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Posts posted by AnnieBeez

  1. 11 hours ago, Sdh1545 said:

    I loved this episode, but you know what's bugging me? This is 2017, what adult calls a good friend at the landline of where they're visiting, rather then just on their own cell? one, but I know we needed that conversation for the plot. Okay, I just realized, he was probably doing it because he desperatly needed to reach her and she was out...but surprised he's even have it. 

    Nick's been calling Jess on her cell. She's not answering. So, that wasn't a problem for me. The problem I had was the drink can crushing. Those mo-fos are worth a nickel each uncrushed. [I live in Portland]

    Also, Winstons wouldn't have had a problem talking to and about each other. I've name-shared. It was other people who had a problem. 

    eta: Also glad to see Reagan go. I find myself so fascinated by her shiny, shiny face that I lose track of what's going on. Last week (?) she looked like she had acne scarring under it. So that led me off on a tangent, thinking there's no way she'd have acne scarring so what was it. 

  2. 14 hours ago, theatremouse said:

    Yeah, I also thought of that explanation, that he'd seen it since and was upset there wasn't more, but something about the way he phrased it was very....this is what the writer thinks because I think he used the phrase "when Firefly was cancelled", implying being there at the time, not "that Firefly was cancelled" or something else. It's minor but it still bugs me.

    I got ya. It's a lie I chose to tell myself. ;)

  3. 2 hours ago, theatremouse said:

    Do we know what year the show is supposed to take place? I know they sort of have wiggle room since the kids don't age and it's been on for years. While I too was bummed about the cancellation of Firefly, it didn't make sense to me that a kid Henry's age would be upset about it and phrase it the way he did. Unless the show takes place in 2010, he's way too young to even remember that happening, and if it were 2010 he'd still have been awfully young when the show was cancelled.

    I thought about that too, but then decided he'd seen it online and was sorry there weren't more seasons. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Kaboom 2.0 said:

    The poor Sixers. I was surprised to see that NBA commissioner Adam Silver actually guested as himself.

    I liked this ep so much more just because of this whole recent every child gets a ribbon/trophy/medal just for being there/don't want to hurt their feelings phenomenon. I still don't understand it and I still don't like it. Of course Marge and the other parents would fall for it. I actually LOL'd when Homer announced he was following the GUT method, hee!

    Thanks for the ear worm, Simpsons. You're the best around, nothing's ever gonna keep you down...

    I thought the "everyone gets a trophy" was really dated. My son's 30 years old, and they were doing it back when he was a 5 year old soccer player. 

  5. 8 hours ago, luna1122 said:

    I think Nick is super cute, so I personally have no problem believing women fall for him, even Megan Fox. I mean, sure, he's kind of dense, but nobody on this show is a rocket scientist.

    Is Jess on a school break or something? How can she just take off from being principal on a whim?

    Seriously. Isn't/wasn't she with Brian Austin Green IRL? It happens. 

    Also, YES! Nothing was thrown in like only on the weekend, going to use my spring break. I was a teacher. It's easier for principals to sneak home like she did that one episode, but to go for days?

    • Love 1
  6. 14 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Jess avoids her feelings for Nick by taking care of her dad in Portland. While attending a work party with Reagan, Nick panics that they really don't know each other. Meanwhile, Aly prepares to meet Winston's mom for the first time, as Winston admits he hasn't told her they are cops.

    Is Jess on Spring Break? How is new Principal Jess taking time off? 

    • Love 2
  7. 11 hours ago, feverfew said:

    TVLINE: New Girl Is Probably 'Done' After Season 6, Says Jake Johnson

    I'm sad to hear that - I think creatively they found their footing again this season. However, it does feel like we're winding down: CeCe and Smith married and about to move away from the loft, Winston proposing to Aly, Jess and Nick slowly inching towards reconcilliation - and if the season finale provides closure, I'm actually okay with it.

    Hmm. I'd assumed it had already been decided. It does seem like everything's being wrapped up. I'm good with it ending. 

    • Love 2
  8. 13 hours ago, mom2two said:

    mostly lurker, but if you watch the honeymoon episode, when they landed and went to their hotel, Jinger was wearing leggings with an oversized shirt dress. 

    That's what she left the hotel room in. Looked comfortable for that long, long flight. 

