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Posts posted by AnnieBeez

  1. 15 minutes ago, Vinyasa said:

    She would have made points with me if she did adopt a dog but she posted this on Twitter

    "Sunny Hostin ‏@sunny 4h4 hours ago

    I'm not sure I'm ready to adopt a dog again. But soon."

    I can understand. I lost my 13 year old Airedale in February. I'm not quite ready yet. 

    • Love 5
  2. 31 minutes ago, lulu69 said:

    IS that really Jer in the supermarket photo? He looks to be at least 35yrs old.  Maybe it's Bin's stupid backward hat but Jer looks like he could be Bin's father.

    I love how he's looking at Ben like he's an idiot. 

    • Love 10
  3. 2 hours ago, Micks Picks said:

    I also find it outrageous  she calls herself an amazing mom.  It also bothers me that kids are begging food from someone already eating.  In my book, you don't do that.  Stay the hell away from my food and I'll stay away from yours.

    She should just growl--since it looks like she's eating out of a dog dish.  

    And agreed! Amazing, even good, moms teach their children manners. 

    • Love 9
  4. On May 18, 2016 at 10:03 PM, AZChristian said:

    Matt would never have given up the farm voluntarily, and Amy would never have let him have it unless he bought her out.  And she probably demanded a ridiculously high price that he couldn't pay . . . just so she could keep annoying him, even after the divorce.  Making him miserable is what she's good at.

    Mileage certainly varies. Matt's such a narcissistic asshole that I had to stop watching. He was a manipulative jerk who enjoyed playing victim. Why YES, I HAVE known someone like that. 

    • Love 10
  5. On May 17, 2016 at 6:50 PM, DrSpaceman73 said:

    I doubt Mike has TB.  TB is respiratory spread from person to person.  Unless some other person has it , its unlikely he would get it.  People who get TB tend to be immune compromised, very young or old, live in crowds or are smokers. 

    There are other things than can cause you to cough up blood but it seems the most common cause in this show is the virus. 

    I wish Mike didn't die, Phil and Mike together are funny.  And he makes Phil more tolerable. 

    I assumed the sailboat buy was the same one that was with Mike before.  How he got from Miami to Malibu I have no idea.  And don't know who those people are with him. 

    Maybe he is going to shoot the two guys he has with him, not the Malibu crew.  he's a nut, hard telling what he is doing. 

    I want to say by the Panama Canal, but how did they work the locks?

  6. 31 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    She tweeted that she was upset that she couldn't become a teacher without having to go through student teaching.  Changed her major to Human Services.

    That's just odd. I'm not a fan of public speaking and didn't like being watched, but I quickly got over it. It's a good thing that I did, as teachers are observed all the time. I wonder what her reasoning is. 

    • Love 1
  7. 22 hours ago, futurechemist said:

    There didn't seem to be much of a point to the live portion.  First, nothing they said showed it was live - Drake hosted SNL!  Toronto played Texas at baseball!  Second, why all the random distracting animation?  If it was to distract us from what Homer was saying, then that defeats the whole point.  But if we were meant to focus solely on the dialogue, why animate it?

    Honestly, if you're looking for a better example of in-character improv, watch the Inside the Actor Studio episode featuring all 6 main players.

    ETA Though I do think Homer's answer about liking Colonel Bernie Sanders' chicken was very funny.

    Rangers won by TKO (or something to that effect) referenced the brawl.

    • Love 1
  8. 3 hours ago, NewDigs said:


    "Benji writes; "God hates pride. God is a jealous God; He is jealous for His own glory. He will be praised, honored, and glorified as God. He alone is worthy of this; we are not. Pride steals what rightfully belongs to God and attempts to give it to someone or something that is utterly unworthy of it.”

    I guess it's all hellfire and brimstone chez Spurge.

    Sorry to duplicate. Didn't see page jump. 

    I've never understood why God's so insecure. 

    • Love 13

    My OCD, once Joan said the amount was $250,000, was all "hey, if you say it's a 5 Zero figure, make sure there are 5 zeros, not just 4. It's not that hard to do - make it $200,000 or $300,000!" It's a curse. LOL.


    I had the same problem. Glad to find someone with the same issue. 

    • Love 4
  10. That isn't necessarily true. MS in its early stages can be hard to detect, but early symptoms are not always severe. I have known people who have had an episode while I was with them and never knew until they told me.


    Also, he's only dating her, not living with her 24/7. She is no doubt on medication. It is not always as noticeable as you'd think. 


    Okay. Perhaps I should say unusual symptoms. This is a touchy subject with me--as someone who does NOT have MS but who has a neuromuscular disease. I'm going to let it go. I'll just say it did not ring true for me.

    • Love 1
  11.   I respectfully disagree. For one thing, I never said that McCartney should automatically be allowed anywhere. As for it supposedly not being Tyga's idea to kick him out, the way I see it, if it's his party, then it's his responsibility. My point is that it's about respect. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who has done as much for music as Sir Paul has for over 50 years and still manages to be relevant today as Sir Paul is deserves all the props they get.


    I feel I'm venturing into troll territory now, but I still don't get how being a "legend" means you can pop into any party you want. I'm thinking this is why "YMMV" was coined. I'm glad that McCartney was a good sport about it. I think there'd be quite a few celebs who would throw a "do-you-know-who-I-am" tantrum. 

    • Love 2
  12.  Tyga's getting evicted again after his refusal to let Sir Paul McCartney in his Grammy party is karmic justice at its best. Only Taylor Swift's & Stephen Colbert's putting Kanye on blast for his latest rants was better. At least Sir Paul can pay his own bills. 

    Really?! Why should Sir Paul be granted automatic entry to any party? Also, I've read that it wasn't Tyga's doing. Can't stand McCartney or Tyga, but all the butt-hurtedness over the party on his behalf is just too much.

    • Love 3
  13. Don't forget not only was she big enough to win that award, but she beat Queen Bey who Kanye thought was more deserving. So Taylor was definitely pretty well known at the time. If anything Kanyes stunt brought her a ton of sympathy at the time.

    I'd never heard of her. I'm sure it piqued a lot of interest with people who only heard of her because of the incident. Some probably discovered they like her and others, like me, did not. 


    Plus the "I'mma let you finish..." meme was gold.

    • Love 2
  14. I snickered when Michael George was crying like an asshole and thought, you better dry those tears before you head into prison, jerkwad. Damn, buck up! Also, the wheelchair sympathy ploy used during the second trial - bullshit, I say.


    Whenever a jury convicts on strictly circumstantial evidence, I always wonder why that bitch Casey Anthony didn't get the axe. That decision still burns my ass.

    Thank you! I watched a circumstantial evidence conviction one tonight (missionary guy) and kept thinking the same thing. I'd say they had even LESS on him. 

    • Love 1
  15. What is sad is that I really wish there were more schools like this in the U.S.  Not religious colleges, but affordable schools that offer 2 year vocational programs.  Crown College would be a great school for the Appalachian region if it dropped the super religious stuff and stuck to affordable programs that prepare a student for a skilled trade.  



    Community colleges do that. At least they do in the places I've lived. 

    • Love 4
  16. How much longer do we have to put up with Morland? His face looks too much like Herman Munster to me (especially the mouth), and it takes me out of the story. I'm a big PBS Sherlock fan. Elementary was recommended to me a few weeks ago. I'm finally caught up so this was the first episode I watched while it was airing. I'm glad to find something new to watch. 

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