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Asp Burger

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Posts posted by Asp Burger

  1. I'd like a great episode, and I think they'll do something, but my fear is that 15 of approximately 37 minutes of air time will be Carly and Sonny having flashbacks to their interactions with Epiphany. Willow will probably get a decent chunk too, positioning her as the inheritor of Epiphany's mantle. Everyone else will take whatever of the pie is left. Curtis comforting Marshall...maybe they'll bring Bobbie out of storage for a short scene with Liz and Nurse Amy. "I can't believe she's gone." "I keep expecting her to step off that elevator." "GH won't be the same." 

    I wonder if Sonya had taped scenes we have not seen yet.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Tenshinhan said:

    I wonder if they will now kill off Epiphany.

    That is the best of the sad options. The character is in a relationship, she's been studying for the MCATs, and she's been such a big part of the hospital scene for almost 17 years now. Her first episode aired when Spencer was a newborn!

    So they have to do something. I don't want a situation where she's always offscreen, and I also wouldn't want her recast. I feel it was because Sonya Eddy was so strong that the character lasted and became as important as she was. She deserves an emotional send-off, with the characters dealing with the loss of their friend as the actors are.

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  3. Whew. It sounds as though there's an interesting story here, which I hope trickles out eventually. 

    That said...well, it's never easy to step in and play a character who's been around for decades, as even experienced soap stars such as Greg Vaughan and Billy Miller have seen. Some liked MC's interpretation and some didn't. I do think he tried hard, and I remember how he always said gracious things about his co-stars: Maura, Ingo, Becky, Genie, Rebecca Budig, others. I'll have worse memories of some of the writing choices for Nikolas in 2020-22 than I will have of the way he responded to them. 

    I personally think playing out those final scenes and going out on a good note would have been the smarter play, but I wish him luck on whatever is next. I have no idea what I should be hoping for with regard to the future of Nikolas. I hope not Adam Huss on contract. 

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  4. On 12/17/2022 at 4:08 PM, 30 Helens said:

    My Nik rankings:

    • 5. Coltin Scott: hated him. Wrong in every way
    • 4. Recent Temp: no, no, no. But at least he didn’t stick around as long as Coltin Scott.
    • 3. Tyler Christopher
    • 2. Nick Stabile: Wrong physically, but he brought something to the role that I really liked. I thought his acting was good, and he paired well with Ava. I know I’m pretty much alone in this, but before MC was cast, I was hoping he’d return.
    • 1. Marcus: because of the above and also great chemistry with Ava. MW may not miss him, but I certainly will.

    I remember liking Chris Beetem, who covered when TC was having surgery in 2005. I think Nikolas's arm was in a cast for continuity purposes (?). The Courtney relationship was going on then, and there was a get-together with those two and Liz and Lucky (Vaughan's version); that's one scene I remember him playing. But I understand him being forgotten. Brief and a long time ago. 

    It's hard for me to rank. I thought Tyler Christopher was all over the place over 20 years, from really good to really bad. Everything about him varied, and he was the longest-serving by such a wide margin. Anyway, it's an even split for me: Out of six, I generally liked three (TC, Coloma, and Beetem) and disliked three (the others). Stabile was the best of the three I didn't like. He seemed like a decent actor who, in some other spot on the show, I would have been able to enjoy. 

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  5. 10 hours ago, CeChase said:

    I do remember the bloggers saying Marcus and Johnny didn't want to vax, but they both caved late in the game. 

    Carolyn Hennesy's name came up in those rumors too. 

    10 hours ago, ciarra said:

    I hope they don't hire TempNik.  He was awful.

    I felt the same, but I don't think there's any danger of that. If they get rid of Coloma but keep Nikolas around, they'll probably aim higher. That guy just screamed "emergency fill-in."

    I thought the Temp Michael who kept popping in and out was bad too.

