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Posts posted by anonymiss

  1. 1 hour ago, Melonie77 said:

    🤣That was indeed a weird time immediately before judging to show the old prom photos! I wonder if that was another mistake made by Tyra? I enjoyed seeing the pictures but there were many far better spots during the show to reveal those photos. IMO Tyra often makes DWTS production look amateurish and clunky.

    It wouldn't surprise me if the awful timing was her decision. They have to give her something as EP and she bragged about having all "this input" except for casting.

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  2. On 10/18/2022 at 7:55 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    Honestly, I have a lot to say about the dances but I gotta get that Dance Marathon out of the way. JJD winning was...something. Yeah, sure, she was moving around, but Alan just kept lifting her up whenever it seemed like she got tired. We saw at LEAST six lifts from her, two of them she almost tumbled OVER Alan. And she wins because...well, it helps she was in the FAR corner throughout the first half, being blocked by everyone else (if the Marathon is to believed as a non-rigging comp) and the second half, all she needed was to keep her feet moving, regardless if it was actual dancing, and have Alan lift her up or her do cartwheels. So I guess the Marathon was not about dance, but about endurance? 

    So, congrats JJD, you being handed that win got you out of the bottom two, most likely!

    No, on to everything else that was decent!

    Shangela is FINALLY scored accurately AND almost won the Dance Marathon! Shangela/Gleb were actually doing content in the Marathon, more than kicking your feet, doing cartwheels and defaulting to lifts when all else fails. But also, their dance tonight was phenomenally fun. I was surprised, but happy, Len didn't call out the "faffing about" at the start. It was just a whole lot of fun and, honestly, if everyone else can get overscored, I am 100% fine with Shangela getting those 9s she should have gotten last night and last week.

    Daniel/Britt are my favourite partnership this season, full stop. They just care for each other so much and it shows. Now, I do think that Britt REALLY REALLY needs to push Daniel into tougher choreography. He has the basics down, you can see he has the fluidity and the ability to get those moves down, but she needs to give him more to do in the dances. She still hasn't figured out how to make his dances flow better and she REALLY REALLY needs to next week because he's already in some danger, just from how his scores are starting to waver. He clearly is one of the better male celebs this season, but Britt, or maybe Daniel himself, is holding him(self) back. He can absolutely do it! They just need to go all out! 

    I'm gonna say it right now: Trevor/Emma's jive was my favourite dance of the night. I don't care if it wasn't the best dance, it was my favourite one to watch. Trevor does surprisingly well with these faster dances. Emma gave him great choreography....also, I REALLY love Green Day and although Basket Case isn't a jive-type song, they made it work. More pop-punk on this show! It was genuinely fun, Trevor performed it very well and it definitely goes on my top ten favourite dances of this season.

    Charli's jive was off, for sure. I enjoyed Trevor's more than hers. She wasn't following through with her legs. 

    Gabby's tango was great. A perfect score, maybe not, but I do think it was one of the best of the night AND I felt like a bit of personality finally shone through.

    Wayne's samba was a lot of fun. Again, maybe not a perfect score worthy, but it was genuinely a joy to watch.

    Vinny now replaces Sam Champion as Most Smiley Celeb During a Dance. I'm glad to see he's having more fun. I still think he should have gone this week, but him making it through again makes me VERY worried about the next three weeks. 

    Jordin's dance tonight was ok, nothing great, but her dancing to her own song was lovely to see. Also, goddamn, she was seventeen/eighteen when her biggest song came out. Damn.

    Heidi is technically good, as always, but man, she really needs to figure out a way to connect to her dances or else she's surely going sooner than we think. I AM glad it's showing that she's not getting the votes, as I was worried today about her making it to the finals, but she may start to get saved by Len a lot if it continues.

    Sad for Joseph, who was showing improvement bit by bit, and got screwed by the Marathon (that clearly saved Jessie or someone else that scored higher).

    Overall, I AM glad it wasn't a TOTAL shock elimination for my favourites, but still not a fantastic end here.

    Trevor is one of my faves and progressing on track but he is being judged by the Ringer metric so is just fodder. Charli, by that same metric, did not live up to expectations and performed a very lackluster jive.

