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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. The audience is not happy. eta: me neither
  2. Jess looks like a chipmunk with too many nuts in her mouth.
  3. Julie looks like she just crawled out of a washing machine.
  4. Julie looks like she just crawled out of a washing machine.
  5. I'm lucky the pre-season Eagles are on NBC 🙂
  6. I'm old and have heard this same bullshit since the late 70's. It wasn't true then and it is still bullshit today.
  7. It's ugly no matter which way this mess turns. It's still an ugly mess.
  8. I despise all of these idiots, but I'm addicted after 21 seasons and just can't give it up. An awful episode of dumb people babbling stupid shit. Whether Christie or Anallice goes, it won't matter. Tommy the King of Ass Kissers is going to win. Ugh. eta: Nick is the most disgusting of them all.
  9. There's about half a million people on Staten Island, not exactly a small town. There is the ferry to Manhattan, 3 bridges to New Jersey and the Verrazano Bridge connects it to Long Island (which includes Brooklyn and Queens), home to 8 million people including Nicole. No idea what part of the island she is from.
  10. I'm from Jersey. She's from Staten Island and now lives is Jersey. She should go back. We don't want her. It's bad enough we're stuck with Nick.
  11. I think the Captain gets two shares. I don't know how many invisible real crew there are.
  12. Thanks! Those are usually vicious fun 🙂
  13. Any predictions for the HoH competition? Crapshoot or questions?
  14. Back in the late 70's, my little sister was struggling with telling time. She informed mom: "I don't have to learn this! I'll just get a digital!" Mom and the school disagreed 🙂 Ferry Captain looks like a nice gig, just a little boring. Regular hours, nice big bed in a house, etc. Here in the Northeast, it's usually said "quarter after", and "quarter til or quarter of", but "quarter past" would totally be understood. I once worked at a place with a 24 hour analog clock on the wall. It took some getting used to. The 12 was where the 6 should be 🙂 I got an "F" in penmanship in 6th grade and have printed everything ever since 7th grade. Travis is a piece of shit. If you want to wake somebody up in a situation like that, a little nudge or shake to the shoulder should do the job.
  15. When they showed the guests arguing over $50 for something or other, I knew a small tip was coming.
  16. The tip was light and he blamed the food. June is just over the top. It's not personal, it's called seniority.
  17. Seems like she really does believe her own bullshit.
  18. I pay $15 (and $5 tip) for a better haircut in the same burgh. lol
  19. Get off the cross, Christy, somebody needs the wood. Her "entitlement" is off the charts. Boo hoo.
  20. I am eternally grateful for Brett giving us "anallice" last season. For all the fantastic snark on this board, IDK if anybody here would have come up with that this season. CBS gave us a gift casting her and her tart lady parts.
  21. He's Andy the Rat without the garanimals.
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