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Posts posted by AnnieBeez

  1. 19 hours ago, becca3891 said:


    [Sorry, can't seem to get rid of quote box.]

    One more note on the show. I DO like that Jeremy calls her a woman and not a girl. That's one my pet peeviests. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, becca3891 said:

    To be fair, I think it did need explanation because after years of claiming they could do anything in skirts, there they were in board shorts. This is not something Boob and Mechelle allow for the underage girls but now that Jinger is courting/engaged I think they decided to allow her to make that decision as her soon to be headship approves. So, it wasn't more of their same modesty talk; this is new. The new generation is slowly but surely abandoning Gothard.

    Agreed! This is why I say it made sense that they felt the need to justify it. 

    This, this, this! As long as we're speaking frankly, aren't we going to acknowledge that even women with a healthy sex drive and attitude toward sex are unlikely to ever reach orgasm through intercourse? It's not how we're built, unfortunately. I guess it all depends on how much Babe knows how to use other body parts and whether he's willing, or considers that an abomination. To be fair to Boob and Mechelle, they do advocate that Intended for Pleasure book, which recommends that husbands massage the clitoris.

    What?! This is the first time I'm hearing about it. I'm glad no one told me that when I was young.

    Jeremy grew on me this episode. I like him saying that the bread was the right amount of stale. And his grandmother was a cutie. It's very interesting how much Michelle is in the background now. I wonder how she feels about that.

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  3. 5 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

    No that isn't it.  It was the same theory but more the $40 range.  It was a store called something like Structures (but not that).  It was all tshirt type material and a shirt could be tied a million ways and that was their schtik.  It all looked good in the store and once out of the store good luck doing those crazy twists etc to make it into a new garment.  We had one in our mall for a short time.  It will come to me eventually.  But its driving me nuts!!!

    I think I remember what you're talking about. It's ONE piece of clothing that can be worn all sorts of ways. It can be a skirt, it can be a halter dress, it can be...a bunch of different things. Right? Now I need to google. 


    Sort of like this: https://www.inoneclothing.com/how-to-style-the-multiway-dress

  4. SEW SUMI SAID: We don't know what Hispanic derivation Mark is from. Or how much Hispanic blood he actually has. My sisters are half Mexican. Two look as pale and white as I (and I'm actually half Portuguese and Italian). Only one sister looked remotely Hispanic OR Italian. And she was the one with the Cindy Lou Who nose. LOL @ genetics


    It is my calling in life to go around and say hispanic is not a race. Hispanics come in all skin tones, eye color, hair color.  


    As for the show...I haven't watched yet, but it sounds better than the few I've seen this season. Can't wait to see the non-Italian Italian grandmother. I had an Italian grandmother who couldn't cook! 

    • Love 7
  5. On 10/10/2016 at 5:15 PM, millennium said:

    I ran across this while researching something unrelated to Jenner.   It's a behind-the-scenes look at I AM CAIT and its titular star by Dr. Lillian Glass, the body language specialist who was hired by the show to teach Jenner to comport in a more feminine manner.   Dr. Glass' segment ultimately wound up on the cutting room floor, presumably because it cast Jenner in an unflattering light.

    It's a stark contrast to the many puff pieces we read while the show was active.   Speaking of contrasts, Dr. Glass' observations on Jenner as compared to other transgender clients she has worked with are quite interesting and tend to validate widespread suspicions about the degree of Jenner's commitment to being a woman. 

    Caitlyn Jenner’s Canceled Show May Be a Blessing In Disguise

    I was put off by the author's blatant sour grapes at not being hired to help Caitlyn. She did make a good point about Caitlyn seeming more into playing dress-up than wanting to be a woman. I think that's been stated many times here and for quite a while. 


    eta: didn't see toolazy's post! Yep, sour grapes. 

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  6. Not to defend a Brown, but from the little bit I read when I checked out the Strive link it seems that it's about offering support. I can see where someone going through the same struggle could help with that. But doesn't Weight Watchers or TOPS do that? I'd think there are even weight loss support Facebook groups. 

