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Posts posted by AnnieBeez

  1. 12 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

    My mom had a theory about the giant master bedrooms/"retreats" with all sorts of areas for different things.  She thinks it's due to the open concept craze.  The parents/adults/whosevergetsthe'retreat' need a place to escape from seeing and hearing everything all the time.  It may even be subconscious.  I love that theory.  I'm not saying it's true for everyone that has or likes open concept, but I bet it's true for some.

    When I was a newlywed, I lived in a studio apt in NYC. I used to go sit in the walk-through closet for some quiet and privacy. 

    • Love 8
  2. 19 hours ago, floridamom said:

    How can someone be AFRAID of wedding dress shopping? Joy was disrespectful to Miss Renee' and Miss Renee' was a butt kisser and so 'over the top fake" I couldn't stand it.

    If those dresses normally take some months to be ready for a bride, as Joy stated, how is it that Reneee' could have Joy's ready in 25 days? Joy's wedding gown was awful and it showed that it was a 'rush job'.

    Because Joy and her dress go to the front of the line. It doesn't actually take months of active sewing. And Renee just cuts off a top to go w/a bottom. lol. Frankenstein dressmaking. 

    • Love 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

    Right??? I actually find some renditions verging on disrespectful! This is an anthem, not your "Voice" audition.  And I am very easy going for the most part. 

    I was at an NBA game tonight. My son and I don't understand the hooting from the crowd that goes on when someone gets to the "tricky" part at the end. Is that a thing? 

    I don't mind the variation as long as they don't go all Mariah Carey on it. 

    • Love 1
  4. 9 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

    I think all the girls just carry big because they are naturally short-waisted and just make big babies. 

    I am short-waisted and just 5'1". I had a 9 lb 6 oz, 22" long baby. I was going thru old pictures the other day. She's bigger than I was at 7 months. I got huge in 8th and 9th months and carried it all in front. 

    I guess we'll have to wait and see. 

    • Love 1
  5. 3 hours ago, twinks said:

    While visiting relatives in Benicia CA, I was surprised to see so many front load garages. They were so prominent many overpowered the house. IMO, not good for curb appeal.

    That's precisely my problem with them. I think it's ugly. A single car garage is fine. These multi-story homes with 2+ car garages that overpower the front of the house are awful. I like a house that makes me smile when I drive up to it. So I guess I DO have a deal breaker! 

    My only other thing that I'd say "that's hideous" about would be tile counters. I'd just replace those, though. 

    • Love 2
  6. 35 minutes ago, MonicaM said:

    Sad to see that Kody has worked his "magic" on yet another wife.  As everyone has pointed out, Robyn looks as if she's aged twenty years since the beginning of their relationship.  Don't know if those tabloid rumors are correct about Robyn wanting to jump off the Kody train, but she clearly isn't happy and he seems to have lost his attraction to her as well.

    Christine looks fantastic and Janelle looks pretty good as well.  Probably because they no longer have to watch Kody cater to his evil queen Robyn.  This group piles dysfunction on top of dysfunction.

    And Meri's been dethroned. We know she at least made Janelle's miserable. 

    • Love 3
  7. 1 hour ago, 4leafclover said:

    Couldn't put my finger on why, the minute I saw Grandpa Putman, I was creeped out.  Then today I realized, he looks like Tim Kaine.  Of course, there are many, many more reasons that I find him disgusting.

    Tim Kaine is creepy? I never knew. 

    • Love 2
  8. 10 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

    The PBS station I watch Doc Martin on, decided to show 800 words in it's time spot this summer. They actually came on before each episode and apologized for Doc Martin not being on.

    I do my Acorn through Amazon, as I am a prime member. Can't remember what it costs per month.  I love Vera and recently started watching it.  

    Oh, I have Prime too. I'll have to check into that. Thanks. 

    • Love 2
  9. The $6.99 is for a subscription to AcornTV. Last time I had it I had trouble with Acorn billing me for months after I cancelled it. My credit card finally had to block any Acorn charges. It was a pain. 

    I don't like Louiser. She's the one who was attracted to Martin in the first place. Why? And if there's a good reason why, he's still not ever been anything but who he is. So her annoyance annoys me. 

