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Posts posted by AnnieBeez

  1. 21 hours ago, CofCinci said:

    This is the only series I watch on Fox and it's only one the rare series that I'll watch live or in less than 24 hours after airing.  I hope Fox keeps it. 

    I watch, but don't know quite why. I guess because I don't have many shows left to watch, and I do like some of the characters. I really can't stand OTT Tandy. And why can't he go back to Phil? I'm torn about it continuing. 

  2. On 4/30/2017 at 5:37 PM, AnnaRose said:

    Okay, this is probably kind of dumb... but I remember who Scully is because, especially with his haircut, he kind of has a square head... so I can easily know he's SKULLy.   It works for me, anyway.

    I use Monsters, Inc. as a guide. Sully is the tall one. ;)  

    Re: show  I thought the crying behind the binoculars was sweet and funny. Mike Schur knows where that line is. I wish he'd find a line for Gina, though. She's too much. 

    • Love 2
  3. I'm still not seeing Dot as a villain. We don't know that there were strings, do we? Do we have any reason to believe that Dot and husband wouldn't help her? My impression from what she said at the beginning with Tom was that she was too proud to ask for help. 

    • Love 7
  4. I'm having an issue with the whole Pat romance storyline. Realistically, what does he see in her? She's frumpy, dumpy and has no sparkle of personality that would attract a man. She should be an invisible middle-aged woman. Not buying it and losing patience with the predictability of this show. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, TheOtherOne said:

    I wish I enjoyed it as much as everyone else seems to have, but as great as it was to see the characters again, the episode felt off--way too over-the-top and hyperactive, as though all the writers and actors were pounding energy drinks 24/7 during its production. I just checked the writing credits, and wasn't surprised to find this was the writer's first credited script for the show. It felt like it. There was a lot of funny stuff, but most of it felt like the show was dialed up about 200%, to the point where it was really shrill. Charles dousing his kid with wolf pee and getting stuck in the vent wearing the cat suit, and they were just going to leave him there for several days...  Sigh. Holt chiming in that Amy should have kept it in her pants? Yeah...not seeing it. Way too out of character.

    And yet another enemy who's out to destroy them? Double sigh.

    I rewatched the first half of the season multiple times over the hiatus, but this one just made me cringe. A lot.

    I didn't enjoy it. It did feel off. I was bored and fast-forwarded through most of the Teddy stuff. 

  6. 2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    I agree that Amy didn't think she looked like Julia in Pretty Woman. I also don't think she thought she was looking tacky either. I think some of the snark may be about Amy's judgement on what is a great outfit to copy or borrow from and where is an appropriate place to wear it.

    Also if you wore your Gryffindor badge and used your wand while delivering my baby I would think it was awesome! But I'm guessing a few delivering moms might think otherwise.

    Where else BUT Vegas could she wear that outfit? She was having fun. I can snark on a lot of things, but this doesn't bug me a bit. 

    • Love 8
  7. 3 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    Look at the list of losers she's dated, and the one she married. Like all the women in the family, she can't pick a strong, sensible guy. They all go for weak, passive, insecure damaged goods.  

    I think it's quite likely that a strong, sensible guy has no interest in them. 

    • Love 18
  8. 8 hours ago, cinsays said:

    When I was in school, I had a neighborhood friend who was 2 years ahead of me when I first met her but she kept getting held back and I was eventually 2 years ahead of her and at that point she dropped out.   So, it is hard to buy someone being 17 in 8th grade, but I am not sure it is impossible.  I may be one of the few that really like Whoopi but I think she's done well and means well.  Now Jeddi..........that's a different matter.

    That's what I'm wondering, too. Back in the day, people did get held back. I knew a girl (woman!) who was turning 21 when I was in high school--late 70s. I don't know about 17 in 8th grade, though. 

    • Love 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Stephanie1216 said:

    This is just a pet peeve of mine a long lasting stupid lesson that the Kardashians have taught women over the years. PLEASE look at an anatomy diagram. Your Vagina is inside of your body. It's where a tampon is inserted, it's where a penis is inserted during intercourse. You can't  "SHOW" your vagina to anyone. A doctor can use a speculum and look into your vagina, vulva and cervix. But you can't flash your vagina.

    You can flash your pussy, your Labia Major, Labia minor (waxed or none waxed your beav I suppose would be non-waxed. That can be shown, flashed, mistaken for a camel toe etc. your vag is where a penis, tampon etc inter/exit and a baby exits thru a vagina but they all have in common then pass through the Labia aka camel toe one way or the other. 

    That also has the clitoris in those folds and other many pleasurable nerve ending hence the reasons women like foreplay before a man just enters straight for the vag and G spot. 

