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Everything posted by TarHeelTeacher

  1. Maxie was brainwashed by Levi. That's the only explanation.
  2. RoHo has been rumored to be leaving for at least 6 months. I'll believe it when they announce it. The PP lawsuit put a kibosh on lots of plan. ABC legal have tied their hands as far as who they can hire. There is a monetary reason why KiKi is Silas's brat instead of Frodd's. There is a reason Frodd isn't the editor of the PC Press and Silas isn't a cop.
  3. Actually sweeps start July 3 and end July 30 http://www.tvb.org/media/file/Nielsen_Local_Survey_Dates_2013-14.pdf The next big sweeps is November (Oct 30 - Nov 26). Tony won't be back to tape until right before time for Nov sweep so there won't be really big movement in the Fluke storyline until then. Unless they give jailbirds the keys ala Otis in Mayberry, there is no way to make the PCPD look less competent. They already kiss Sonny's ass.
  4. What's the over/under that Julian is the one that saves her? I'm not sure how this gambling stuff works, but I am going with there is a 100% chance Julian saves her if this spoiler is accurate. Every damn person in town will be furious with him and he will take a bullet saving Molly. Then Alexis will bang him like a screen door in a hurricane to show her appreciation.
  5. Uber excited about Logan's interview with NLG and WdV he did last Saturday, and about his interview with NLG, FH, MW, JE, and MS he did yesterday.
  6. I am hoping against hope is Jason does come back, he comes back with a different personality. In the story in my head, he doesn't remember being Jason Morgan, and wants nothing to do with Carly and Sonny, but because of Danny, knows he has to form some kind of relationship with Sam.
  7. Julian Jerome does not cheat. That is one character trait about original recipe Julian that they have been true to and kept. One thing Ron has made clear is Julian is all about Alexis. He will not be flinging with Jordan. I've yet to see one bit of interest in Jordan from Julian. I think he has always seemed rather annoyed by her. And the only interest Jordan has in Julian is work related. He put his arm around Jordan so he could talk to her about an illegal activity. Most people when plotting either do so in private, or speak to each other in a way that someone seeing it wouldn't get suspicious. Alexis and Julian ave enough angst with the FauxLuke storyline and everything going along with it, they don't need a 3rd party to cause trouble. 3rd party angst are for couples who have nothing else. Jordan was brought on for Shawn.
  8. They are getting a lot of storyline out of Julian not just killing Fluke, for now. I think Fluke is ending in November, so I'm calling February as Ava's sweeps month due date. Plenty of time for Sonny to fall in love with the female version of himself, unless the rumor that Mo is leaving is true. The rumor is Julian Julian coloring with Danny was adorable 2 days in a row. Julian being overprotective was fabulous, "I wasn't around to protect you from boys and.....boys." From the expression on Alexis's face, she will be calling him to sneak in the window later.
  9. Best scenes of the day were the ones with the Davis-Jerome family of 4. Of course, those are the only scenes I've watched so far because I don't much care about Nina.
  10. "I don't want Carly. I never have." - Julian (As a Carly hater from the day that trollop got off the bus in PC, I cheered.) "Sweetheart, I never imagined, I never imagined that I would find you." - Julian "Happiness is for dogs and Americans." - Dr. Liesl Obrecht
  11. Sonny didn't have Alexis thrown in jail when she was battling cancer. While Sonny fucked Sam, he didn't know she was Alexis's daughter and wasn't married to Alexis at the time and didn't fuck Sam on her mother's floor. Molly doesn't know about Ric's past. Anybody who does would be a damn fool to give him the benefit of the doubt. And I HATE Sonny and like Ric. Alexis has plenty of good reasons to not trust one word out of Ric's mouth. Hell, in her place I wouldn't throw water on Ric if flames were coming out of every orifice of his body. I really want Molly to hear every one of Ric misdeeds.
  12. Why is killing a woman who is pregnant more heinous than killing a woman shortly after she gives birth? Both are very barbaric & not at all heroic. Good Lord, this show. Indeed.
  13. I think we'll be getting good Julexis stuff for the next few months. Unfortunately this Fluke crap (even with Tony in Europe) will probably drag on into the fall and, I'm guessing, into November sweeps. But I think we are going to get some great stuff from the actors, because I think WdV and NLG can deliver and spin whatever is written on the page into gold. I don't know about anybody else but, "Sweetheart, I never imagined that I would find you," made me ugly cry. So did the expression on his face when he turned back to look at the house after he left.
