little Paige and Faly Rakotohavana were wonderful.  I'm not much of a Kerry Washington fan, but she's doing a good job in this role.  I hope this show gets picked up somewhere for another season, but it seemed to have been overlooked unfortunately.

    • Like 1
  16. On 5/19/2023 at 9:13 AM, AncientNewbie said:


    Decent first season. Uneven at times, but finished on a higher note than the start. 

    It has a lot of potential.    Margaret is much more interesting when the writers let her be a successful, intelligent character.  Todd is much better when he's a grown up, and I'd like to see what kind of life Allison creates for herself.

    • Like 6
  17. On 4/15/2023 at 12:36 AM, DrSpaceman73 said:

    Completely didn't recognize Molly Ringwald. 

    Enjoyed the season. Although that last scene with her on the roof and looking at the moon looked totally fake. 

    So is writing her higher power?  

    Even her voice was completely different.  I haven't heard her speak lately, but think it was an acting choice.  She did portray the judgement Aunt Alice very well.

  18. I also found it totally unbelievable that they ever let a detective who was serving as bait for a date rape case out of their sight.  Wouldn't it be someone's job to always watch her and make sure she is okay?  How does she just disappear from the bar?  But as noted above, there were no hostages or shootings so I guess I'd agree it counts as a success.

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