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Posts posted by AnnieBeez

  1. 23 hours ago, becca3891 said:


    I think Cross Church is a real church, but most big churches rent out their spaces for anyone who wants a wedding. It sounds like Pastor Caldwell is leading the warehouse church where the Duggars, Sierra, the Forsyths and more attend.


    I've never heard of such a thing, but I went from Catholic to Recovering Catholic. I've never heard of church rentals. 

    Also "stage" gives me pause every time I hear it. 

    • Love 6
  2. I laughed so hard and had to rewind 3 times to look at the post-confetti cannon expression on the face of the elderly woman in white in the front row. 

    Also, Joy used an ADVERB!  She said "perfectly" about the sun shining through the windows of the church. 

    Question: Where is Pastor Caldwell's church? Does Cross Church just rent the space out BYOP (bring your own pastor)? 

    • Love 14
  3. 4 minutes ago, MichelleAK said:

    The exterminator was actually "Gone Insect-Y Seconds Exterminators."

    I loved this episode. I thought the first one of the season was an interesting experiment, but I'm glad to be back to a normal and mostly all-kids episode. The poster plot was just all right, but Bob getting sucked into it (sort of) was funny. I thought the mystery was well done, too. Darn those expensive Keurig pods! (Psst: get them at Costco, teachers.)

    ETA: Maybe the other burger was "Burrata be a law burger"? As a take on "there oughta be a law?"

    It was "Slaw."

    • Love 1
  4. 2 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    Couple moving from Virginia to Martha's Vineyard - reason for move is you can only be outside 3-4 months a year in Virginia. WTF?? We're in Maryland and we're outside 8 months, and they're moving north.

    Maybe the heat and humidity? That's the only thing I can think of--and I still think it'd be more than 3-4 months. 

    • Love 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

    I've still got this episode on my DVR and never had time to watch it.  It doesn't look like I'm missing much.

    I'd love to see one of the Duggars join the armed services--just sign up at the recruiting office without telling Jim Bob and then watch his head explode as his child escapes from his clutches and is exposed to the outside influences of the world.  It'll never happen--just fun to think about.

    Wouldn't they have to pass the ASVAB? 

    • Love 3
  6. 10 hours ago, truebluesmoky said:

    Jessa came across as really insecure to me in this episode. She mentioned herself not cooking/not being a good cook multiple times and said that Joy is a much better cook, and she seemed sheepish when she said it, not proud. She also mentioned several times that Joy did more fun things and was better with the younger kids than Jessa herself had been. 

    I didn't see insecure or sheepish. If Jessa wanted to cook, she'd be cooking. Jessa's a princess. 

    eta: I've really noticed the last few episodes that it seems like Jessa's the only one who really enjoys doing the show. Joy would've been so much happier just having a casual marriage ceremony instead of bid to-do WEDDING. Jinger, Jana, and the rest seem to meet the bare minimum of participation. 

    • Love 5
  7. 20 hours ago, Black Knight said:

    Also, there's no "stepson" about it as he is Michael's legal father. Given the circumstances his wife described, they surely had Clive's name put on the birth certificate when Michael was born.


    Thank you! I agree. That bugged the shit out of me. 

  8. 8 hours ago, CooperTV said:

    It seems like it's not supposed to be a sitcom at all. The tone works best for a hour-long dramedy, like Chuck or My Crazy Ex, etc.

    I think you're right. Also like Psych. [I didn't watch those other two shows.]

    • Love 2
  9. 5 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    The facade of the first place they looked at was gorgeous. I loved the whole place. She was right that the charm had been renovated out of the third place but I knew they'd go for it.

    Looked like Mina from Good Bones had designed the renovation on the 3rd place. That dining table of theirs looked ridiculous in that front "space." And what a waste of a fireplace. She said she didn't like the dining area as you walk in (didn't she?) and then she tried to replicate it. I'd flip the living area w/the dining. If the front living area is small, they still have that huge basement. 

    • Love 3
  10. 58 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

    I thought the “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” was for items worn by the bride at the wedding for good luck. The Duggar’s version of borrowed makes no sense.

