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Everything posted by watcherwoman

  1. I admit it, I did think about Rosemary's Baby when Lynn walked in with that baby carriage. I'm glad I'm not the only one! Lynn probably manages her daughter's porn careers for a small chunk of change. She was always thrilled when her girls wore a super slutty dress, as long as she could borrow it.
  2. If Melissa Gorga was a neighbor, she would probably come knocking on the door to use the bathroom. You know Melissa wrote about not taking a dump in front of King Joe. Maybe it's a new thing with housewives.
  3. Does anyone know if Heather's new house has a spectacular view? I could live in a shed if I had a beautiful waterfront view, or amazing hills and trees. If her neighbors are as close as it seems on tv, I would not be happy. Also, I wonder if she still has the 2 cute puppies. David and Shannon...I don't see him going anywhere. Men seem content to stick around forever and do the occasional affair, or even keep someone else on the side for years. He is getting something from his marriage, I doubt that he is miserable all the time. I think he cares for Shannon, but he knows she is not a happy person. He reminds me of many men I've observed over the years, he won't leave until Shannon makes that decision. The new girl is pretty and her husband was baseball royalty. He will have adoring fans forever. Good luck to her. Tamra and Eddie...boring. Vicki is still the gift that keeps on giving. Vicki has no equals in the reality world, IMO, she is a shining star among a bunch of wannabes. God love her.
  4. Kyle has a huge issue with Kim's addictions, and I totally understand that, but Kyle seemed to think Taylor Armstrong walked on water and Taylor was one disgusting drunk. I think all of these women party hard, but Kim requires more of Kyle's attention, so she's a bigger problem for Kyle. Lisa V's house is beautiful, but I can't imagine having 7 dogs around the white carpet and delicate décor! I have one Golden Retriever and I spend a fortune on Swiffer refills. I picked out my flooring to match my dog. I wonder if her dogs have the run of her mansion? I'm sure she has a great housecleaning staff, but doggie drool, toys with slobber on them, occasional vomit and lots of hair is tough on any home. Besides, her home is so large, I wouldn't be surprised if the little dogs occasionally mark their territory in seldom used rooms. But, God love her, if I could afford pet food, grooming services and vet care for 7 dogs, I'd do it too. I don't know why any of the Ho wives complained about Eileen's food. I doubt they eat more than a few meals a week. When Brandi and Kim eventually have THEIR big fight, and we know it will happen, it will be the loudest, craziest fight we've witnessed on all of these shows. It will probably need closed captions, but it will be a doozy.
  5. Be prepared to shed some tears when yours leaves! I should have known I would start blubbering, heck I can't stand to drop my dog off at the boarders when we go on vacation!
  6. I have to give Kyle a pass for her teary goodbye to her daughter. When we finished helping our son move in to his dorm, it hit me hard too. I remember I went down one flight of stairs to use the bathroom on the girl's floor before leaving. When I looked in some of the dorms, I saw moms and daughters crying their eyes out. It hit me that I wouldn't see my son for a few months. When I went back to say goodbye my son was on his phone happily making plans to meet up with some of his buddies. He was fine, ready to live the college life, but his parents cried on that 4 hour drive back home. Heck, I cried when I looked at his room for a week. The following summer when he came home, it was great having him home, but I didn't mind him leaving. We learned that having no kids at home was fun and liberating! So. life does go on! I have a bio child and an adopted child. My adopted child and I often discuss how he has his own way of doing things and we understand that some things are inherited. It's always a healthy conversation, and there are plenty of opportunities to point to the wonderful things he inherited, like his music ability, his thick beautiful hair and his incredible attention to detail. I hope that Lisa and Max are able to talk in an open way about anything.
  7. I agree, this was a great episode. Will and Zoey get along so well with their extended family and I know they can't possibly see the long distance relatives all the time. Those kids feel all the love and they return it. They are over the moon for their mom and dad too! I wouldn't worry at all about Zoey hitting or pushing Jen away. That is such a normal thing for a little one to do. I always thought that my kids were worse at 3 than they were during their terrible twos. They get so independent. I did day care for several years and the parents would come to pick up their little ones and the kiddies would run, scream and swat at moms and dads because they wouldn't want to leave my house. The parents knew not to take it personally. All of those kids grew up to be great people too. I would have loved to take care of Will and Zoey, but I think Kate is doing a fantastic job!
