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  1. The thing that bothered me other than the poor pacing was the twins lack of reaction. I mean you get told you’re warlocks and your parents aren’t your biological parents and you act like everything is normal and have no emotional conflict? Lol. i didn’t really bat an eyelash at the casting age.. or question whether they could be in high school.
  2. To me, Ruby just looked 9 years old. His love interest just looked older than him... Jasmine looked like she could be his mom. lol. I think Ruby is gone. It makes no sense for it to be Olivia and much more impactful if Ruby goes imo. Also, things worked out a little too well for him in the end.
  3. Why couldn't Cisco create a cold gun to stop Zoom?
  4. SG is on another earth, so they can get away with no changes.
  5. For a show that's trying to push a big romance between Iris and Barry, they seem to enjoy highlighting the fact that they practically grew up as siblings. Was it necessary to have Wally say "our dad" when correcting Barry in relation to Joe? Iris does it as well. This is something they should try to play down a little.
  6. Lol did anyone like the final?
  7. Cece is an underling tho, the big bad is still out there!! It's just falling flat for me tbh
  8. I think Nicki M does have a point in that racism is prevelant in the music industry but that's another thread for another time. I don't mind thT the trans character is evil - I just think it's poorly executed.
  9. Lol twitter is not pleased at all. Charles should have been Ezra. Does Mr D not recognise his daughter?
  10. lol I really need to remember not to expect realism in this show..
  11. Ezra seemed a little eager to share that Andrew was adopted. Would Ezra be told that sort of information over the phone? I'm pretty sure there are stringent checks on who is asking for this information for data protection. I work admin in a hospital, and when I've had to call up other health establishments to find a contact number for a paient Ive been told to send through a written request with/on a letterhead coversheet then they call back with the information. And when I volunteered at a helpline we were encouraged to take down the person who's enquiring about a service user contact information so they could recieve a call checking them out. SMH
  12. ^^I could be wrong but I think Noel Kahn pretty much said to someone (I forget who) everyone thinks the liars are shady. The Liars don't need to sweat it tho, graduation is around the corner and they'll be out of that town. I'd be impressed if A was Andrew as that would mean that the writers are letting something stick and not backtracking but I'm looking at Ezra. Ezra is always there to help when thing go wrong and how convenient that Aria's schoolage boyf has a stack of circumstantual (sp?) evidence against him. Ezra also very rich and has been shown capable and has the equipment for spying. Alas, because I think it, it probably isn't him. lol. On another note, Sara is another skeevy character. I swear, Rosewood is like a flame to these characters. Why did she put the pillow under the covers like she was under it? And, what in the world was she doing sitting silently in the dark?lol. The only parents who appear to have reacted to the shenanigans in Rosewood are Paige's parents... Why did Jason identify Charles in a vid and then come to the conclusion CD was an imaginary friend?
  13. I still think Ezra is behind everything! How do we know he is not really Charles Dilaurentis? lol
  14. I think it calls back to the 1st season where they called the police about Ian's body in the belltower which then disappeared when the police went to look. there were murmurs from the crowd about the girls being liars. Then there was Ali's faked death (I think it was implied that that Police and others believed they knew all along) and Ali's kidnap story...From the Town's perspective the girls are always involved in lies. This is another story to them.
  15. I can understand why aria wanted to iD him, I figure she just wanted it to be him so "a" can be caught and for it to be over, but I don't think she was justified in lying. At the end of the day, like the girls, he has been a victim of incompetent policing. I'll imagine being arrested with the prospect of being jailed whilt being innocent (assuming) can be emotionally exhausting and scary. The very first person he sees after he steps out of the station is Aria et al, 4 fellow hschoolers who saw as lying on him. No one in that position are going to be all smiles. Now that 5.0 know about A and they've ruled
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