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Everything posted by beetlesoda
lol If this wasn't Disney channel Riley wouldn't be so nice about her so called best friend liking the guy she likes........
This is a fiction, fan pandering 101. I always said it and I will stand by it. The boy doesn't even like Maya, why are we forcing this? He clearly likes Riley if this is leading to some secret feelings for Maya that all of a sudden show up when they share a moment it will be chapter two of a Lucas and Maya fanfiction. I don't buy it, there are ways so many ways to go about this and Riley sacrificing her feelings when she clearly doesn't think of Lucas as a brother just so once again Maya can have what she wants is not the way to do it. And a stupid triangle is not the way to do it either, end Riley and Lucas give it some time let them get over it and give the louder fans Maya and Lucas and we can move on from this ship thing that has turned into people pitting the girls against each other and Lucas has to choose because we're all watching GMW to see who Lucas chooses! As you can tell, I hate this storyline
Regarding why people aren't talking much about episodes, I personally already saw the episodes weeks ago the excitement is out of my system already lol. I was dieing to talk to people back then lol but notice how Karma wanted to go to prom with no one else but Amy! I do hope MTV sees that the leaks do kinda effect viewings and won't take it too hard on the show because it's been fantastic lately
Be still my karmy heart! But man Karma stop it, its too much admit it already. the soulmate quote, the dancing, the sad look when Amy left come on Karma! I do give her props for being hesitant not wanting to put Amy through that again and both of them thought Amy was over it This is exactly the type of episodes I love, karmy with a dash of everyone else being awesome. Faking it is on the role, two great episodes in a row! Really enjoyed it and I want the parents around more. I love Lauren's dad so much, he tries he really does and Karma's mom is always awesome. Farrah is trying too ha, there should be an episodes where the parents have to spend a day in detention so i can see how they would interact. Best quote of the night goes to queen Lauren, "What the fuck are you doing?"
OK there's a released photo going around and it shows Karma in the finale wide awake when Shane and Amy were talking about what the kiss could possibly mean. If I was only 90% sure Karma has feelings for Amy before I am now 95% sure I just don't understand why Karma is acting like she don't remember it when talking with Liam unless the writers went a different direction last minute
I agree. I never understood that but I just think its personal preference you like Riley or you don't. I just think the kid is thirteen years old, but when has she not stopped when her friends are on need? Sure it takes her a while to realize things but she eventually does. And this whole Riley needs to grow up thing is ridiculous as well why? Let the kid be a kid she doesn't have any responsibilities I think kids grow up too fast these days, she's gonna be forced to grow up soon and until that happened let her enjoy life.
Great episode! I thought this was the turning point of the season. I don't mind Felix at all, he's not too bad. I want him with Lauren since I'm kinda over Theo, he can stay. Best part of the episode for me was the truth bomb Liam brought up, Karma would never consider a check to stay away from Amy no matter the price (we're slowly inching away from kiam and towards karmy). But Liam should've gave Karma a little something, the girl does live in a juice truck and I did have a bit of a problem with Amy bringing up the check. Can't believe it took this long for Shane to understand outing people is bad. One of my favorite episodes of the show, really enjoyed it. Can't freaking wait for next week!
Hakeem on the hover board had me dying, what a great scene. Welcome back show I didn't realize how much I missed you!
The ratings keep falling, it keeps hitting series low these past two weeks, awkward ain't doing so well either. I hope MTV lets season 3 happen and blames the ratings on the leaks because its being spread all over. BTW who dropped the ball on leaking the whole season, terrible. And who's smart decision was it to move it to Monday
Finally some Karma and Amy and some bad acting for a college video, loved it lol! Baby karmy was cute too. Episode was decent, kinda rushed as usual. I'm not really sad to see Reagan go, I never thought she was a good match for her. Amy needs someone a bit...calmer? Who supports her education plans and not try to get her out of it. Lauren is still my queen, and I have no idea why shows are so into the older authority figure and the teenage girl. And also cops that are 20 years old. Just wanted to add the last scene where Karma was talking about how both girls will be and the same place one day and it will finally be right, while the show wants you to think she was referring to Reagan and Amy it was definitely foreshadowing for Karma and Amy.