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  6. 11 hours ago, tessaray said:

    I was on the barge back then, so have never seen TC/MW together. I should probably look for clips. 

    I was watching, but there wasn't a lot to go on, so I didn't form an impression. They were on a plane together and bantered a little, and then Nick Stabile played out the bulk of the story. Stabile might have been a good AJ, but I didn't like him as temp Nik at all. He looked more like Laura's brother (there's about eight years between him and Genie Francis).

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  7. I too thought Coloma started strong, and he was never better than in about the first six months, when Nikolas was pursuing his vendetta against Valentin.

    Since then, it's been a combination of a bad direction for the character, and the actor falling into a rut. The chemistry with Maura West was good, but the writing for them as a couple hasn't been. 

    45 minutes ago, tessaray said:

    Speculation aside, there are a dozen other actors I'd boot from the show before him.  MC doesn't bug me the way he does others. 

    Same. I can think of at least ten cast members who were never good, or stopped being good quite a while ago, or aren't good in the particular role the show has given them. Whatever the case, I never enjoy their scenes. 

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  8. ELQ is only one pie that Valentin has fingers in, though. He's always had a lot of vague stuff going on in the background. He was mixed up with Cassandra Pierce, after all.

    This sounds like all-new story. A shady "security" company to which Valentin is connected wants to move its "classified" items through Port Charles, they want to use Sonny's storage facilities, and they'll pay him millions per shipment. These items absolutely have to move through Port Charles on the way to wherever they're going, because Port Charles is the prime shipping hub of the whole region, as is brought up constantly in stories like this one. Sonny turned it down, and Valentin warned him that now that he knows all about the deal without being involved in it himself, Sonny will be considered a liability.

    I'm assuming Mrs. Wu will get involved in this, because she's the only other underworld figure on the canvas currently. 

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  9. 15 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Eh. Except as a recast for Fallon Carrington (and she was a horrible choice) on Dynasty and then The Colbys, Emma didn't really hit it in prime time like Genie did. She appeared on Murder, She Wrote and as the mother in My Two Dads. But I'm blanking on anything else she did after leaving this show.

    The bad Melrose Place spinoff Models, Inc., with Linda Gray as the head of a modeling agency. In a last-ditch attempt to save the show, the producers brought Samms on as a new villainness who bought half the agency, hoping she could be to it what Heather Locklear had been to the parent series. It didn't help.

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  10. 5 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    At least Dante and Sam are happening mostly off screen.

    If we're counting small favors, so are Austin and Maxie. It cracks me up that they're so often not even in the same episodes. One of them will be out in public and will say the other one is working or whatever. They had their onscreen first date 15 months ago. I'm not even sure what they've done yet. Not that I want the show to keep me better informed.  

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  11. I was looking at the episode counts at the SON boards, and no surprise that Victor won October. Sonny and Carly were a shockingly low fifth and tied-for-sixth, respectively. If you feel that 2022 overall has been the Sonny, Carly, and Nina hour, you're right, but Esme was in more episodes than anyone else two months (March and August). 


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  12. On 11/17/2022 at 4:34 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

    Several GHers did "ER" duty: Julie Berman, Kathleen Goti, Jeff Kober, Kimberly McCullough, Sonya Eddy.

    Also Megan Ward (original Kate Howard), Bonnie Burroughs (Gladys), and Vernee Watson (Stella). And probably a couple dozen others, because that show had a lot of one-episode characters and was on forever. 

  13. 21 hours ago, nilyank said:

    Meanwhile, I think the kiss between Joss and Dex had heat. More so that she had ever with Cam. 

    It's reminding me a bit of Emily, Zander, and Juan...with poor Cameron (ironically, Zander's son) in the Juan role. He even sings! And Dex has physical similarities to Zander, besides being on the wrong side of the law.  

    No offense to any Emma Samms fans, but this Holly return cannot end too soon for me. 

