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Asp Burger

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Posts posted by Asp Burger

  1. 2 hours ago, Blackie said:

    OMG I had already forgot about Austin and Maxie and I was kind of wondering why Felicia was caring about  or even knew Austin 😜


    1 hour ago, Auntie Velvet said:


    It's remarkable how long they were a thing, and they're already fading from minds. I would hardly believe it myself if I could not see the dates in cold print. They met in May 2021, had their first date in September 2021 (Carly and Jason's wedding), and broke up 15 months later, in December 2022. There were a few kisses and many bland conversations, but I can't recall even the threat of a real story for them as a couple. 

    Even for present-day GH, which doesn't do romance well, they were historically inert. I wonder if one or both actors weren't into the pairing.

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  2. 11 hours ago, Gigi43 said:

    What's RoHo's status? Could Austin be dead? 

    I don't know anything, and the current regime has been good at keeping departures under wraps (unless an actor dismissal was big news in special circumstances), but Howarth's Franco character bit it in early March 2021. Two years left on the contract at that time, maybe? 

    8 hours ago, ffwbe said:

    Is it just me or was Sam and Dante’s weeklong investigation rather pointless?

    "Rather pointless" is a good way to sum up all things Dante and Sam.

    I don't mind them, but they always have seemed like "long-term parking" to me, because neither of them has a better possibility in town at the moment. I mean that's how I believe the writers feel about them, not the way the characters feel about each other. 

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  3. I read an interview with Adam Huss a few days ago. An interesting detail in that he had auditioned unsuccessfully for both Nikolas and Shiloh. I guess the current policy of GH is to keep names of the runners-up handy if they need a fill-in or (in the case of Trina) a permanent replacement.

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  4. Brook Kerr is a bit Rebecca Herbst-like in her vulnerability. So even if Portia deserves to take verbal lashings, I'm probably just going to feel bad for Portia, because she'll be playing the reactions like "Look, I know I suck, but can you ease up?"

    It won't help that Curtis's smug ass is going to be one of the inquisitors. I did like Curtis once upon a time, but he's slid.

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  5. 10 hours ago, ffwbe said:

    why were Michael/Willow/Wiley the ones ones standing on a separate platform. 

    I know. They look like a cake ornament.

    Also, the Wiley actor appears to be leaning so as not to be obscured by Brook Lynn. It's hard to photograph 50+ people, but parts of this needed a little more fine-tuning.  

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  6. 25 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    I know they included the recurring actors as well as those on contract, but it's still at least 20 people too many.

    Imagine how cluttered it would have been if they had included everyone we're seeing semi-regularly. Gladys. Linc. Blaze. Mason. Cyrus and Martin. Yuri. Brick. Phyllis (I guess it's been a while since she aired). Everyone's kids.

    • Mind Blown 1
  7. Thank you, jbst. Jane was the last one stumping me. I was trying to go through process of omission. I knew she wasn't Gladys or Monica or Heather.

    Cody has made so little impression on me that it took me a while to recognize him too.

    That isn't my favorite coif for Maura West.

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  8. 6 hours ago, standbyme said:

    It's amazing isn't it? It's the first time in decades I genuinely enjoy Sonny. I get depressed whenever I see the official gh instagram comments, because they're all clamoring for the return of pre-Nina Sonny.  But Sonny today is charming, and happy, and makes reasoned, logical decisions.  

    I agree with this, but he's also in a supporting role, which is a rarity and maybe a nice change for some of us. The parts of the story that are really about him (this dangerous deal, the traitor in his organization) have been slow-moving background. Most of his scenes lately are supporting Nina, counseling Spencer, trying to be nice to Josslyn, trying to be nice to Michael and Willow, trying to coexist as exes/parents with Carly. He's almost a male Laura lately: getting a lot of air days, talking to a lot of characters, but it isn't really about him.

    Many of those calling for a return to pre-Nixon Falls Sonny want him back with Carly, and I'll never agree with that. I wasn't an S/C fan at any point, but at least when Sarah Brown and Tamara Braun played Carly, I could see why they had fans. Benard and Wright just never had it that way, and reuniting their characters was lazy. 

    6 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

    Because with the exception of Jax, Carly has spent her entire adult life wtih a mobster, first Jason then Sonny, then Jason, then Sonny, then Lorenzo then Sonny.  So she really does'n't have a leg to stand on.  

    I was on the barge at the time, but wasn't she with Johnny Zacchara for a while too? 