    I always called the clit orgasm the virgin orgasm for obvious reasons, it doesnt take penetration or thrusting etc for s clitoris orgasm (which are awesome) just good foreplay or oral sex. That's why women can have multiple orgasm and why women need good lovers who know these things or have been with a woman who knows her body well enough to teach a man how to be a good sex partner.

    Back to the K girls who always want to talk about sex, For the women who are suppose to be some of the sexiest women on earth, sex icons, sexy pin ups they certainly don't seem to understand their own bodies.

    I know Vagina is a funny word, but I really believe if they knew their bodies that well they would not call their labia major/minor clitoris areas vaginas.

    It is physically impossible to wax your vagina. You wax your Labia aka the street name "lips". With all their viewers they are  actually making women dumber. Do women go into the salon and say "I want to wax my vagina"? If so, they are watching the K's. The polite way would be "bikini wax"

    just my pet peeve of the millions of young women who have no idea about their lady parts. 

    Also, that Vagina rejuvenatation stuff? (Seen on Christlike Knows best and some of the housewives) when they insert some laser dildo and zap the vagina) this is BS. 

    I think they mean labiaplasty which, by the way, I am all for. When you see a baby girl  and I mean innocently like when you change a diaper all the girls look the same. I had NO IDEA that it changed for women around puberty. It has nothing to do with giving birth.  

    Look at the before and after photos. Plastic surgeons have those photos all over the internet and after seeing some of those photos, women really and truly need that shit fixed up. And in the little captions it doesn't matter if you have had kids or not, some of them are very young women with no kids. Apparently it's like a penis, they come in all shapes sizes and colors. 

    If my "minor" was hanging lower than my "major", i would mortgage my house to get that shit fixed. It's shocking and apparently happens during puberty.  That laser Vag reg is a joke, look into LABIAPLASTY ladies.

    Khloe I know that you "graduated with honors" from high school (yes she said that) but your homeschool honors class taught you nothing about female anatomy. Great job Kris. Kim, whatever. But Kourtney, you are college educated you should know better. And Kendall and Kylie I feel sorry for you becaus you must have terrible sex lives with terrible lovers. If Jack- Rabbit sex is all you have I feel sorry for you.

    Fucking Oprah started it, I think. With all her va-jay-jay nonsense. It's also a peeve of mine. I just corrected my daughter-in-law the other day. One person at a time...

    • Love 3
  10. I'd buy the no time to do extras for their neighbors if we'd ever seen anyone ever go without care because of it. I hope Sr Ursula goes away soon. She's bringing the show down for me and for my Aged Parent who has called to discuss wanting her gone her twice now.

    • Love 6
  11. 5 hours ago, Haleth said:

    I turned it off when abc broke in too. You mean I missed learning how to make a grilled cheese sandwich?

    Ditto on the comments about Susan Sarandon, who has lost my respect, and Jackie Evancho, who is just a dumb kid. 

    A dumb, greedy kid.

    • Love 1
  12. 17 hours ago, Galloway Cave said:

    Then why should people have to pay to mutually support her in her journey? She could just blog about what she is doing, end of story. Instead, she is also trying to make a buck off of people by having them invest with her "team", who don't appear to be doing anything successful with her. It's all so scammy-feeling.

    I don't disagree. There are plenty of free resources. I don't know why anyone would pay to join her. She COULD have a blog and just make money off of ads or something. IF she felt the need to monetize, which she obviously does. 

    • Love 1
  13. On 4/3/2017 at 2:34 PM, lightbeam said:

    Thank you! I appreciate the tutorial so much. Hopefully it will help someone else!  Unfortunately, however, I made a bad decision to buy a mac and still don't know how to use it lol. 

    Buying a Mac is never a bad decision. Open photo in Preview. I usually drag it onto desktop, click it open where it opens in Preview, click on Tools and then Adjust Size. 

    On Kim topic, she looks awful. Not just the outfit. What's going on with her face? 

    • Love 3
  14. 4 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    So much this. It's like a brand new white belt trying to drag you along on their journey in martial arts. 

    I actually thought that's precisely what it is. Going along on her journey with her. Don't know why I'd want to, but I thought that was the idea. Mutual support or something. To be honest though, I looked at the site once. 

    • Love 1
  15. 51 minutes ago, awaken said:

    1) ugh. Hate that jing and jer broke the six month deal and are ALREADY vacationing with the duggs so soon after the honeymoon. 

    2) chili seems awfully foreign and wild!  Surprised they'd have enthusiasm for any kind of "ethnic" food. Or maybe it's ok bc it's from Cincinnati. 

    My understanding was that they'd have no houseguests for 6 months, not that they wouldn't see them. 

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