    That rusty old little grill is probably the perfect gift for someone who is going to decorate their house Fixer Upper style, but they probably should have left it out in the rain to become even rustier. 

    It's a campstove! I was hoping the cameraman was going to keep them from blowing up. Pumping up the tank w/it detached, putting the tank INside. Oy. I thought the old saw was pretty cool. 

    Could Jessa be any cheaper or lazier? Digging out shit she doesn't want from the cabinet and writing out a few recipe cards. Then putting the huge stack of blanks in the box for Joy to fill in later. Also, Jessa, why are you so proud of not cooking? Isn't providing good nutrition for your children pretty basic parenting? She has no excuse. It's not like she's getting home late after a full day at the office. 

    • Love 22
  11. Silent Jason tortured Tahani. He was smart enough to get his bud hole. Eleanor didn't think to ask Janet for stairs up to her bedroom [Yes, I know they're hidden] or to get rid of the clowns and circus music. I hope they don't make him too stupid to breathe. He does have some insight, and he's sweet. 

    • Love 6
  12. I'm not giving up yet, but I think Adam Scott's character needs some tweaking. I like the idea of the show--kind of a half hour humorous X-Files. 

    Boss lady's upper lip is super distracting though. I can't stop staring. Glad she can't see me. 

    • Love 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Absolom said:

    Everything Jeremy has said about having children has indicated they are deliberately waiting to start a family. Their combined eye rolls aren't a secret.

    Too bad they can't just can't come out and say it then. It's not like this group is big on privacy.

    • Love 9
  14. I hope the next episode finally gets the show rolling. I'm losing patience.


    Re: Tahani  She should've been my clue to the twist last season. I kept wondering how she could be considered a "good" person.  I think Chidi came closest. He didn't intend to torture those around him with his indecision. And I don't remember his indecision as only being related to ethics--wasn't it pretty much any decision? 

    • Love 1
  15. I taught kinder for years. I did have kids who sucked their thumbs or fingers when they were tired. Only the adults that came into my classroom had an issue with it. His classmates might think he's a baby because he's small. Re: behavior  I had plenty of kids who were little stinkers with their parents but were fine with me. That said ALL kids need to know what's expected and have consistency. Feeling sorry for Will is not doing him any favors. 

    • Love 3
  16. 1 hour ago, asuwur said:

    This episode reminded me of why I despise camping....a ton of work and expense to set up and be uncomfortable and then a ton of work to tear down and go home...drop me off at a Hampton Inn please!

    I was shocked, SHOCKED I say, that the boy and girl hammocks were allowed to be so close each other! My pearls are clutched!

    Well to be fair most people don't just camp one night and go back home after breakfast. I vastly prefer tent camping to a hotel (germophope). 

    • Love 5
  17. 4 hours ago, louannems said:

    When Joy scooped Josie off the kitchen counter, (where that child seems to live),  I noticed Josie wearing glasses.

    And she asked her if she was supposed to be up there. I liked that. I hope someone else steps in to take up the slack since Joy's gone. Besides has-to-be-overworked Jana. 

    • Love 8
  18. 34 minutes ago, MsJamieDornan said:

    I am really grossed out by Joy's lack of hygiene. I don't think she even washed her hair to go to the salon. Her shoes are disgusting and who knows if she even bathes.

    The boys bedroom looked filthy. 7000sq foot house and they are packed in like sardines. It looked like a jail cell.

    Also to me, Joy looked pregnant in this episode. JMO

    I noticed a belly when she was at the reno/rehab house. 

    Joy seems much more in her element bossing people around preparing for the camping trip than she does with anything wedding-related. 

    I just watched today and didn't notice any Jana and Laura interaction of note. Maybe I'll fast-forward through and look again. Any particular scene?

    • Love 3
  19. 17 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

    It's not to cheer on the singer, it's to get riled up for the game.  Very common.

    No, that's definitely not it. At least not for the Portland Trail Blazers at Moda Center. It's for the singer of the anthem. We get riled up for the intro video that comes after and then the player introductions. We were season ticket holders for a few years--so I heard it for 40+ games a season. We're from the east coast where people have some decorum (lol). I never heard it at AAA or pro baseball games back east. 

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