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  14. Re: "The Houston story." Stephen A. Smith is a Yankees fan, and I don't know whether MB is, but his character is. The Houston Astros have thwarted the Yankees over and over in recent years. It sounds as though Brick and Sonny went to a road game or playoff game and got into a fight with Astros fans, judging by the little bit we got about idiots in a private box. 

    7 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    Also, here's a thought: maybe hire an actual private investigator to find Willow's bio family instead of googling it. 

    Yeah. A shame there aren't private investigators who are actual characters on this show. Oh, wait. 

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  15. If Dex and Josslyn are supposed to be a new-generation Jason and Carly, then a little down the line, can we push the parallel further by having Emma come back to town (maybe played by someone else), and Josslyn being jealous and resentful because Little Miss Perfect Emma can no wrong in Dex's eyes?

    Where they're going wrong with Eden McCoy is that we're supposed to find her likable, and she's obnoxious. She'd be easier to take as a junior-division bitch. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, CeChase said:

    Man, Joss and Dex have real sexual chem.  It really highlights that Joss and Cam do not.  I think this is the right move from the writers.  But I also want someone for Cam now.  

    Spencer. Problem solved. 

    Kidding. Sort of. 

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  17. 17 hours ago, ffwbe said:

    it was totally obvious that they had nothing for him to do once Jax and Nina split up. They kept him isolated in that Carly/Nina bubble despite the fact that he was a long term character and had other ties, which I didn’t mind at all given how he was IRL but it was weird how ignored he was. 

    One of his other main ties was his longstanding friendship with Alexis, and even though IR and NLG would have scenes together once in a great while (like when Alexis was about to go off to prison, I think?), the sparseness of their scenes together went along with their obvious lack of harmony in real life. I think the writers/producer were doing their part to limit contact there.

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  18. 18 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

    As far as Millow is concerned, I'm afraid to admit, I'm #TeamCancer 

    The old Television Without Pity (or was it SoapZone? Or both?) nickname for the Natalia Livingston Emily might make a comeback if Willow delivers a few more lines like "Nina knew her place." Emily doesn't need it anymore, and I don't suppose it was retired like a great baseball player's number. The abbreviation was "TCB," and the "c" stood for "cancer." The rest is easy enough to guess.  

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  19. I'm perennially a day behind, but I have to join in the combination of laughter and puzzlement at Curtis hoping Portia will give him six children, or even the three she got him down to. Brook Kerr looks fantastic, and it's possible we're intended to believe she's playing somewhat younger than her 48 years, but there are limits! Portia does have a daughter who's nearly college-aged, and I've always assumed she had Trina at an age that would be plausible for her to have been married to Taggert at the time. 

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  20. I think it's a chicken-and-egg situation. No prior writing or producing regime showed an interest in doing anything with Liz's family other than occasionally having a sibling (established or newfound) be in town for a while. Not having any contact with her parents for her whole time in Port Charles became the character's story over two decades plus. That was added to Liz's talk in her younger years about how her sister Sarah was always the favored child.

    So, the current group is getting drama out of the hand it was dealt. The character, Liz, is now saying things viewers have said about her parents never being around for the big events in her life, both good and bad. 

    If Lucky were to be recast and start appearing in 2023, they probably would get drama out of his long absence. I can imagine friction with Liz's kids, even though there have been mentions here and there of his having some relationship from afar, at least with Aiden. I can imagine Cameron being standoffish, giving an angry-boy speech about how you don't get to just show up and pick up where you left off and talk about times I don't even remember, when Franco is the one who was there for us, etc. 

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  21. On 10/29/2022 at 10:16 AM, zengirl1215 said:

    Joss tells a rock she's drifting away from Cam.

    On 10/29/2022 at 11:54 AM, Cheyanne11 said:

    Perfect audience for her, as it can't talk back.  Or say anything she finds offensive.

    Drape a black T-shirt over it, and it would be the next best thing to having Jason back. Get in on that, Carly! 

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