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Posts posted by kitkat343


    My thoughts on her obsession Addy's shoes was that she's aware of the nitpicking people like us do (admit it, we can be nitpicky).

    Could it possibly be that the kid keeps taking her shoes off whenever she goes out, and leaving without them? And then since Leah is tired ( cough high cough ) she doesn't notice they are missing, and then has to backtrack to all the places she's been that day trying to find her kid's shoes?   And it must be really hard to find tiny kids shoes in various drug dens, since they probably aren't well lit. 


    And Adam whining about not getting a letter stating he was in child support arrears reminded me of Clueless when she didn't pay her speeding ticket and tried to convince her dad she didn't get a first notice, and he screamed, "the ticket was your first notice!"

    • Love 9


    Corey got told he can't use the TM2 footage in their custody battle.



    I do believe that any footage that might have been manipulated shouldn't be used in a custody hearing.  But there are certain things - such as the condition of the car they were driving where things were falling on the girls, and they couldn't see out the rearview mirror - that I don't think would have been faked (MTV would be liable if they sent a car on the road in that condition and there was an accident).  I can't imagine Leah agreeing to say, "lots of people can't see out their rear view," if she hadn't been responsible for all the stuff in the car.  That, combined with the sheer number of latenesses and absences the girls have in school, should concern a judge about Leah's current fitness as a parent.  I know the fact that she is probably abusing drugs should also be on the list of concerns, but if she is really passing drug tests I understand the judge can't really hold that against her even though she looked pretty high in a lot of the footage.

  3. This was fun to watch!  I was glad to see how happy Big Ang is with her life (I couldn't handle it but it makes her happy), and how George Hamilton rolled with the punches and seemed to be having a lot of fun.  Alana was right that the daughters/DILs should do something nice for Big Ang, but I wasn't surprised to see it not happen.  I think George really meant it when he said he planned to stay in touch.  


    Oh, and I grew up in Staten Island in the 1980s.  There were no clothes available anywhere without big shoulder pads and weird straps on the end of your pants covering your heel and I hated them and cut them out of everything.  One day my mother's friends had enough of me and decided to "make me beautiful" so I had the exact same makeover Alana got!  I kept trying to flatten my hair and wipe off the makeup while they told me to knock it off.   This really brought back memories for me.

    • Love 2
  4. I couldn't handle being a stay at home mom to three children, especially if one had special needs.  But what I don't understand is that Leah's hometown must have a very low cost of living, and it can't possibly cost that much to hire a nanny and a housekeeper there.  A lot of mothers would have a hard time giving up custody (even though being with Corey half time would be best for the twins) but with her MTV money, Leah has the financial resources to provide a nice life for the girls.  I hope that when the cameras aren't on her, she is using her money to achieve that goal.


    And possibly the worst thing the Teen Mom's franchise may have inadvertently caused is keeping Adam in Aubrey's life.   Adam would disappear if he didn't have  MTV checks and free publicity from the show.  And sadly Aubrey and Paisley would be much better off once Adam disappears. 

    • Love 11
  5. I could be completely wrong about this, but I thought the grandmother was trying to make a sarcastic joke when she asked if they could use the word "tranny."  


    It was nice to see how much support Jazz has from her entire family.

    • Love 1
  6. Brandon and Teresa are asking for very little. Is attention really that important to Tyler?



    I completely agree that Brandon and Teresa are being perfectly reasonable in their request to limit public photographs of Carly.  The problem is that Catelyn and Tyler (along with many of the other Teen moms and dads) haven't actually accomplished anything in the past 6 years.  I don't know if the MTV money kept them from having the motivation to go out and work or go to school, or if they still would have achieved nothing in 6 years without the show.  He's sitting around analyzing his publicity and trying to drum up attention since his MTV career is all he has in his life.  His mother is right - this is only temporary and he should use this time to establish a backup plan, but we've seen no evidence of either Caitlyn or Tyler working towards any goals.

    • Love 2
  7. No!!!  Not Fran!!!  Don't get sucked into this vortex of neediness and selfishness!  He was my favorite character (probably because I have seen so little of him) and I wanted him to escape Hannah and her awful friends.

    • Love 7
  8. "And Adam shows he is the most mature one around. "

    Fran Parker also came off well during this episode. I loved the look of disgust he had after seeing Hannah have a middle school fight with Cleo. He immediately walked away from Hannah, which is something I'm surprised more of these characters don't do.

    • Love 18

    Is the nanny Laura on Toris personal payroll ? The fuck... she texts Tori to report the goings on in the house? If I were Dean I'd have fired her on the spot. I get she's looking out for the kids but that text about a "chick" was so out of line and meant to stir shit

    The nanny was in a pretty awful position - I'm guessing the Spelling nannies are usually vetted and sent by an agency, so the rehab friend is going to set off all kinds of alarms for the regular nanny.  If it turns out that Dean brought a woman he is dating or has a crush on into the house to be a nanny and Tori finds out about it, she is going to punish both Dean and the poor regular nanny.  If Tori has already objected to hiring the girl from rehab twice, the nanny may actually be familiar with the situation, know that Tori would go nuts and blame her and sent the text to try to protect her job.  I don't get the feeling that Tori is the kind of person who suffers in silence, so her household employees probably know all about everything that bothers her.  And I'm pretty sure she'll fire any household employee she thinks is disloyal instantly.    I wouldn't feel comfortable judging the nanny unless I knew her motivations (and working in that household, I hope that all the employees qualify for hazard pay).  Generally mothers hire and fire nannies (and it seems as though Tori handles the micromanaging of the household), so if the nanny has to choose one of them to piss off, Dean would normally be the better choice (unless they get divorced in which case I think it would be much more pleasant to work for Dean than Tori).

    • Love 3
  10. We've finally found the point of this bloody trainwreck show.   Mary Jo must have been devastated after her husband cheated on her so publicly, and then had to suffer through watching Tori and Dean sell their perfect fairy tale to the world.  But now thanks to this show she has incontrovertible evidence that every day of Dean's life is pure misery because he cheated on her.  Given how devastating this show would be for Tori and Dean if they had any sense (and sadly, how devastating it will be for their kids in a few years) I'm glad at least Mary Jo and Jack are getting something out of it and come off well on national television.

    • Love 8
  11. I really hope that next season doesn't start with Jackie having taken something earlier in the day from Eddie to wipe out a positive drug test, and for the pills in her car to be malaria or antibiotics.  If so, we would see the DUI charges dropped and Jackie seems to need some consequences at this point.  It is impossible to prove who stole the wedding money (and it could very well have been the daughter or drug dealer).

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