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Posts posted by kitkat343

  1. Rewatching this show, I have to say that the episodes with Violet were some of the funniest (and I think the highlight was her college professor boyfriend's mom coming to dinner).  I don't think Roscoe added much to this show, but its disappointing they didn't at least give us an update on Violet.  I could have skipped the fighting new drunks in favor of that.

    • Love 1
  2. I really hated Brit in the first episode.  It was fine for Brit to go up to Sam at the bar and try to start a polite conversation, since its pretty tough to ignore your former friend at a bar.  But when Sam went outside completely wasted that was clearly not the time to have a difficult conversation about the end of their friendship/her dating Sam's ex.    Sam is  - at this exact moment - fired, on probation, fresh out of rehab, completely wasted and living back at home with a very difficult parent.  And Brit goes outside and brings up Sam's stint in rehab and offers an insincere apology quickly followed up by defending herself for dating Sam's ex.  For the record, I don't actually have a problem with Brit dating Sam's ex as long as they were broken up for awhile before she started dating him.  But I do have a huge problem with the fact that Sam blocked her on social media, which made it clear that she didn't want to talk to her, and instead of leaving a drunk person having an incredibly hard time alone like she wants, Brit follows her outside to have a difficult conversation with while she is so drunk she's about to puke.   Brit is an engaged doctor, and Sam is currently a hot mess.  She's already won and doesn't need to rub it in her face.   It's a small town - they'll run into each other again when Sam is sober and they can have this conversation if she genuinely wanted to apologize.  Sam is responsible for her choice to drive drunk, but I can honestly understand that she was pretty upset by Brit's passive aggressive nonsense and wanted to leave immediately.  She totally should have gone in her friend's lyft, but Brit was pretty awful here.  Brit reminded me of when Carrie stalked Natasha to offer her an apology for sleeping with her husband (Carrie was 100% wrong and what Brit did wasn't anywhere near as bad, but she still should have left Sam alone if she made it clear she didn't want to have any contact with her.  )

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    10 hours ago, eskimo said:

    I think Mac said 'colored' out of complete ignorance.   She is very dim, but I don't think she's a nasty person, like Amber or Kail are.  There has to be more to it, on both sides.  Whatever happened,  don't these grown ass women have a bunch of children to raise, rather than feed a beef with each other?  

    I wonder if she misheard the term person of color and doesn't understand the distinction between the term person of color versus saying colored.  It's a really important distinction, but she truly isn't very bright so it seems like it might be an mistake of ignorance, not of malice.  

    • Love 10
  4. On 11/23/2021 at 10:31 PM, farmgal4 said:

    He actually did say those exact words.  He told the teenager that her parents had dumped her at “the altar of Dr. Phil”, because they thought that she was the problem.He went on to tell her that she WASN’T the problem; it was the adults who were the problem.  
    I didn’t get to watch Part 2.  What was the outcome?  Did Dr. Shill send the stepdad to a drug rehab?

    He told the stepdad that if he went to 30 AA meetings in 30 days he'd send him to rehab.  The guy was pretty honest about the fact that he wasn't going to get clean because he didn't want to go through withdrawal (can't remember what he was addicted to, but if it's opiods suboxone might be an option.)

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  5.    ON 11/16/2021 AT 8:56 PM,  MR. MINER SAID: 

    I keep tuning in hoping Amber will be euthanized. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    16 hours ago, MistyMeg said:

    This has to be by far the best post I have ever read on any forum!!!!  Brilliant!!!  All we need now is Ambers  farewell message....   💉



    We already know the farewell message will be delivered on a couch.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I missed why Juanita decided she wanted to go public.  Can someone help me?

    I'm no expert on this, but the Vox article I read stated that she spoke to her son, who was an attorney, and he advised her that lying on a civil deposition carries very different weight than lying to Kenneth Starr's inquiry.  So she decided to tell the truth to Kenneth Starr.  Because she has consistently stated that she received no compensation in exchange for her silence, she was relegated to an appendix, since the focus of the report was the idea that Monica had been asked to lie to the grand jury and had been given a job at revlon in exchange for her silence.  She also stated that Bill Clinton tried to apologize and ask her what he could do to make it right, and she also stated that Hillary Clinton thanked her for her silence.   I have no idea if this is true, but the link to the article is here:


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  7. Quote

    How could Leah have thought it was cancer when the doctor said it was benign?  She is pathetic.  

