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Posts posted by AnnieBeez

  1. 49 minutes ago, Mollie said:

    All of Josh's interest in inappropriate sex came from Jim Bob.  From 1999 to 2002, when Josh was 11 to 14, Jim Bob was serving as a State Representative.  Jim Bob took Josh to all of the sessions.  Instead of sending Josh to school, Josh was listening to things inappropriate for his age.  Incest was disgusted and strip bars were discussed.

    In his four years as a state representative, Duggar sponsored or co-sponsored many bills that dealt with sexual assault and its appropriate punishment.  Duggar was a co-sponsor on a bill in January 2001 that aimed to add more categories to the definition of sex offenses in the state’s Sex and Child Offender Registration Act.  The additional categories were “permitting the abuse of a child,” and “pandering or possessing visual or print medium depicting sexually explicit conduct involving a child.”

    Duggar also was the lead sponsor on a 2001 bill that would have made 21 the legal age for nude dancing. The bill died just two months later in committee, but Duggar touted his effort on his 2002 Senate website.

    This early exposure to adult issues had a profound effect on Josh and screwed up his thinking from an early age.  Josh should have never been allowed to hear those adult discussions.  He should have been in school.

    In hindsight, I see Josh shadowing Jim Bob as a way to keep an eye on him and him out of the house.

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  2. 5 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    I'm not talking about someone saying they had never heard of Kanye until that incident because people say the same about Taylor and for me that's not the case but that's because I was a fan of her music. I'm talking about making emphatic statements that Kanye West was a nobody until he interrupted Taylor Swift at the VMA's in 2008 and that's what propelled his caree. I just feel if someone is going to make bold claims like that about someone in a discussion, maybe getting your facts straight would help. YMMV. 

    I only knew Kanye from his "Gold Digger" performance on Chappelle's Show. I definitely took more notice after the Taylor incident. Since I don't care for her, I thought it was funny. I'm not his target audience, but I do like some songs and have never heard anyone with any credibility deny that he's talented. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Lilacly said:

    I remember that scene and I took Matt's perspective to be that he wanted a family dinner where they would celebrate the pregnancies as well as getting an update on work related topics where he could gauge their interests on work projects and goals for the family business. I don't believe he would have ever wanted to just talk about life, family etc. He's a goal orientated person who wants to keep the entire family as close and under his control as possible. Likely he omitted the work part  when he presented her the idea of it and just mentioned the celebration family time aspect.

    You say "tomato." I say "narcissistic asshole." 

    • Love 20
  4. 4 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

    I tried real hard to like this show. But OMG! It was such a horrible thing. It was just impossible to like. I was so disappointed.

    IMHO, it just bombed.  It really bombed.  I'm so glad that no one has yet developed Smell-O-Vision because if they had, this show would have stunk up livingrooms all across the nation.  It was just putrid. YUK!

    In a nutshell, the dog thinks the whole world revolves around him. Is that a funny summary for a sitcom?  I really don't think so. It's just not funny at all.

    I disagree. The dog was the best part. I could do without his mouth being animated, though. 

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  5. I wasn't too sure about this, but actually mostly enjoyed it. Couldn't stand the cliched boss. Loved the parts with the dog and got a little teary at the shelter scene. [My cat picked me when he was a kitten at the shelter. sniff sniff]. I didn't like the "working nights and weekends" business at the end. I'll be watching the second episode, with my cat. 

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  6. 7 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

    But they were not her family. They were actors. Perhaps if it had been her real parents she would have been more animated. It is pretty difficult to direct a small child. They do what they do!

    I've seen "acting" babies and toddlers smile. I think a mom or someone might be off-camera. My Aged Parent also mentioned it when she called the other night. She was wondering why she was so inexpressive and just solemn-looking. 

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  7. 11 hours ago, Calvada said:

    I thought it was good acting by the child!  Turned over to strangers to be poked and prodded - I wouldn't have been smiling much either.  Of course, if it had been really true to life, she probably would have kicked up a fuss about being taken from her parents.

    But she didn't smile when she saw her family again either. I wouldn't say "dead eyes" but she did just have one expression. Kind of serious and glum. 

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  8. 9 hours ago, BoogieBurns said:

    It wrapped up quickly, they had to leave a couple hanging threads in case of a renewal. Like Winston's wedding, and his potential relationship with his dad even though Furguson isn't ready to have a relationship with him yet. Plus, we can see the Nick/Jess thing work this time. I get what you mean, if it wasn't renewed, it would have been fine; but nothing will have to be left for us to fill in the blanks this time. 

    Yeah, I have enough imagination to fill in the blanks. I just really, really hated what they did w/Nick and Jess the first time around. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, BoogieBurns said:

    This is great to hear. They can go out on their terms and really wrap everything up. Plus, this means we get to see Winston's wedding!

    I felt like everything DID wrap up. I'll be watching though. Hope they don't fuck it up. 

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