    Similarly, I've enjoyed seeing Jessie work hard to grow each week. I was happy for her and Alan. It felt like my legs were aching after watching them!

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  3. Sigh. Lucy is so dickmatized. It's uncomfortable to watch people be their very human, selfish, ignoble versions of themselves.

    That Pippa oral sex scene and the talk that followed was embarrassingly realistic. I cringed and applauded. Her back story  was really good and makes me like the character a lot more.

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  4. Alan's camera mugging amounted to aggressively asking voters to notice and pick them, and I loved every second of it. Jessie did well and I hope she relaxes and stops talking about her stress and anxiety as I don't think audiences recieve that well. 

    Joseph and Vinnie were just ok. Joseph's routines do rely too much on gimmicks, like Len said. 

    Trevor was not bad and was judged a but harshly IMHO.

    Charli and Mark continue to disappoint me. I love Mark but he doesn't seem as inspired or the chemistry isn't as good with her. My expectations are higher for her, and apart from their first dance, I haven't been wowed. She repeats the same goofy faces and tik tok moves that Mark incorporates for her.

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  5. 41 minutes ago, SnarkAttack said:

    I'm surprised Lucy doesn't suspect Stephen with regard to the wet camera, she was so sensitive about the fact he didn't seem to want to be seen with her.

    This is believable, in my unfortunate experience. It's only year 1 of the narcissistic abuse. She thinks he's a typical horny college guy whom she's reforming and she's "won" his love over his (very impressive) ex-gf. She doesn't think he's a manipulative, potentially evidence-tampering POS, capable of just about anything to look out for his selfish agenda. In order to avoid cognitive dissonance from her love of him, she has to believe his explanations whenever he gaslights her.

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  6. I don't believe Paige stayed for Henry. Paige stayed for Paige. She's ultimately one of their 2 American kids, as Claudia put it, and was having fun trying on different identities as young adults do. She wanted to feel special and belong so she became a Bible thumper. Her convictions didn't last too long once indoctrinated by her mom and then she tried on Soviet Spy. Once shit got too real there, she split again and hopefully comes to terms with the fact she is just a typical Taylor Swift American girl. 

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  7. 6 hours ago, mansonlamps said:

    Haha, I was just coming here to say the same thing!  In a quick Google search I was unable to determine the actress's age though.  Weirdly I thought the same thing about Eleanor on Never Have I Ever and the one thing they have on common is bangs, so maybe bangs age a person?  Either way it's distracting.

    Yes she does look a lot older than the others and it's the only casting decision I dislike. The rest are cast really well. Ironically, bangs are known to make a person look younger lol.

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  8. This show is my 20s with deadly accuracy. I unfortunately knew and fell for an even worse Stephen who irrevocably harmed me.

    I find the dialogue and the coming-of-age sexual discovery (especially from the female POV) realistic, and Stephen's malignant narcissism very convincingly portrayed by the show and actor. They aren't trying to make him redeemable (at least not yet) and are servicing his character honestly.

    I'm not having a grand time reliving my Lucy-ness but am impressed with and grateful for the show's veracity. I don't recall seeing any other teen show attempt and succeed in this. I wish I had more of the likes of this growing up instead of the kind that panders to rom-com delusions.

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  9. I call BS on Broncos Cheerleader Gabby not being confident acting sexy. 😄

    I hope Charli didn't peak in Week 1 because every dance since has had less and less impact.

    Gleb and Shangela definitely exude joy and living their best lives. I'm rooting for them.

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  10. 1 hour ago, White Dog said:

    Not long ago Alfonso was criticized for asking a question to Emma and her partner. Looks like they are  embracing the showmance hardcore and fans are eating it up. 

    Frankly I never saw the issue with the question. It was a steamy dance, they are both great-looking, and, Emma and Sasha have  separated. Usually when a couple separates, they've been over each other for quite some time beforehand.

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  11. On 9/26/2022 at 6:06 PM, funnygirl said:

    Unpopular opinion: trained dancers/ringers like Charli aren't fun to watch. Might as well watch two pros dance. I like seeing the "stars" make improvements every week and see the work they put in.

    It's even worse when the ringer has no personality, faux humility and shock when they receive their glowing praise. Charli's reactions always make me roll my eyes: "Oh my gosh! I got a good score! I managed to pull it off!"