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  9. 2 hours ago, Black Knight said:

    The other thing is that actors don't mind nearly as much about bad writing as fans do, because actors get paid and that paycheck is usually the most important thing

    Beyond the paycheck factor, actors aren't as sensitive to bad writing as fans are because the actors experience the show from the inside. Their heads are full of "intention" as much or more than execution. This is especially true when the actors have input into the direction of the show. All three of the returning female stars from SATC are executive producers. They clearly had a lot to say about the choices made with their characters.

    But yeah, for someone like Corbett or Eigenberg, it's probably just a well-paying gig, and maybe a nice reunion with people they enjoyed working with before and like (if such is the case). 

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  10. On 2/4/2023 at 10:36 PM, ffwbe said:

    I couldn’t stand 07-09 era Lulu. She started off so promising but became completely insufferable. Annoying character and they gave her so many undeserved smack down moments with other female characters who should have been able to tell the brat off. They did a complete 180 with her once Dante came on the scene. That pairing really saved her

    Same. I remember the days of "The Lulu, The!" (Simpsons reference) at TwoP. She got terrible characterization for a while after the SORASing, while being on all the time and always in big stories. But I came to like her more when Dante entered the picture.

    I did find JMB much better than Rylan. At least I could feel strongly about whatever the character was when JMB played her. In the Girl Reporter/"Muh daughter!" era, she was just bland. 

    On 2/5/2023 at 10:25 AM, lala2 said:

    I loved MC’s Nikolas. I know many didn’t like him but he was fine with me. I thought he was doing a great job. I hate that his character was trashed for Esme of all people but it is what it is. I honestly don’t care what happens to Nikolas anymore. I’m fine with them killing him off because I don’t think he’s needed, especially since the writers never let him catch a break. I hate when the writers pile on one character. 

    Same, again. I had high hopes for this new Nikolas, because I'm inclined to like the character, but he was just degraded into a combination of sleaze and idiot, and I think it affected the actor's performance. And as @nilyanknotes, that really started in Tyler's last tenure. Maybe Frank just doesn't like the character, no matter who's playing him. The comparison to the writing for Julian was on the money.  

    I watched Adam Huss more carefully in this last episode, because I've been seeing positive comments about him here. I don't think he's a bad actor, necessarily. He's fine for a fill-in, and he's better in this fill-in stint than he was in the earlier ones. He just doesn't do anything for me. If there were an announcement that he'd won the role long term (such as that could be called a "win," see above), I wouldn't expect to care about Nikolas's stories. I did think Coloma had some charisma through it all, and he had good chemistry with his love interest and the actors playing those close to him. But he had the least with NAC. While I liked both of them individually, I never really bought them as a father and son.

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  11. I hate that cow-eyed open-mouthed look that is Josslyn's default face when expressing how put upon she is. They try to sell her as a brave-and-strong chip off the old block, but what they write and what McCoy acts is a lot of whining, between outbursts of self-centered bitchiness. We talk a lot about how she's a Mini-Carly, but to get more specific about it, she's a young Carly who already has everything and doesn't need to hatch schemes to claw her way up.

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  12. 5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    It's not that weird, actually. Nik knows Elizabeth has a complicated relationship with her parents, and bringing her mom to PC to check out Esmé was classic Cassadine manipulation on a number of levels. Elizabeth didn't like the position Nik had put her in in the first place (while accepting she freely agreed to help him with Esmé), and Nik trying to keep Esmé memoryless was too close to what Elizabeth had gone through.

    It was even (perhaps accidentally) good continuity from way back, in the Coltin Scott Mellencamp period of Nikolas. Nik's girlfriend of the time, Gia, was driving under the influence with Elizabeth as passenger when she ran a red light and plowed into SWSNBN. Elizabeth had a head injury and couldn't remember the accident, and Nikolas moved her into Wyndemere, allegedly to "recover" but also so he could influence her memories and keep her on the same page with him and Gia in their untrue version of how the accident happened. Elizabeth was furious with him when she finally remembered; it caused a big rift between Lucky/Liz and Nikolas/Gia for a while. 

    That story seems pretty low-stakes now, and it even did at the time (all that paying witnesses off, burying blood alcohol tests, and gaslighting your friend over a car accident in which no one even died?), but 20 years later to the month, he's still manipulating amnesiac girls. 

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  13. 11 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    I'm guessing at some point she'll get her memories back and be at least partially horrified, which is an OK reset for the character.  Better than 'the tumor made me do it.'

    I hope for something like this, because I'm enjoying sympathetic Esme. My fear is a storyline in which she gets her memories back and is as malicious as ever, conceals it from everyone, and keeps milking the condition so people will be nice to her and she can manipulate them. (DOOL's Sami Brady story from the late '90s, when Austin backed over her with his car.) 