    Leah spends half her life making up dramastic nonsense for a story line, so it's possible she's exaggerating all of this for the show and sympathy from her family/fans/the girls.  On the other hand, I do genuinely believe Leah is among the small percentage of people who are so intellectually challenged it is quite possible the doctor could tell her a tumor is benign and she would have no idea what that meant.  

    I am also shocked by how much Leah's older daughter looks like her, and then I remember that we first started watching this nonsense when Leah herself was 16 or 17.  The original kids are getting way to old for this crap, although at least with Leah she isn't currently broadcasting anything so dramastic as to be embarrassing to her kids, aside from how stupid she is, which isn't really a secret.

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  8. 23 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:



    Finally, Tess. Jesus H. Christ, I can't stand this kid. Listen, nobody cares if you wanna date a he/she/they/or whatever we're calling people now. But it's a wedding that you're invited to be a part of. Shut your pie hole, wear the damn dress that the bride picked out for you and shut the hell up about it. You're not going to lose your gender identity over the course of the next couple hours due to being polite. My wife was in a wedding a couple years ago where the bride (inexplicably) wanted all of the bridesmaids to have a different colored fake bird in their hair. Do you realize how stupid a bunch of grown women look walking around with blue, purple, yellow, pink and other colored birds jammed into their up-dos? But they all embraced the absolute stupidity of the day, wore the damn birds and smiled. Why? Because it's about the bride on that day. 


    Oh man now I need to see pictures of the bridesmaids with the birds in their hair!

    • LOL 14
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  9. Quote

    He probably didn't want to but needed the money. Didn't he ask about payment right at the beginning? Plus Madison said they just dated. It didn't sound like some great relationship. I think Madison should have been the one to ask him to leave with full payment OR just not make a bunch of passive aggressive jabs at him ghosting her. It seemed rude especially as he was naked and in a vulnerable position. Ghosting someone you merely dated doesn't seem as bad as being rude to service people, IMO.

    I think part of the issue was nothing was clear with the ex.  Was he a stripper or was he a model who posed for art classes?  Someone who normally poses for art classes at an art school might view it as unprofessional to leave.  I've read that this is quite difficult work because you need to try to stand as still as possible for a long period of time, and many people never return after their first job as an artist's model because it is quite difficult to pose physically.  Or he could be an actual stripper who just does this so women can paint and its a little less tacky than having a young man dance.  That actually makes a lot of sense if you have an older group of women with a bachelorette party (skipping the stripper/artist completely makes even more sense, but what can you do).  If he's a stripper working with an agency, he might be worried about getting fired if he walks away from a job.


    Also, did he ghost her after a couple of dates before things got physical?  That's completely different than ghosting a woman right after you sleep with her, especially if you led her to believe you want a serious relationship with her and then immediately disappear right after sleeping with her.  I was left with no idea if he was a jerk for ghosting her (I never resented a guy for ghosting me if that happened before things got physical but once a relationship started a guy is a real jerk for disappearing without explanation).

    • Love 10
  10. This tell all really left me disappointed in the producers and editors of this show.  We had so much time in this season devoted to nonsense and yet I am left confused about what happened with Myrka and Ethan's parents.  Did they explicitly promise her a roof over her head and college tuition if she had the baby?  Or did she just believe they promised her what she wanted to hear?  

    Why exactly did Ethan's mom throw all of them out of the house (and no I don't for a second believe it was due to a teenager mishandling a phone call.)  I understand that she doesn't want to air the family's dirty laundry publicly, but being on this show wasn't a great choice if she'd like to maintain her privacy.  What is the family's financial situation, and why on earth would they throw an expensive baby shower for a pregnant unwed teenager if they had financial difficulties?