  8. That's okay, we can disagree. I see nothing wrong with showing Will and Zoey's pediatrician appts. I also see nothing wrong with poopy diapers on children, or on adults who need to wear them either. If someone has a problem with diapers on anyone who needs them, that says more about the people who make a big deal about it, than it does the person who is wearing the diaper. There are bigger things to worry about, and it's small potatoes to me.
  9. Good for the kids getting some junk food on their special party day! I love special occasions and everyone should have some party days! Jen and Bill are wonderful parents, they know that making good memories are as important to good emotional health as is following healthy diets on most days. Of course they do both! Thankfully, they aren't turning Will and Zoey into little robots that must eat the same food every day and then worry about what other nosy boring people think. The worst thing Bill and Jen could do is to teach those kids that everyone does things exactly the same way and if you don't you should label those that are different as either slow or a bad person. Bill and Jen are awesome parents! They have great instincts and I would have been thrilled if they were in my family.
  10. I'm fine with having Bill and Jen getting credit for what we see on the show. I'm sure they are like most compassionate normal folks, in that they don't even comprehend how anyone could focus on their children's toilet habits, or if their little ones wear pull-ups. Worrying about those issues is beyond creepy to me...lol I don't think kids in this modern age make a big deal of seeing other kid's "home movies", or even reality tv exposure. With social media and everyone posting hundreds of videos of their children's growing up moments, everyone seems to be in the same boat. I'm sure there are embarrassing moments for nearly everyone caught on film.
  11. Well , that would make them pretty normal for their ages. Most little ones are pretty self-absorbed. Watching them give out kisses and saying "thank you" for their meals is a great indication that they are compassionate little kids, so I'm sure they will honor mom and dad when they get a bit older.
  12. I laughed when watching Jen pass out the 14 page instructions. Her family rolling their eyes and complaining is so very normal. I'm sure they tease her in a good natured way, which is perfectly healthy for any family. When there is love and respect, good natured ribbing is part of life. I wouldn't worry too much about Jen not being able to keep up with her children if they ran faster than her. They're smart kids. Just like the majority of all children, when they get bigger and stronger they still know mom and dad are the bosses. I honestly didn't see the party as being over the top. A few farm animals isn't a big deal to me. They had a nice crowd but they seem to have many friends. I doubt Zoey will remember it, but she wouldn't remember a simple cake and ice cream either. The party was a PARTY, a celebration for a little girl who never experienced anything like that and after the year Bill and Jen had, I say "party on". I hope they enjoy all the good times with their new family.
  13. This was a cute episode. Will taking the Goldfish crackers was entirely normal to me. I can't count the number of times one of my own kids, or one of the children I cared for, grabbed a toy, food, pet, shoe or whatever, after I told them to drop it. That's what little kids do sometimes. No big deal, they are becoming more independent at that stage and will challenge authority. They all grew up to be normal people without doing time in prison. Will telling his dad to sit down at the pool just seemed like one of those moments where Will wanted to say "let me do this myself, dad. I got this!" How many times have we as parents heard that? Again, just seemed like a little boy wanting to be independent. Missing his parents at school? He's still a child, and he's dealing with wanting to grow up and be independent, and still being a little guy. I thought Judy looked like she lost weight. I don't see any lack of wrinkles on her face. I think she looks great for her age. The high chairs don't bother me at all. I prefer to sit at counter height, or bar stools, so I guess I like a higher chair too.
  14. Thanks! And I agree with you, we are not watching "Living Beyond Your Means". I think Bill and Jen are much too smart for that!
  15. I hope Bill and Jen get their beach house, I think they will really enjoy it. If you can spend money it keeps the economy going! For every car they buy, or house they remodel, construction workers, automakers, truckers, insurance people, landscapers, and on and on make money because someone bought something that helps support the people who made it happen. Good for them! I notice that most complaints about Bill and Jen have more to do with our own views about how they handle medical procedures, child rearing, marriage, or spending their money etc. That's more about our views and how we handle our situations, than what Bill and Jen are doing wrong. They handle their situations just fine for them and seem to get great results. Good for them!