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  14. 16 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    None of Michael's girlfriends had much of their own identity. Maybe Nelle? Or Rosalie? They were all there to revolve around him.

    There was a very brief one (not a girlfriend, but a date) I thought was promising, named Francesca. She had a bit of fire to her. She was opinionated about music and was trying to get Droopy Dog to listen to...Hinds, wasn't it? Nelle, who was pregnant at the time, did something to sabotage their date, and Francesca told Michael she wasn't up for whatever complicated things were going on with him.

    Then the character was trotted out briefly for use as corroboration in the #metoo story with Kiki's doctor boss, and never seen again. 

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  15. Shelly and Jean were inordinately proud of their breast-feeding story, with Olivia taking on the mayor. The bar for pride was low. That may be the worst "issue" storyline I've ever seen on GH.  

    I'm several pages late to this, but with regard to Nina stepping back and telling Willow, "I am open to a relationship, but the ball is in your court, and I won't try to contact you again": That would be great in real life, but the Carlys are not rational even for soap characters. There are so few places to go in this town (the hotel and everything attached to it, the hospital, the PC Grill, Kelly's, Curtis's club, the docks, the park, that town square place where they have public events, and some private residences). Even if Willow got off the elevator and Nina was already standing at the nurses' station talking to Liesl, she'd spin it as Nina turning up everywhere she goes. "My God, Michael, will this woman never leave me alone?" 

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  16. 8 hours ago, ffwbe said:

    Is Willow a popular character? I feel like she’s gotten A storylines since she debuted and I find her so blah. Why are they centering so many large storylines around her?

    I suspect she's well liked. Katelyn is pretty; the character has gone through difficult things; she has generally been sympathetically portrayed. Even when she's behaved badly (sneaking around behind dying Chase's back with Michael, shrieking at Nina and wishing terrible things on her), the show has gone out of its way to do justice to her emotional POV. The writing attempts to protect her. 

    But I suspect she's still the kind of character most viewers make up their minds about based on the characters to whom she's adjacent. Viewers who love Michael, Carly, and Josslyn probably love her too and think she's ideal. If the big storyline wheel turned a few times and she were involved with TJ or Cody or (I'll go crazy here) Kristina, I don't know if all of the same fans would follow her enthusiastically into those stories. 

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  17. 1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    No—that was well established in the TB years, if not at the end of the SJB era. LW's Carly might have thrown around "we're BFFs!" more, but Carly always thought of Jason that way.

    Yeah, I remember it starting in 2001, when Burton made a return that got abbreviated (because he got a part in The Last Castle, I think?). Sarah Brown had one foot out the door. Carly was solidly with Sonny, and she was firmly in the "Jason's my bestest friend in the whole world" mindset. Anyway, the two of them went to some dive together and she was trash-talking Liz ("She's not worthy of you" and all that), because she knew he was into Liz and would be excited to see her again. 

    48 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

    Which would be interesting if he was AJ or Lorenzo's son.  But even then, he'd be brainwashed into believing the parent (AJ or Lorenzo) was the bad buy and sonny would was misunderstood.  In good writing hands it would be great, but it's not.  

    If he were AJ's via Hannah Scott, that might be good. She was in a triangle with Taggert and AJ pretty much right up to the point she left town, and she was tilting AJ's way toward the end. (Edit: But yeah, the familial complications with the Joss relationship would be icky.) 

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  18. 3 hours ago, Blackie said:

    Also Trina's opinion of Joss and Dex, I don't think she will be as praiseful as Olivia. (old Trina wouldn't be anyways)

    Given how everything comes up roses for Josslyn, I will expect it just to turn into a bonding moment for Josslyn and Trina because Trina was also with a boring nice guy recently and couldn't stop thinking about Spencer. Then Trina will be encouraging Cameron to get over himself and forgive. 

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  19. 38 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

    I think they got Cam’s dialogue perfect. He was able to stand up for himself and rightfully call Joss out on her trash behavior but they skipped the layers of misogyny that we would have gotten if someone like Guza was still involved with the show.

    I’m all for characters get called out, it should happen way more frequently, but I was never a fan of seeing women being called names and publicly degraded over and over again the way he wrote it. Especially when there was never any smoke for the men. 

    So much agreement. The Gooze really seemed to get off on that stuff. At times I wondered if he were reverse-engineering storylines just so he could write those scenes. Like, that was the big payoff that everything was set up to lead to: a woman being called a whore, a bitch, a slut, etc. Sometimes it even came from characters from whom it was jarringly off-key, like Jax's notorious graphic comment to Courtney about spreading her legs. (I hated Courtney, but it wasn't about that.) 

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