I didn't like how Amy brought that check up tbh I know they were revealing secrets but I don't thought that was too much since she found it digging in karmas purse. And yes I was wondering why Liam just didnt compromise with her especially when he heard her situation, understand where she's coming from I mean the girl still lives in a juice truck. Karma had the joke to the season for me when she referred to Amy as Reagan while they were trying out prom dresses that made me laugh I liked Lauren tommy Theo too surprisingly, Tommy was kinda winning me over a bit cuz Theo seemed to stuck in the basement all the time
I must say though one of the things the later episodes of the this do was make me care more about this show as a whole. Its no longer just the girls I was actually intrested in Liam's storyline for once. I loved all the little storylines here and there I loved seeing the parents and wouldn't mind more of them. And of course seeing oliver and his recreation of Amy as Jaime was fantastic sometimes the show gets the comedy just right lol I didn't mind Felix at all. Fav episodes were faking it again and the breakfast club one favorite scene was the scene Amy went away for the summer and karma tried to stop her
Watched it all, and while I know some will be disappointed I actually enjoyed half of the season. The second part was far more entertaining than the first part, i loved the focus shfting back at karmy and less karma and liam. I thought Katie was great this season. The karmy fan in me a a bit disspointed while there are always little signs here and there that might pin point to what Karma feels for Amy i am very dissapointed this was basically a rehash of season 1 and 2 finale, Amy pouring her heart out and Karma rejecting yet again. I don't know what Carter is doing here, had the final scene where Karma once again denies Amy been shown I would've been on the side that Karma potentially having feelings due to her jealousy of Felix and that kiss. But now I don't even know, tell us once and for all carter I'm getting tired of waiting and give us something else for once. But I must say Rita and Katie knocked it out of the park as usual during their final scene, wow, love those two can bring out the best in eachother
But is the show turning against Reagan or is Reagan the guest star done with her storyline with Amy and is going to be moving on. I don't see how the show is turning against her from what we saw last season things seem pretty in character. And why should Reagan not have something negative like everyone else on this show, everyone else on this show has done said some pretty terrible and crappy things and things why is Reagan the only one the show is turning on? Isn't flaws what makes us like our favorite characters more and I speak as an Alison Dilaurentis fan and not new school Alison bitchy psychopath Alison
Soooo the episodes leaked if anyone is interested. As a karmy fan dissapointed as a viewer I thought the second half surpassed the first in quality n entertainment Lauren remains my queen
Lauren is a better A than anything pretty little liars ever came up with Honestly I don't know why I watch this show sometimes. i'm only here for karmy and for some reason they've been kept apart Sorry Reagan, but I was always with the camp that believed Amy is a teenage girl, younger than Reagan why does she expect so much from her? At the same time yes Amy should tell Reagan she did let her heart out. Still at the same time Amy should be allowed to figure it out, has she even figured it out? all I'm saying if you're gonna date younger don't expect them to be exactly at your level yet but this show sucks for being biphobic! I hate Karma and Liam that is all, as a karmy fan I don't mind Reagan and Amy but ugh I can't stand Karma and Liam together, apart I don't mind at all And tale of two girls here Reagan roofie which shows she does thinks without thinking of the outcome the total opposite for Amy they were not going to last and Karma serving non vegan egg roll haha
I guess I'm easy to please because I kinda enjoyed it. I stopped taking the show seriously the moment Amy slept with Liam and I find if you lower your expectations you tend to enjoy it more. I mean I wanted more Karma and Amy scenes and less Liam but I'm hoping the rest of the season will satisfy. I like this passive aggressive karma lol and i laughed the episode served its purpose. Felix is bland so far And I'm with Karma, that was not at all what I was expecting from Reagan and Amy's camping trip, where did they go camping? But nice to confirm Karma's dream
Sooooo....what's the point this season? To establish once again that Amy will always love Karma but Karma will not love Amy in that way? We had two seasons of that
Wow its almost that time again hu? I feel this show has been off the air for years. Thank you for the clips Cranberry no thank you Carter for another basic white boy in the form of Felix. But in the other hand it could be good to have karma have a friend, there were just so many other options you know?