  10. Caroline Catz is the worst. She totally ruined DCI Banks for me. I can't stand her in DM either. Her OR her character, I guess. 

    I re-subscribed to Acorn TV yesterday. I only see a 7-day free trial. I'm going to have to look elsewhere. iTunes is charging me $6.99/mo. Acorn site says $4.99/mo. 

    I'm getting caught up on Vera and watching the new Doc Martin eps. I don't see any character threads so I guess I'll just have to complain in episode threads about "Louiser." 800 Words sounds like something I might like. Thanks for posting the recommendation. 

  11. I couldn't help but notice the difference in Joy in the "previously" where she's talking about her house renovation and the dress shopping. She was happy and animated when talking about the house. Joy doesn't CARE about the damn big wedding nonsense. I agree that all those people telling her what she does and doesn't want had to be overwhelming. Joy just wants to get married. She doesn't want the wedding. 

    I also could NOT believe that the shopping had to be paused so Jessa could do her hair. Really?! How rude! Those poor little girls must have been bored out of their minds. 

    Total agreement about Joy's reaction to Michelle v anyone and everyone else. Jana's reaction and words show that she's the one who actually knows and loves the kids as individuals. 

    Also, I'm really curious who Jana was texting during the dress-shopping. 

    • Love 5
  12. I just watched the houseboat episode. Black siding? I get that it's a really cool product and all, but Chip had complained earlier in the ep. about how hot it was. All I could think about was how much heat it would absorb. 

    I've only watched a few episodes because I was turned off by what I'd read about them and  resistant.  I've seen enough to be relieved there was no "Oh NO! disaster!" involved. 

    I also watched the one with the atrium in the middle of the house. I would've preferred they not enclose it so much. Think of all the "natural light" they could've had in those "spaces."

    • Love 1
  13. I just finished watching season 1 on Go90. I had to go back and rewatch a scene because even days later it's bugging me. She says she's “saved every penny since working for dad” and that she had enough for “four years at San Diego State, a year at Stanford, and a semester at the Sorbonne.”  And how long's her dad been a PI? about a year? That's some serious bullshit. Maybe "my parent's had been saving since the day I was born and I've been adding to it." But really?! She's saved up that much money working for her dad, but her dad can't afford to help her go to college? Even if you add money she earns from the kids at school, there's just no way. 

    • Love 1
  14. I kept waiting for something unsaid to be said about the "getting healthy." They'd be able to eat organic, juice, do yoga, etc. anywhere. Surfing would require relocation. As I kept getting annoyed with the "this is a great space to do our juicing," I tried to convince myself that they just needed to come up with a "thing."

    Just how often will her family be visiting? If I had my choice between ocean right out the front door or space for my family who may visit 1-6 weeks a year, I'm going ocean. 

    • Love 9
  15. 5 hours ago, Bunbun77 said:

    3:25 am feeding wearing makeup and a full set of false lashes. ? I wonder if she puts it on before or after tending to little Ember Jean. 

    Seriously, she's wearing more makeup than i wear to work on a daily basis.


    Holy shit! That face. Wow. I cannot even imagine pretending to feel that way with a newborn. I had an emergency c-section, breastfed, and had a military spouse who was gone a LOT. The only look on my face to and about my son was twitterpation. 

    Bitch ain't seen nothing yet. 

    • Love 11
  16. 3 hours ago, ariel said:

    Maybe he's crying because he's thinking of things he would have like to have done with his life, but can't because he was raised in a crazy cult and wasn't able to break free. The time at Alert broke his spirit.  Whether he want's it or not fatherhood is looming in this immediate future.

    yeah. I'm sure that's it--while he's watching his bride come down the aisle. ?

    I think the other tears will be in a couple years--when the show ends and he has too many kids and not enough money or options. 

    • Love 3
  17. 4 hours ago, lulu69 said:

    Ooooh....my mind didn't even go there. Until now...... Damn you lol

    Mine did when I first saw it. At least I thought it was a possibility. I was also thinking that it'd probably be easy for them to fly under the radar if they were. 

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