    • Love 2
  9. 13 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    So true. I have never once felt in real life the way I felt watching Jinger pack up that hotel room. Because I have never thought of anyone else's activities on their wedding night. I can't imagine how Jinger felt with this camera crew she has known for years knowing that her virginity was erased that evening, in that bed(s).

    I think that it was several days after the wedding if that makes you feel any better. I'd have to go back and watch to find out how many, but I'm pretty sure they didn't leave for Australia the day after the wedding.

    • Love 3
  10. 10 hours ago, iwasish said:

    She wants us to think she is just looking for a nice guy, 2 kids and the white picket fence.  Truth is she's almost as big a fame whore as Kim. Kim's trying to sell the same crap as well, so happy staying home with the kiddies and "coexisting" with her husband.  No way is she starving herself down to 115 lbs if she isn't planning to "break the internet" when she returns to full fledged public life.

    Khloe's out there saying that she loves Cleveland... it's so cozy and comfortable and laid back.  I give that another couple months till she catches him cheating.  

    The bolded reminds me of the 30Rock episode. Liz was hot in Cleveland. 

  11. 48 minutes ago, Cranberry said:

    Why would he dump his cat when he gets married? Pets should be a lifelong commitment... plus Aly likes the cat.

    Totally agree. That doesn't even make sense. I think Aly even mentioned the cat in the prank episode. Also, his name is FURguson. 

    eta: Are we going to end with just Jess and Nick in the apartment? Aly has her own. Has there been a mention regarding where Aly and Winston and Furguson! will live after they're married?

    • Love 4
  12. 2 hours ago, Former Nun said:

    My "kids" are 48 and 50.  Boys.   I always told them they could call me anytime from anywhere...for any reason--I would wake up immediately and I would not be upset.  I also told them that if they were in an uncomfortable situation to blame ME if needed.   "My mom would kill me."  "My mom always finds out."   Their dad wasn't in the picture much from the time they were 9 and 11.  I also added, "NEVER call me from jail.  I've done more than my part, so that's something your father can handle."   Their dad died last year.  My younger son just drove to Mexico on Monday.  I said, "Who do you contact if you're in a Mexican jail?"   He had the answer immediately but not confidently, "Dad?"   YEA!!!    (They never got in trouble...whew! Or maybe never got caught!)

    These are my thoughts, too. Parent should be teaching kid to say no on his own. AND I used the the "my mom would kill me" line myself and I'm 54. My son also used a variation of that. We're not talking in imminent danger from a bad guy and you need a secret code. Kids need to learn to say "no thanks."

    • Love 5
  13. 2 hours ago, Portia said:

    Did Jeremy really say "fart"? I gusss I missed it, and I'm shocked. I guarantee that kind of talk doesn't fly with his in-laws. In my experience, nice Southern church kids aren't allowed to say anything cruder than "poot."

    I'm Southern, but not a church kid, and 54. I'm still not allowed to say that F word.

    I was surprised by Jeremy saying it too.

    Poor Joy looks and acts about 14 years old. She is way too young to enter into a courtship, especially when she can't even hold hands.

    • Love 2
  14. 16 hours ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

    During the shower, how about Michelle's saying she didn't know her own kids' birthdays, much less Jeremy's? It was not said with sarcasm. Even if it was, DO NOT SAY THAT! 

    I heard it as "joking, not joking." She said it with a laugh, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were true. 

    • Love 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Mya said:

    I wonder if the Duggar boys don't want to get strapped down with a bunch of kids of their own.

    They'd have to find a woman they both want to be with AND who will agree to be filmed. I know I wouldn't. 

    • Love 2
  16. I'm curious why we weren't introduced to the bridesmaids. They just get mentioned in a group as "my bridesmaids." It would've been nice to hear less from Jessa and something, anything from them. 

    • Love 7
  17. Why couldn't the roses have been shipped to where they were needed? I can understand going to Cindy's for the other stuff that was on her property, but the whole roses thing was ridiculous. Beautiful roses, though.

    ALSO I know it was discussed after the first wedding episode, but it's astounding to me how close Jinger and her mother are not. Jinger seems to have zero feelings for her. Not even disdain. It was really noticeable when they were walking into the airport, as well as at the wedding, pinning party, etc. For all of JimBoob's faults, he does seem to love his children. I could see closeness there. 

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