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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Being a bit older than Cliff, I can understand how he can separate the two. Maturity brings a lot of "been there, done that, fuck you, get the job done." attitude 🙂 He's playing as well as he can, dealing well with what the situation is from day to day and adapting pretty well, schmoozing most everybody, but not OTT like Tommy. Those foods hate me, therefore I hate them back. I'll have to manifest something else.
  2. If Nick or Tommy win HoH next week, it could happen! Then Cliff, Jess and Nicole will just float back to the other side.
  3. Jack will still be "alone" with Kat in the Jury House. heh
  4. I hope that somewhere, Audrey is enjoying this.
  5. Because "The Universe" would never turn on her and screw her out of that $500,000 that is rightfully hers. Hahahaha
  6. Maybe it's some weird Staten Island local thing?
  7. I think Derrick had the biggest advantage of all being an undercover cop. The man was trained to lie and manipulate people and had many years of experience doing it for real.
  8. Cliff didn't have much of a choice. He had to save his game. This "deal" lasting depends on who wins HoH tonight.
  9. I'm hoping it's yet another deceptive preview. Maybe the fryer wasn't working right either?? This service temperature problem should be easy to fix.
  10. Jack and Aesha are still gross. Travis is such a drunken asshole. Aesha is not his problem, but she really is becoming one. Jwow handled that well. Hannah needs to get over her brother thing and stay away from Travis. June is so clueless. I thought Hannah was trying to be friendly and she totally twisted that around. These guests are going to be a challenge. Ana needs to cover the food or get something like pizza bags to keep it warm. Maybe a better plating system to move it out faster. The crew will need trays to handle oven hot plates. Not sure if that's a solution. They could use a microwave behind the bar. Why did the fries take so long? I hope there's some fun with the police. These idiots deserve to get slapped.
  11. It's worth a try. She literally has nothing to lose at this point. Go big or go to jury. I loved her DR's last night. "I'm lying, so what. They are too".
  12. I don't think anybody has forgotten how disgusting he is. It's just that there's lots of disgusting to go around. Maybe I'll go smash a watermelon. eta: He got a pretty good edit last night.
  13. Chickenshit nominations. Ugh! Tommy and Christy are on my last nerve. I despise them. Kat has become my favorite. Well done with the voting, America! The idiots finally figure out that America hates them. Hahahaha Anallice is so incredibly dumb. "Winning" after Jackson just gets her a punishment, instead of going on the block where she believes she is safe, yet Christy was just so bad at that. Smart of Lego Head to shake up the eggs so they rolled better. At least he's self-aware enough about why they got the Field Trip. Cue the Christy waterworks (again). Yes honey, America hates you and is thrilled you are on the block. Now, to keep her there. Nick has gone to the Dark Side. He's such a weasel. There's a petition out to get his State license pulled.
  14. I just stumbled across this: "Fans and viewers began commenting that Nick must have been the “dork” in high school and now he’s just trying to fit in with the cool kids..." Heh! https://www.inquisitr.com/5574797/bb21-player-nick-maccarone-slammed-for-calling-houseguests-dorks-in-vulgar-filled-rant/
  15. Anallice would still be missing. Could she be on the block in absentia? Too funny! I live in the same town as Nick, a Giants fan exiled to South Jersey. The local rabid Eagle fans will not be happy with his heresy. Yep, and they both hurt my digestive system. Can't eat them. Cantaloupe too. At Cliff's age and professional status, he should have a big 401k balance waiting for him. The way he's played (so far), it would be good PR for his company to continue his employment. I'm manifesting Christy walking out the door! As always, Veto will decide.
  16. Oy. An ugly week of Tommy HoH. Is he going after Jackson/Holly? I think production told Jackhole this was all coming. He was too well prepared. Bye Jack. The shine has worn off your bedazzling greatness. Jackson acts like he's some paragon of virtue in his speech. Um no. We know who you are Blockhead. Delusional is your best quality. How did we get from a camping theme to space aliens??? The segment was surprisingly funny. Writing "stupid" on Jack's stupid tattoo was hilarious. Only 24 hrs. pffft! What a pity party. It was fun watching the racist bullies whine and squirm. Cliff must have been thinking: "You're mouth is writing checks your ass can't cash." Jack had zero power to be making offers to anybody. No Nick, you're not funny. Just rather strange. Tommy rats out his beloved. Who does he want to pin the hinky vote on?
  17. There's some fun stuff over there. Thanks! 🙂
  18. Jack is using some of this. I hope it doesn't work.
  19. https://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/americas-field-trip-vote/?ftag=EOS-05-10acj6g This works for me 🙂
  20. Such fun watching Jack and his gang squirm as they lose the veto. Yay for Jess winning this crapshoot. So Tommy's punishment is a punishment for the entire cast of idiots. LOL! "The Jury House called Jack, they're waiting for you!" was a great DR. Poor Lego Head is such a pouty boy. Go eat a few watermelons. Nick always talks like he's in pain and about to throw up. Playing both sides can be risky. Good move by Blockhead to eavesdrop and use the info to try and save himself. Christy is so annoying. She gets all my Field Trip votes today. I'm holding tomorrow's until HoH is decided.
  21. I think her strategy is to use Lego Head for a meat-shield for the short term. Time will tell if it works 🙂
  22. Nice docking jobs. The weather is really messing with them. Just what you need, a drunken millionaire yacht neighbor boarding your yacht and being an asshole. So of course they go all white trash on the idiot. Eggplant? Blech. How about some meat and pasta Anastasia. Nice of Jwow to hack up those lobsters for her. Couldn't she have kept them warm in the oven while she cooked them all? Johnny is a pain in the ass, but she should have known they want big piles of food. Sandy is being a bit melodramatic. And whining "We've been on many yachts, bla, bla, bla, ", but you don't know you can order anything you want? Sure. I like June, but she really needs to get with the radio protocols. Maybe Jack could do some work instead of figuring out better ways to wank. He and Aesha are really gross.
  23. That would be more exciting. I'm holding my Thursday votes until after the HoH is decided, fwiw.
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