Wow at Rowan being more aware then I was at the age lol that was amazing
Well I guess I can just be thankful boy meets world didn't have social media, Shawn would've been pushed and would've been explored more than Corey and the inevitable triangle between Topanga, Shawn, and Corey would've dominated the show. I've said a lot of the lucaya topic (because I truly honestly believe it can ruin this show), it's going to be done I was hoping it would transition a bit smoother and not after an episode that dealt with Riley and Lucas geez and before Riley had the chance to discover that her first kiss was with her brother Zay! Great to see him back to bad he was brought back to prop up something and then leave. He dropped the bomb now let's see how the writers deal with it. Hopefully they can have him in more episode to prop himself and not other characters. It is kinda ironic how I feel Riley and Lucas were more natural And my deep condolence to Maya's hard hard life.
You seem personally offended that people might not like Maya if she goes after the guy her bestfriend liked. Just like I seem personally offended by this ridiculous storyline. What other people think of Maya has nothing to do with my post it's their own opinion to think so, althought I will admit I am the one who wanted Riley to dump Maya. Extreame, sure. But if the writers idea is to erase history and tell us to forget Maya helping Riley regarding her feelings for Lucas and pushing them together I will not do that. If you're going to do this don't insult our intelligence by doing so. I am attacking the writers. Bros over hos writers (not calling Maya one btw)
And I did state in my post I could be wrong and things could go differently but with how things are being rewritten....I'm sure nothing is going to happen between Maya and Lucas at all. And I'm not comparing the show to one tree hill as a whole just that there were two bestfriends a blonde and a brunette who happened to both like a blonde named Lucas which ruined their friendship that they had for many years....see the similarty there? don't you think it's kinda ironic? I did. I'm not saying it's gonna end up like that. And slut? That word was never used. ruining a great friendship sure but not a slut. This isn't an attack on Maya's character, this is more an attack on the writers for what they will be doing to Maya's charcter IMO if they go there this way. Erasing and rewritting things to immediatly changing direction is never good writing and they should be called out for it. I like this show enought to call them out on it because it does the charcter of Maya no favors in my opinion. And my biggest qualm again is why did Maya have to have the epiphany and how Riley feels before Riley has that herself. Juding by this episode it looks like it's right, all I wanted was for Riley to come to that conclusion herself and for the writers to come up with a better way to go about this. I just don't see how you can go about this without ruining a great part of the show and I don't understand why it's needed, and if it is needed there were plenty of other not rushed ways to go about it. I'm speaking from the view that the show is going there with Lucas and Maya, I can see it happening and a lot of people see it too, we could be wrong and if we are I'm sure we'll own up to it, so far it's doesn't look like we're wrong but that's could change, things change. When I first started watching this show one of the things I did not want was for the two girls to like the same guy (which I would've forgave if it was like an episode or something with some random dude) and for it to not be a triangle.....I'm disspointed it's happening in the worst way.
The problem is the fact that Maya even knows this before Riley (and the absorbity that all she had to do was pretend to be Riley). Like can Riley come to her own conclusons please? And in my opinion it's not painting Maya in the best of lights, it's kinda skeevy to me and I can't stand the writers for going in this direction. Maya likes Lucas so she all of a sudden is convinced Riley and Lucas are a bro-sis type relationship so she could go after Lucas and not feel bad about it? Ugh disgusting, any other way would've been accepted. I'm just soooo tired of pretty boys named Lucas in triangles with girls in great friendships but if this actually does happen I can't even be mad at Lucas here, Lucas didn't go after Maya. Does Lucas even like Maya? Opinions on chemestry aside he always seemed into Riley to me, and was cool with Maya but I never got the impression he liked her like that. But I'm sure now he'll be playing it up like he never rode a freaking horse with Riley and asked her dad to take her out on a date. I don't ship them but I was ok with it because their relationship was there but it was never really a huge aspect of the show, but now I feel this triangle is gonna take over and ruin what was great about this show as triangles typically do. And it'll also shove Riley into the background for focus on Maya and Lucas. I know I know things could possibly not happen that way but I don't have much trust in these writers after this stunt
If Maya ever goes there with Lucas I hope Riley dumps her as friend. I know that would possibly mean less Riley since this is Maya's show now but I think the writers will ruin the friendship. I'm sorry but the way the story line is being handled just to please a bunch of shippers is really bothering me. Riley doesn't even know how she feels anymore? Maya has to tell her? Maya used to be my fav, but now I feel I must protect Riley at all cost. Poor girl, Maya gets everything, your cool uncle Shawn, more scenes and more of a relationship with your other cool uncle Josh, and now you're boyfriend that Maya is now telling you that you only like as a friend because now she likes him so everything will be rewritten for her I hope the writers surprise me here