    • Love 2
  7. I groaned when I saw Joan in that tie. I can't take another season of her ties. Also, the exposition really annoyed me. Telling the guy when he was arrested, BAC, etc. That was just some lazy writing. That said, I'll keep watching--just a few days after airing. This isn't must-see for me any longer. 

    • Love 2
  8. Requirements for substitute teaching really vary by state. Here in Oregon you need a teacher's license and are paid decently. Really, unless it's a long term sub position, a sub is basically a babysitter. A warm body with an even temperament is all that's needed. An ability to follow written instructions is helpful--as I learned when I came back from a sick day for find a giant stack of dittos on my desk. Where the hell did they come from?! 

    • Love 11
  9. 13 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    Way cool that Izzy has access to books. Way cool that it's Dr Seuss. Not so cool that he is tucked into the recesses of a cold and dark corner.

    I have a strange feeling Izzy wasn't "found" neatly tucked into a desk.

    Oh, I can see the little guy sitting at a tiny desk because he'd seen other kids sitting there. I feel bad for THOSE kids. I was so heartened to see some Seuss. I think that's his dad or grandma Cathy. 

    • Love 5
  10. 7 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

    I see your point of view, but there is no reason why Jessa cannot look at career options or have some education/training on her own. She is supposedly an adult now. Time to stop blaming mommy and daddy and TLC for her shortcomings. She is a major famewhore, and she thinks she is a special snowflake who wants her five minutes of fame without actually working for it.

    Why would she, though? She's got a good thing going. I also take issue with the "rent free." These kids are the reason that they $$$ has been flowing in from TLC. They've EARNED their housing.  

    • Love 9
  11. 1 hour ago, radishcake said:

    Mr. Burns hires the Simpsons to play his live-in virtual reality family, but excludes Homer so that he may play dad. Now alone, Homer finds a new best friend in girl-next-door Julia, who eats, drinks and thinks like him.

    Bob's Burgers did it! Is it possible that "Simpsons did it" already? I don't recall. 

  12. 15 hours ago, Fig Newton said:

    This is hysterical !!!! "Ben was eating Jinger's TACO!". This got my morning going........

    What's next. They drive off in a pink Cadillac? Or take a ride with the "little man in the boat".

    Oh, Duggars.............................you slay me.  

    I'm a 54 year old heathen and I've never heard the double-entendre meaning of any of those. I can figure out "taco" but the rest have gone right over my head. Then again my mother raised me to be a "lady." I guess I missed out on a lot. ;)

    • Love 5
  13. When I taught kindergarten, one of our classroom rules was "We are responsible for what we say and do." I wouldn't listen to "but so-and-so did blah blah" from five year-olds. So it's infuriating to me when adult's get away with it-- Bitsy's "what about Obama?" and Trump supporters. Answer the damn question. Own your actions. jfc. 


    Rule 1 was: Be kind.  They could use that one, too. 

    • Love 10
  14. On 9/28/2016 at 9:42 AM, Traveller519 said:

    The political angle of this episode made me angry. Thankfully it was saved by good work from the supporting stars, again. I was on board with having Jess and Cece trying to register voters, I was on board with them playing into the sorority's antics and having to overcome the inherent apathy of it's members. I got really cheesed when the sorority members where then exposed to be group thinking imbeciles, and event more ticked off when Jess, after spending a whole episode decreeing the importance of democracy, decided they weren't worth signing up to vote.

    Schmidt's writing was great, from his political extolling, to the OCD tie in, to just his great support for Cece. Cece continues to be incredibly awesome in her conviction and capability. And Nick and Winston were great doing Nick and Winston things.

    I've been a Zooey fan for a long time, but Jess is really wearing me down since her return.

    Re: the bolded. She (they?) did yell that the women could register online as they ran away. I think an "aw, shit" reaction is very realistic. 

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