    I am seriously left questioning whether Myrka is a spoiled teenager who expected way to much from Ethan's parents who generously provided her with a roof over her and her child's head, or if Ethan's parents were manipulative in promising a vulnerable pregnant teenager who had no support system the world so she'd choose not to have an abortion or place her baby up for adoption.  Surely we could have cut some of Lilly and her boyfriend demonstrating that together they don't have the IQ of room temperature in order to address exactly what was happening with Myrka's family.  It was fascinating from the beginning, since so few of the parents put their foot down and make it clear upfront that they do not support their child choosing to become a teen mom since it is such a difficult path. 

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  11. Quote

    Also, why didn't that woman with the gun stop that shit?

    The woman with the gun said that June was a walking target and wanted to leave her on the train.  Given the fact that almost everyone who tries to help June winds up dead, she wasn't wrong about the level of danger associated with helping June and Janine.  


    I do wonder though even if she's not intentionally exaggerating, if her testimony wouldn't sink Fred and free Serena.

    In additional to the sexual assault charges, we also have seen Serena hit  Rita  (when Serena was angry about all the attention June got at the baby shower).  Serena also hit June when she became enraged after finding out about the visit to Jezebel's  and choked her when she was pregnant, threatening to hurt Hannah unless June kept the baby she was carrying safe.  Serena made June so scared for Hannah's safety that she asked Aunt Lydia and Rita to be the godmother and protect her baby.  An ordinary wife might be able to claim all of these things happened under duress of an abusive husband,  but Serena Joy was a highly visible supporter of Gilead before they came to power, and she will have a harder time playing an innocent victim of Gilead and her husband (although the fact that she's lost a finger will help her chances).    

    • Love 4
  12. On 4/27/2021 at 11:16 AM, heatherchandler said:


    So, are we thinking that Ethan's dad has a girlfriend?

    I don't know.  I will say that if he is genuinely working an extra job to support the new family, I have a lot of questions as to why they threw that crazy expensive baby shower.  I'm assuming that if this article is correct and the cast is only earning $425 per episode ( https://starcasm.net/reanna-taron-reportedly-cut-tlc-unexpected-season-4/ ) then there is no way TLC paid for the gender reveal party.  And if I'm remembering correctly, was that the one with fireworks and dancers and chair covers?  If they are truly needing a second job to pay for an over the top gender reveal party for a pregnant teenager, then they have made some spectacularly bad choices in life.  I'd almost hope for a girlfriend over that level of stupidity, except Ethan's mom seems pretty nice and I had a lot of sympathy for her tonight, especially when she said she started to understand how Myrka's mom felt and why she was unsupportive of the teenage pregnancy.

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  13. Quote

    And how Haley was soooo not into Tyra and her sister!

    It could be that.  But I wonder if it is because she knows she's going to look like an idiot coming on national tv and admitting to hooking up with her ex whose now sleeping with another of her friends.  Of course, you could stop hooking up with him or refuse to go on tv, but who knows what goes through these girls' heads.

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  14. 2 hours ago, missbonnie said:

    Am I the only one who fast forwards through the two non OG cast members? I truly do not care about those people. Cheyenne is exhausting and MacKenzie is boring AF. Boo hoo Amber, you reap what you sow. I am with Leah here. 

    This exactly.  I'm incredibly bored with all the new cast members and don't care about their chaos and dysfunction.  There was a girl on 16 and pregnant last week named Abigail (sorry not exactly Abigail but I can't remember the exact alternative spelling of her name - maybe it was Avigail?)  who entered college early and hoped to become a doctor.  She got pregnant while attending college when she had an IUD, and seemed very different than your usual 16 and pregnant/teen mom on a path to destruction with or without teen mom money.  It would be interesting to follow her story and see how her life turned out since she had real goals and ambition.

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  15. Quote

    Shouldn't Alex be looking for a good lawyer? He has raised his daughter pretty much on his own, and now his grandmother thinks Tyra might come and whisk her away? Surely he has some rights. I doubt Tyra contributes anything to the child's financial; care?

    I'm really confused about this.  If Tyra wanted to be a hands on parent she would have enrolled in community college so she could see her baby every day. 