  16. It's so nice to see my favorite family back on the air! I thought about Jen and Bill whenever I watched some other reality shows with spoiled, whining, complaining miserable celebrities (Tori Spelling, I'm looking at you). This show should be required watching for some of these "celebrities". I love watching the kids progress from their time in the orphanage. I remember it was stated that for each month spent in an orphanage, a child would be behind "normal" development by 3 to 4 months. I'd say Will and Zoey are doing a remarkable job catching up. I credit Jen and Bill for this, they are amazing parents. Lol..Jen does talk fast! I know some very intelligent people who have busy lives who do the exact same thing. This won't hurt the kid's speech development. They hear many, many people with all kinds of speech patterns and accents, in real life and from tv and the movies, just like most all of us did. We all survived the differences. Love this show!!
  17. I think Dean is going to get paid handsomely for putting up with the shit show. He knows he's a laughing stock, he probably will never be taken seriously as an actor and Tori is doing her best to make sure no other woman will ever want him. He sold his soul to the devil, and I think some big Spelling money is going to come his way. Seriously, what man would put up with Tori and her reality shows? After season one, he got to live on the beach, and we all remember that was one of his barf bag wishes. Now he's waiting for a big payoff, IMO, and I think Tori and her mom are closer than they want us to believe. Candy supposedly gave each grandchild 10 million at birth, so it wouldn't be that big of a deal to give Dean the same amount to let Tori's reputation be restored, after she tried to sell everyone on what a great marriage she had. We've been shown that Dean is a lying, cheating, alcoholic, non-nurturing, selfish horrible parent who didn't deserve the magnificent Tori Spelling. This will be Dean's finest acting job and it will pay the most. From this week's episode, all I got was, Dean's breakdown made me realize he really does have tiny little eyes. While he was bawling, I kept thinking that maybe that's why Tori married him, so that her children would have a chance at some normal sized eyes between them. They do have cute kids, something worked. I don't know, but he was so much better looking when married to Mary Jo. Tori has sucked the life out of him, he looks awful now.
  18. Tori just will not accept any blame for screwing a married man. I agree that she didn't steal her prize, but she behaved badly and it's about time she owned it. Humping her married soul-meat on their first drunken encounter goes against the whole" treat people like you would want to be treated rule". She's clueless. I suppose if she handed her side-pork a belt to beat his kids, she would tell everyone, "hey, don't blame me, I didn't hit them or promise to protect them". Just own it Tori, people make mistakes, you made a big one, admit it! Tori complaining about a party being too big? Didn't she have 60 people at Liam's 2nd or 3rd birthday? When it's one of her litter, she's okay with it. Jack seems like a good kid, I hope he doesn't get roasted for being around the odd couple.
  19. Tori is on twitter asking her fans to tell their stories about being betrayed. LMAO! I think Charlie should respond with his story to remind her that SHE IS A CHEATER TOO! Her fans keep telling her to be strong, they love her and she is so beautiful. So much delusion around this hag.
  20. The kids were eating at 8:30pm because Dean wasn't home to fix their damn dinner. Tori probably starved them to make sure Dean walked in to see her slaving away in the kitchen. Poor poor Tori, good gawd! So some guy in rehab commits suicide and Tori's first reaction is to sit Dean down and make it all about her? What about the poor guy who died? No, it's about Tori having another worry that could put her in the hospital. Dean looks terrible, I don't think he could fake his downfall. I hope he really did quit the show. I know he's an ass, but, Tori could make me want to ride my bike straight into a semi truck.
  21. The toilet will be featured in a future episode called "True LavoraTORI". Tori will be in tears explaining that she can't part with it because Dean emptied it for her after she took a crap and it proved his undying love for her.
  22. I can't believe I watch this crap. Tori desperately needs a job. I don't mean an acting job where everyone is blowing smoke up her ass and dressing her and doing her makeup. She could benefit from a normal every day 8 hour shift where she comes home too tired to sit around and analyze every little thing that happens in her life. Dean doesn't need a vasectomy, Tori would kill any man's urge to touch her at this point. Is she trying to emulate Michael Jackson now? He had his oxygen chamber, elephant man bones and surgical masks, and those things kept his name in the tabloids. But Michael also had incredible talent and he was a mega superstar. I think he enjoyed yanking the media's chain just for the fun of it, but Tori is turning into a circus act trying to stay relevant. It's pathetic. I just feel so sorry for her poor children. How many times have we heard that she will be an incredible mother? Yea, right.
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