    Was prepared to enjoy Gabby but she seems a bit off or rude, and just leaves me confused sometimes.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:
    • Shangela/Gleb: Well, who knew Gleb actually had it in him! This was my favourite dance of the night, and they have quickly become my second favourite couple to root for. Shangela did amazing, she really enjoyed herself and has the winner potential, but it's Gleb who surprised me. His content has always been so-so, and maybe it's still going to be the case, but this is the best start he's had...ever, really, and he has a celeb who can get him past fourth place. But it's on Gleb to get her there. Shangela has proven that she can do it, but Gleb needs to prove that he can choreograph stand-out dances. If he can do that, Shangela will get to the finals with ease.

    I liked Gleb's pairing with Jana but yeah it's a surprise seeing how he's never looked more excited. She seems very fun to be around. They have great chemistry.

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  13. 5 hours ago, White Dog said:

    Alfonso should be doing the Tom Bergeron hosting bit and Banks can wallow somewhere upstairs. 

    So true. For her talk show personality and background, this is what she wants to do anyway. That's why it's so jarring and annoying when she sucks up judges time trying to get a talk show moment out of the dancers. Alfonso would be perfect in the traditional host role. If only Tyra's ego would allow this switch-up.

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  14. I abhor man buns but Mark Ballas is so sensational when he dances, I was fixated to him. I remember when Julianne crudely accused him of purposely choreographing to outshine his partners--well, the man can't help it, dammit lol. I feel he should have been at least a 3X mirror ball champion tbh, but his freestyles kind of get muddled.

    Alfonso is a natural but he feels pressure sometimes to riff off Tyra's dominant and frantic energy. She's a bad influence for this.

    Too bad Jason and Peta got booted. Would have been a hot pairing to continue to watch. I love Peta but I don't see a lot of love for her so wasn't surprised.

    Also, Koko is gorgeous. It's nice to see an Asian pro. Too bad she has to deal with all that obnoxiousness in Vinnie.


    I recall when Mark danced with Paige Van Zant and others I definitely noticed them, as much as I enjoy Mark, so Charli may be a bit dull. We shall see.

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  15. I hated this season so much I can barely write about it as it doesn't deserve any more time. I see some lukewarm reception so maybe I'm not alone in this feeling as it boggles my mind how anyone could enjoy this over a certain age. I am not the right audience anymore I suppose. The absurdity and terrible overacting of mustache-twirling Silver made KKIII unenjoyable so maybe I should have just tuned out but I had faith the Cobra Kai team would ground it better. 

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  16. 17 hours ago, TVMovieBuff said:

    I had to bite my knuckle when i saw Mark Ballas is back, and I won't be seeing him.  

    Wait, what?! 

    OK I had to immediately Google this. He's the thing I'm excited about for this season now and ringer schminger. It's a deserved welcome back gift for him. :) 

  17. I know the back story dragged at times and wasn't well received, but young Julia, young Baz, young Pope, and Smurf's evolution into Ellen Barkin's Smurf was fascinating to me. I loved the casting for it. I rewatched the scene of Smurf throwing Julia out multiple times. So disturbing but well done. Wish we could have taken back some Nikki and Frankie in past seasons and Craig's biker dude's pointless scenes to tell more of the backstory or a full fledged spin-off even.

  18. J coming out the "winner" at the end, but at the cost of turning into a monster like Smurf herself (and OD'ing Penny like how his mom died) reminded me of the Conficious quote: "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” J looked dead inside, despite being in paradise.

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  19. I respect they gave them endings they "deserved" instead of doing fan service and pandering like a lot of finales. But it was so not fun and of course not feel-good. What a depressing ending. Glad Pope saved J but he shouldn't have gotten to slide. Julia wasn't completely innocent, either, as a bratty kid. She didn't deserve that but a lot of kids are actually innocent and get abused. She once had everything and snotted off to her mom every chance she could get.

  20. 15 hours ago, Kristi800 said:

    But Baz wouldn't let her in because of Smurf.

    She was already in. He asked if she wanted anything and she asked for a beer. He only kicked her out when she said she wanted to stay for a few days. The shower, a hot meal and food packed to go with some money would have been done with haste--not much longer than her making small talk over beer and arguing. 

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