    Would she really pull her baby away from Alex's home just so she can dump her on her mom/sister to raise?  She seems spiteful enough to do that, so I guess the question is  would Tyra's mom be willing to raise another kid?  She has to see how uninvolved Tyra has been so far, and the baby seems fine at Alex's house (or at least as fine as any kid is on this show).



     Not a single person on this show needs to be getting pregnant.


    Ah, yes.  On this show someone like Alex's 30-something year old mom getting pregnant wouldn't be much better news than a teen mom popping out a second kid before her 18th birthday.

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  16. Quote

    Yeah, she was great and so was everyone else. It's nice to see stories that aren't dumpster fires on this franchise. I guarantee you though that if MTV picked up any of these fresh girls for Teen Mom they'd become as useless and entitled and dysfunctional as the current crop have turned out. The money derails them and stalls their normal maturity and they just become bizarre grown ass women who cannot cope and take endless vacations and/pr move every year into a new house. These kids are better off where they are. One shot and done

    This is a very good point.  But most of the girls on Teen Mom were on an absolute trajectory to disaster with or without the MTV money  (without Teen Mom money I picture Amber on disability or welfare spending most of her days on her couch while her kids are raised by others).  Jennelle would still be in and out of trouble with the law and abusive men,  and Farrah might have wound up in porn anyway.  Chelsea would have been primarily financially dependent upon her dad or a husband instead of MTV money.   Leah would have found an older or married man to support her financially.   Without MTV money, Jeremy's job would have been much more valuable to Leah, and she might have accepted his not being around and his not being the most emotionally supportive person in exchange for the money he brought into the family.   Both Chelsea and Leah might have a minimum wage job, but they would find someone else to be their primary form of financial support.  Tyler would have left Catlynn a long time ago, but I cannot imagine her breaking the cycle of poverty and abuse with or without MTV money.  I'd picture Catlynn working at a minimum wage job, or on disability (if she could qualify) or welfare.   Kailyn and Maci might have had a chance at getting a job that could support one child, but probably not three.

      The MTV money is a huge disinvestment to investing in an education and getting a job, but I wonder if with Teen Mom money Abygail would go the route of Chelsea, and be a good mom and focus on intensive therapy to help her mental health.  She's a lot brighter than Chelsea, so it would be interesting to see how that would turn out.  

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  17. can we start a petition to have Kyla added to one of the teen mom shows?  I don't need another unremarkable mess of a mother with absolutely no hope of improvement to replace the next cast member who quits or gets fired.  Kyla actually has a chance of completing school (online at least) and having a career.  She clearly has a lot of mental health issues but unlike a person fused to her couch is actually working on trying to solve them.  I'd much rather watch her try to raise her daughter and improve herself than see someone else whose name I can't even remember get into a screaming fight with their ex and let their children run ferrel.  I can watch Teen Mom in about 7 minutes since I fast forward through all the fighting people, plus Maci since I don't need to watch her humiliate Bentley or whine about Ryan.

    • Love 6
  18. Good for Shawn - he really held in there, trying to bring Amber back to reality.  Amber, I understand that you suffer from mental illness but please try to remember that you are on a tv show.  We can see when you visit your kid, and when you choose your boyfriends/drugs over them.  Them - plural - since no one ever even seems to mention James anymore, and you can expect to have this crisis with him in 10 years if you don't get off the couch and go spend time with him.  Oh, and there will be no one defending you in that household, so you can really see what an undermining coparent looks like.  


    I feel really sorry for the professors at Purdue University.  What on earth was the admissions office thinking?  If she ever manages to enroll, they're going to get emails at 3 am asking for extensions due to all of the people in her life sabotaging her and preventing her from doing her work.

    • Love 8
  19. 18 hours ago, Marisagf said:

    Sorry, Maci!  What other "abilities" do you want to show us?  This show is about parenting, presumably.  It's "Teen Mom".  So the kid and situation that got you there are part of the package.  What else are they going to show:  Maci cleaning her giant pile o'crap on the sideboard?  Taylor gets a beard trim?  Maci advocates for PCOS by running a mile?  I'd rather watch the Mav and Jade show!