  14. I have no idea. Not sure if Ron a decided that yet or not. From the preview for Monday, Julian either thinks Fluke is Luke or thinks/knows he is someone related to Luke (like Bill).
  15. Julian didn't swear on his kids life that Ric was the boss. Julian swore on their lives that he would do anything to protect them. He was totally going to tell Alexis when Liz showed up. Just like he was going to tell her he was Sam's father when Olivia had her idiotic vision. Unfortunately, FauxLuke will be back. Not sure if Tony has even left on his extended vacation yet, or if he has started and is making a couple of trips to LA to tape scenes over the next few months, or if we'll see one-sided phone calls on Julian's end, or if stuff was pre-taped, or if Tracy and Luke are gone until September on some honeymoon. I think this (FauxLuke) drags on (and on and on) for a few more months. I know the Julexis angst is just getting started. We're in for a roller coaster ride for the next several months.
  16. I don't think she would believe him, which would endanger them. He didn't think she would believe him. She argued with him about even talking to him. No smart cop would do that. besides it isn't her call. It would actually be a federal prosecutor's call since something that big would be over a local cop and local DA's pay grade. That was Julian's point, she is so wrapped up in her hatred of him that she cannot see or think clearly when the Jeromes are brought into it. She admitted her single mindedness was personal. She edited it after she got called out on it, but FH played it brilliantly. She showed Anna knew the nail had been hit on the head. The change in her facial expression and in her eyes was just perfect for that scene.
  17. He'll save Molly from some danger or another, and Alexis will show her gratitude with sex. Julian has a secret plan to bring down Fluke, but knew he couldn't trust Anna with his family's safety.
  18. As a tried and true, until I die, loved them so much Julexis fan I knew it (angst) was coming. Bring it! It is going to be gloriously angsty and as old-school soapy as we will ever get on GH, and a storyline if left in the hands of lesser actors would suck dirty buttholes.
  19. There is no "S" rating for that day, so I'm guessing no sex. Serena is rumored to be coming to town and is supposed to hook up with him.
  20. 5/27/2014 Carly shares the recording she has of AJ with someone; Kiki wants some answers out of Ava; Luke issues an ultimatum to Julian; Patrick, Sabrina and Emma go over some possible baby names; Ric needs Cameron's help with Elizabeth. 5/28/2014 Ava finds herself cornered by Sonny; Olivia and Carly share some gossip; Julian shares his fears for his family with Alexis; Luke is at the Metro Court for unknown reasons; Tracy entrusts a secret to Lulu about Luke; Ric and Elizabeth go on a date. 5/29/2014 Michael is blown away by something Kiki tells him; Alexis and Nikolas are confused by Ric's behavior; Luke has an encounter with someone mysterious; Julian considers turning in his mob partner to the police. 5/30/2014 Sonny is dubious that Ava's claims are valid; Luke doubts the mysterious man he met is telling the truth; Ric finds himself being charged for crimes; Elizabeth asks for Alexis' help; Olivia and Morgan take solace in each other.
  21. I can't believe they didn't get Nathan/James to interrogate Julian. Nathan worked with Julian to get Nina's notkiller. They have a positive history so smart investigative work would include Nathan being the one asking him questions, but Anna is in charge so smart won't happen.
  22. At this point I'm not sure what Julian knows, including where the real Luke is, if he knows who Fluke is. I think he knows Fluke isn't Luke. I am hoping this is bringing us to Fluke's death. I will love the character who kills Fluke. I really loved Julian reaction of, "Yum," when he saw Alexis and her boobs in that dress.
  23. From the preview it looks like Lucas is the one that gets shot. At least that is the direction where the gun was pointing. Luckily there is a doctor and a nurse there. Here comes the angsty storyline for Julexis. Yeah, I'm not so sure if killing the man's woman or kids is the way to make him loyal to you. Fluke has to die soon because it has to be time for AG to go to Amsterdam, and I really want him gone.
  24. ABC sneak peek for the week of May 12: http://abc.go.com/shows/general-hospital/news/sneak-peeks/140508-may-12-general-hospital-sneak-peek There is no way a high school student would have been allowe to strip, legal adult or not. That shit would end up on the news. I don't think Nathan is all that horrrible of an actor. I think he'ss better than the guy that play Felix, whose one note is shrill. I like Nathan and Maxie when they are together. Levi needs to go or cut his hair.
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