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Everything posted by Oscirus

  1. Sansa killed her father and wound up queen of the north. Too soon? I love that Corlys was all, Alright, I learned my lesson lets go home and Rhaenys was all too late for that now bitch
  2. She might order blood vs cheese, i.e. take one of Alicents sons, but they take the instructions to mean any son so it expands to the two little ones. Then Greens will respond with using Erryk to try and take one of Rhae's little ones. I Believe the story's gonna be that Alicent and Rhaenyra keep going lower and lower vs each other till they're just as bad if not worse than the guys they're fighting with.
  3. Even though the actor doesn't look it, Aemond's a kid, likely a scared kid, hes going to come down from the sky talking mad shit. Maybe he might've gotten away with it if he keeps his mouth shut or denied it (doubt it, but it's possible) but I dont see him doing it.
  4. Dany only rode drogon, the other two were just her kids
  5. yea theyre trying to make the blacks the underdogs, theyve failed. Blacks got control of the sea and have every major dragon not named vhagar and if they get the honor driven starks, thats the north, which would be game over.
  6. Her and her kids are a threat as long as they're alive. If Aegon turned out to be a shitty leader, which lets be real. There could easily be supporters pushing for Rhae and if not for rhae, for the newly legitmitized Jace.
  7. If aegon has bastards running around, I dont imagine that hes the only one. I could easily see daemon with a few bastards as well as other targs .
  8. He grabbed luke had the rock raised. Called luke a bastard dropped his hands at his side, and released luke, the knife came out and he only used the rock to defend himself from the knife after that.
  9. In this world these people dont give a shit as well as Aemond and her provide heirs Thats not true, he got slashed for calling them bastards. He dropped the rock by the time the knife came out
  10. Not really, he gets along with half the targeryans
  11. Next season will likely be otto and daemon corrupting Alicent and rhaenyra
  12. Made sense, Daemons always been about respect, rhaenyra maturing from her wilder self is probs a bit of a turn off for him. I imagine Ottos head wouldve been on a pike if rhaenyra wasnt there.
  13. Aemond and Helena are probs the only two that love each other. Everybody else tolerates each other. Closest relation we have to normal on team green is the one between cole and aemond
  14. so what would boras have done if luke took him up on the betrothal offer? Would his support have been halfsies?
  15. and helenas is the spider. Regardless of how one feels about team green, they have fairly cool sigils
  16. OK from a war standpoint, jack and baelas dragons are worthless, if vhagar can take out those baby dragons with one bite, I cant imagine theirs have any more of a chance in the upcoming war.
  17. Baela has a dragon, rhaena doesnt. Has no choice since his grandkids are betrothed to her sons
  18. why was daemon counting seasmoke when he knows that laenor is alive? Maybe they're putting on a show for rhaenys but that doesnt make sense
  19. In terms of consequences, you're correct. But from a character standpoint, it doesnt serve Aemond to be portrayed as incompetent as opposed to a bloodthirsty asshole that they were building him up to be
  20. Alicent will def flip out but I think people are beyond caring what she wants anymore.
  21. Also rhaenyra snatching the maester's chains>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snatching ottos hand pin which was just an annoyance for him
  22. Think he was, he didnt realize that arrax would fire at vagar or that vhagar wasnt about to let herself be disrespected by such a young pup
  23. On a lighter note, when you're in the middle of a debate on how much control these guys have over dragons, the show leaks early and you cant even use it for another two days despite this show supporting your side of the debate 👺
  24. I could see Jack easily being corrupted by Daemon. Rhaenyra has him in check now, but not for long. He was aching for war as much as his uncle was. after hearing his brother was killed by aemond, I dont see his being a man of peace.
  25. Luke didnt dracarys vagar, his dragon got scared and tried to fight back
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