    Maci's segments will be divided into Saint Maci storylines in which Maci heroically helps women with  PCOS or since no one believes she has PCOS, she might eventually try to spin herself into a hero and role model for families affected by the opiod crisis.  

    Unfortunately, the other half of her segments will be her humiliating Bentley for story lines such as when she asked him if he pooped at school and informed the whole world that he was afraid to use the bathroom at school, or when she thought it was a good idea to have a discussion about sex ed with Bentley on camera (it's really good to discuss sex ed with Bentley but not on camera for MTV).

    • Love 13
  20. I was a unhappy to see Gary tell Leah that their relationship "was a two way street" when Leah talked about her mom sleeping all the time during her visits and not spending time with her in general.  Its good that Gary doesn't say anything bad about Amber to Leah, but when she quite accurately described her relationship with her mom and why she's upset she needs to know Gary and Christina are 100% on her side.  And he's hurting Leah by making it feel like its her responsibility to fix the relationship with her mom.  So many children of abusive parents lose themselves in trying to keep their parents happy and earn their love.  

    Gary should never say anything bad about Amber, but he can just validate Leah's feelings when she says the truth about her mother.  If Leah says, "she's never around," Gary can say, "I'm really sorry about that.  That must be so hard."   Leah isn't a little girl anymore.  She knows exactly who her mother is, and any judge determining visitation and custody would take into account her wishes at this point.  If Gary is still catering to Amber's delusions, that's either because he genuinely wants to help her or he wants to maintain a good relationship with her to keep the MTV Teen Mom gravy train rolling.  I hope he meets with a  child psychologist to get a sense of how to help Leah navigate this very difficult relationship.   And no that doesn't include that brain dead quack Dr. Drew!   

    • Love 15
  21. Quote

    The snoo conversation cracked me up. I'm currently pregnant with our first child and put a very reasonably priced bassinet on my registry as family has been asking for "a list" to choose gifts from. My sister completely disregarded said registry and sent us a snoo that just arrived yesterday. The idea of having such an expensive baby item, especially one that the baby only needs for a few months, makes me very nervous. I hate being wasteful and could never justify such a high expense on my own but my sister is very excited for us and it's something she really wanted to do.  She called about 5 times to see if her "mystery gift" arrived. It's not something I would buy personally but I happily accepted it because I know she bought it out of a place of love and joy.

    The snoo was after my time with infants, but we were passed down one of those fancy Mammoo swings, which was lovely.  Just think of it this way - you can lend it out to your friends and get it back if you have another child, and you can eventually donate it to a friend when you are done having babies.

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  22. I think the basketball game looked so pathetic because of covid restrictions on fans.  Of course, that raises the separate question of why an unranked (low ranked? whatever this is it isn't Gonzaga)   college basketball program needs to travel halfway across the county for games or bring its cheerleaders to a game in Miami in the middle of a pandemic.


    Uh, Jenna, you are filming a show about teenage pregnancy.  Normally in a high school, everyone knows you are pregnant about 15 minutes after you pee on a stick, but in your case you really don't need to officially confirm this fact since there's a whole camera crew following you around.  Skip the whole baby shower altogether if you are hoping to avoid gossip and judgement.


    I can sympathize with the fact that Myrka's mom doesn't support the pregnancy, but she could handle this a little better.  When your teenage daughter calls to tell you she's in labor, you can at least wish her well.  It's not a great time to make an unkind comment - you've proven to her that you will not be rescuing her and her baby by throwing her out of the house, so you can afford to be kind now and just tell her good luck.  With covid restrictions, a new mom is lucky if one person is allowed to come as the support system so Myrka's mom is even off the hook for showing up at the hospital.

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  23. This was my favorite episode since the first one where they explored the history of pizza and visited Ischia and the Amalfi coast.  I really loved seeing his family and learning more about the Medici family.  It would be interesting to see Stanley Tucci visit more countries; he has the same love of travel and respect for people that Anthony Bourdain had but of course he does have his acting career to continue and I'm guessing this series is a labor of love because he wants to share Italy with Americans.  

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